On Leadership
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Exploring Leadership in the News with Steven Pearlstein and Raju Narisetti

Tackle our debt - seriously

Let Greece be our warning sign
Steve Pearlstein | Dow crash blame

Britian's 'green, modern' new leader

David Cameron meets the Queen
Faiola and Balz | Tweets on UK election
What People Are Saying

YOUR COMMENTS: What qualifies a leader?

carraway: I once served on a law school faculty. (At one of the 17 law schools that routinely count themselves among the "top ten.") At the first fa...

calidem1: Two words: Earl Warren. ...

JenAZ: Understanding agressively intelligent and capable women, it appears that Ms. Kagan has the requisite intellectual heft required to do the jo...

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FedCoach: View from the Top

Making epic change seem easy

Charlene Frizzera on implementing the new health-care law: 'You have three choices: you can fight it and fail, you can accept it and survive or you can lead it and prosper.'

Tom Fox


International leadership
Afghanistan's man for all seasons

Michael Fairbanks » Ashraf Ghani, then Afghanistan's Minister of Finance, asked the IMF team: 'If Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British and Soviet empires can't control Afghanistan, how does anyone think a team from IMF can?'

Stanley Cup leadership

Winning the post-season

Lisa Larson » Winning when the pressure is turned up requires developing a strong identity during the regular season and staying true to those values during post-season play.

Bono's 50th birthday

Why he's the leader we need

Nancy Koehn » Bono understands our most pressing issues demand a new kind of leadership, one based not in status systems but humility, an ardent desire to learn and a respect for the individuals organizations serve.

Two antitdotes for cyncicism

Larry Alexander » When followers become cynical, they are responding to two key attributes -- or the lack of them -- in their leaders: The presence or lack of perceived trustworthiness and competence.


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