Today's Highlights

Foreign Affairs

Afghan President in Washington to Discuss War Effort


Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai will meet with Pres. Obama to deliberate on matters of the war effort in Afghanistan. Both are expected to discuss ways to resolve disputes over corruption and a possible timeline for withdrawing American forces. Yesterday, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton met with Pres. Karzai for closed-door talks.
watch Joint News Conference:, 11:15am ET
read REUTERS: U.S. Courts Karzai    read AP: Clinton Reassures Afghans

British Politics

Environmental Policy

Cameron, clegg call their cabinet 'New kind of government'

Cameron, clegg call their cabinet 'New kind of government'


For the first time since becoming British Prime Minister, Conservative David Cameron held a press briefing along with his new Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. Speaking to reporters, Mr. Clegg referred to the partnership as being "underpinned by a common purpose." Mr. Cameron added that the coalition is a "historic and seismic shift" in British politics. They also emphasized their commitment to the new government by supporting a legislative agreement for a five year parliament.
Lawmakers Investigate Oil Spill Prevention Measures

Lawmakers Investigate Oil Spill Prevention Measures


Appearing for a second day on Capitol Hill, BP America Inc. Pres. Lamar McKay and Transocean Ltd. Pres. Steve Newman are providing their accounts on what caused the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Chairman Bart Stupack (D-MI) is holding this House Energy Subcmte. hearing to discuss how to prevent future incidents and the direction of U.S. national energy policy.

Recent Programs

Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Meets with Senators on Capitol Hill Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan met with senators on Capitol Hill. Ms. Kagan met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in their respective offices.
Washington, DC
watch Meeting with Sen. Reid    watch Meeting with Sen. McConnell: Available Later
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