Going Out Guide

Your planning tool for events, nightlife and dining in the DC areaD.C.-area nightlife, events and dining

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October  2009
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What's New

Restaurant Reviews

Going Out Gurus

Going Out Guide

Nightlife Agenda

Parties and concerts celebrating Howard's homecoming take over D.C., but first, Wayna honors Billie Holiday at Blues Alley.

New Theater  Editors' Pick


Day In

Day In Photos

The best photos from around town and the world.

Eye On Entertainment

Eye On Entertainment

Actor George Takei gets cozy with a Klingon.

The Capital's AIDS Crisis

The Capital's AIDS Crisis

The squandering of D.C.'s AIDS dollars.




The NFL's antitrust exemption

Steven Pearlstein discusses a Supreme Court case involving the NFL's attempts to expand its antitrust exemption, a rule that allows teams like the Redskins to do well financially even while the team is playing poorly.


Tomas Fleischmann

Fleischmann back on the ice

After missing two months with a blood clot in his left leg, Capitals winger Tomas Fleischmann skates with his teammates.
» More Capitals Coverage

Maryland: QB Turner given vote of confidence

United: Ties Toluca, 1-1, in Champions League play

All-Met Watch: Offense | Defense | Varsity Debate

Features: D.C. Sports Bog | World Wide Wilbon

PrepsPost Blogs: D.C. | Maryland | Virginia

Voices & Opinions

Most Comments


Dulles toll hike likely to advance

Next Discussion


Race to Richmond

Poll Results


Agree with Skins decision on Zorn

Comment of the Day

No one fought against red light cameras...how could you think the shake down will stop at meters?"
- freeparking-- Free parking spots could sprout meters
John Kelly

John Kelly

Serious horse business

The logistics of the Washington International Horse Show.

Valerie Strauss

The Answer Sheet

A real 'human calculator'

Scott Flansburg can compute faster than some calculators.

Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

Foster project recasts 'family'

Concept creates clusters of foster families around a hub parent.

Your Opinions

Virginia traffic poised to worsen

A daytime nightmare is not far down the road.

Marriage equality's false divides

How D.C. is debunking many of the myths surrounding this important human rights issue.

Local letters | Hot topic | Who's best for Va.

Our Opinion

Mr. Shannon for attorney general

Two Fairfax lawmakers are vying for the job -- one wonkish, one worrying.



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