Health Care Bill Would Expand Coverage, Cut Deficit

Assessment of the Senate finance committee legislation by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office boosts Democrats; Republicans still unconvinced; panel could vote as early as Friday.

Afternoon Edition  |  Jessica Loudis
  1. Taliban Claims They Come In Peace (For The West)

    In honor of the eighth anniversary of Afghan war, the Taliban have posted a message on their website saying that they pose no threat outside of Afghanistan – a move analysts say could be an attempt to distance themselves from al-Qaeda.

    Guardian | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  2. Romanian Herta Müller Wins Nobel Prize For Literature

    Herta Müller, a Romanian-born German author, has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

    Associated Press | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  3. Mayor Bloomberg Won't Take You To The Gun Show

    As part of a campaign to close the "gun show loophole" in firearm laws, New York City Mayor Bloomberg has conducted an undercover investigation to expose the law's shortcomings.

    NPR | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  4. Homeowners Sue Over Hidden Dangers of Drywall

    Lawsuits are stacking up across the country as homeowners claim that Chinese drywall is responsible for chronic health problems that make their houses unlivable. 

    The New York Times | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  5. Health Care Bill Would Reduce Deficit

    The Congressional Budget Office found that the Senate finance committee overhaul would increase coverage and save money.

    The Washington Post | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  6. Airwaves Can't Handle Wireless Traffic

    There's not enough room in the airwaves for all of our wireless traffic, the head of the Federal Communications Commission warned yesterday.

    Forbes | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  7. Brian Wilson Gets Around to Finishing Gershwin Songs

    Former Beach Boy and musical icon Brian Wilson has been granted permission to complete several unfinished songs by composer George Gershwin as part of an upcoming album Wilson will release next year.

    Los Angeles Times | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  8. Al-Qaeda Exhorts Chinese Muslims to Prepare for Holy War

    An al-Qaeda leader has told minority Chinese Muslims – known as Uighurs – to prepare for a holy war against the repressive Chinese government.

    CNN | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  9. FBI Indicts 100 Hackers in "Operation Phish Phry"

    The FBI has charged over a hundred alleged "phishers" – hackers that trick people out of passwords and bank records – in a case that spanned more than two years and two countries.

    Wired | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  10. Welcome to Cheney, Cheney, and Cheney?

    Apparently not content to take up golf in retirement, Dick Cheney may join his daughters in a start-up political consulting firm.

    The Washington Post | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  11. Corzine Ads Hit Below (And At) The Belt

    With the New Jersey gubernatorial race neck-and-neck, incumbent Jon Corzine's campaign ads have begun to aim for the gut – and specifically, opponent Christopher Christie's waistline.

    The New York Times | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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  12. Flash Typhoon Wreaks Havoc On Japan, Then Disappears

    A typhoon made landfall on the Japanese island of Honshu this morning, killing several people and injuring scores more before returning to sea and promptly disappearing.

    BBC | Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

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