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HOUSE GUEST: President Obama welcomes Afghan President Hamid Karzai to the White House Wednesday, meeting with Karzai in the Oval Office and holding a pool spray and East Room press conference with him. Later in the day, Obama and Karzai will meet over lunch with members of both their countries' national security teams.

Karzai's motorcade arrived at 10:14 a.m., just in time for the scheduled Oval Office bilateral meeting. Obama and Karzai will take two questions each from reporters in the East Room.

MEANWHILE, ON THE HILL: Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan begins visiting with senators on Capitol Hill. She's scheduled to meet with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, Ranking Member Jeff Sessions, Majoirty Whip Dick Durbin and Sens. Orrin Hatch, Herb Kohl and Dianne Feinstein.

All of today's posts

Your morning speed-reads

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Beau Biden 'stable'

VP in Phil. after son's stroke

VP in Phil. after son's stroke

The vice president and the second lady are in Philadelphia with their son Beau, who suffered a “mild stroke” the day before ...

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Suggested reading

W.H. hopes you catch ...

W.H. hopes you catch ...

... the AP’s “spin meter” showing that GOP senators opposing Kagan said it was OK for Miers to lack judicial experience ...

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'Evil' intentions

Israel: N. Korea tried to arm Hamas

Israel: N. Korea tried to arm Hamas

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman accuses North Korea of trying to smuggle weapons to Hamas and Hezbollah ...

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Pledge of support

Obama calls Henry after storms

Obama calls Henry after storms

The W.H. releases this readout after Obama meets with FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and calls Okla. Gov. Brad Henry ...

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Key Gibbs takeaways

W.H.: Obama 'frustrated' over Gulf

W.H.: Obama 'frustrated' over Gulf

Here’s what you need to know from Tuesday’s briefing with Robert Gibbs and FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate ...

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Changing attitudes

Gallup: Most say gays may serve

Gallup: Most say gays may serve

A new Gallup poll says 70 percent of Americans support allowing openly gay people to serve in the military ...

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Call with Abbas

Obama cites need to talk 'seriously'

Obama cites need to talk 'seriously'

He congratulates Abbas on the start of talks with Israel and calls for establishing an independent Palestianian state ...

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Behind closed doors

Kagan heads to Senate for meetings

Kagan heads to Senate for meetings

The SCOTUS nominee kick starts the confirmation process by meeting with Reid, McConnell, Leahy and Sessions ...

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Kerlikowske votes no

Drug czar opposes Calif. ballot issue

Drug czar opposes Calif. ballot issue

Obama's head of drug policy says a California ballot measure to legalize marijuana won't increase the state's tax revenues ...

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Excoriating Egypt

Admin slams 'Emergency Law'

Admin slams 'Emergency Law'

The White House slams the Egyptian government's decision to renew the state of emergency that has been in effect since 1981 ...

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Then there were two

WSJ: Feds probe Morgan Stanley

WSJ: Feds probe Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley is also under federal investigation for its sale of derivative-based investments that may have misled consumers ...

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Un-suggested reading

W.H. hopes you miss ...

W.H. hopes you miss ...

... the Congressional Budget Office’s revised estimate of the health care law's cost, which added $115 billion ...

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Calling Cameron

Obama phones new British PM

Obama phones new British PM

President Obama releases a statement after calling Britain's new prime minister David Cameron to congratulate him ...

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Garcia to visit

W.H. welcoming Peru's president

W.H. welcoming Peru's president

President Alan Garcia of Peru will meet with Obama at the W.H. on June 1, press secretary Gibbs announces ...

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Dodge of the day

Top evasion from the briefing

Top evasion from the briefing

Gibbs avoids saying whether Obama feels European leaders he has spoken with are confident in the financial rescue package ...

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Talking with Zapatero

Discussing rescue deal with Spain

Discussing rescue deal with Spain

Obama calls Spain's prime minister to discuss Europe’s financial rescue package, W.H. press secretary Gibbs told reporters ...

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Checking the Fed

Senate passes audit provision

Senate passes audit provision

The Senate unanimously approves an amendment proposed by Sen. Sanders to expand oversight of the Federal Reserve ...

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'I love Arlen Specter'

Obama stars in Pennsylvania ad

Obama stars in Pennsylvania ad

The president is seen saying the Pennsylvania Democrat "came to fight for the working men and women of Pennsylvania" ...

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No end in sight

Clinton: 'Futures are shared'

Clinton: 'Futures are shared'

Clinton promises Karzai that the U.S. will commit to Afghanistan’s future “long after U.S. combat troops have left" ...

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