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Go Out List Image: Ben Olsen

Celeb: Ben Olsen

Benny's Best

Culture tips from the D.C. United star.

Go Out List Image: Robert Wiedmaier

Celeb: Robert Wiedmaier

Water, Water, Wiedmaier

We knew the Marcel's chef loved seafood, we just didn't know quite how much he loves the water.

Go Out List Image: Caron Butler

Celeb: Caron Butler

Downtime Favorites

Wizards star Caron "Tuff Juice" Butler lists where he goes to chill out.

Featured User: kristenbjones


Updated 04/30/2010 | 7 Items

to try

Featured User: Julia_Beizer

Date Spots in the District

Updated 10/27/2008 | 6 Items

These are some of my favorite places to spend time with a special someone.

Featured User: g3rd80

Recommended Restaurants

Updated 02/05/2010 | 33 Items

The restaurants that I have tried and loved.


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