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An internal International Monetary Fund assessment paints a gloomy picture of Greece's ability to recover economically, with years of high unemployment, slow growth and political bickering threatening to undermine a recently approved international rescue program. The report describes both the depth of the social shock in store for the nation and the substantial risks that could push it back to insolvency.

Major firms retreated from the market Thursday at the very moment when they were most needed to support normal trading, in what a senior regulator calls the "most significant" factor behind the stock market's dramatic volatility.

Lawmakers vote unanimously to increase oversight of the Federal Reserve, but the two parties diverge on whether a bill to rewrite financial regulations should include an overhaul of government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

High-speed trains were once the preserve of Japan, with its "bullet train," and France, with its TGV. But China's trains are the world's fastest, its network of tracks the longest and its expansion plans the most ambitious. By 2012 it will have more high-speed infrastructure than the rest of the world combined.

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Corporate Crime


| Galleon chief Raj Rajaratnam seeks to suppress wiretaps.

Michelle Singletary

We're flunking personal finance


| The financial teaching grade is in for teachers -- and it's not good.

Steven Pearlstein

Open-minded solutions


| Taming the federal budget deficit requires neither the wisdom of a blue-ribbon panel nor the end of American life as we know it.

Cecilia Kang

Net Neutrality


| Netroots groups flood White House, FCC with calls to reclassify broadband.


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Unemployment by County

Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this map shows how each county is faring in the wake of the recession.


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Consequences of the Crisis

Assessing the legacy of the great financial tempest.

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