26 October 2012

What does Syria gain by creating chaos in Lebanon?

Jorn De Cock reports from Beirut, where a recent bombing was likely orchestrated by Syria. Play entire video

How to change minds on gay marriage

E.J. Graff points to Maine, where gay marriage proponents have gone door to door sharing personal stories. Plus: Is the polling on gay marriage accurate?   Play entire video

Under-the-radar election stories

Liz Mair details some little-reported stories that could swing the race. Plus: Stupid talk on China from both candidates.   Play entire video

The false mythology of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Peter Kornbluh argues a false history has taught America the wrong lessons about foreign policy. Plus: Iran and the Cuban Missile Crisis.   Play entire video

The cost of criticizing the occupation

Israeli soldiers who speak out are sometimes regarded as traitors, says Avner Gvaryahu. Plus: How to be an occupier.   Play entire video

Reports of Al Qaeda’s death have been greatly exaggerated

Matt Duss and Daveed Gartenstein-Ross discuss the power of the terrorist group. Plus: Has Al Qaeda abandoned trying to govern?   Play entire video

A predictable election gets unpredictable

Timothy Noah and Joshua Trevino on the race's surprising turn. Plus: Is debate moderating a mug's game?   Play entire video

Previewing the final debate

Robert Wright and Liz Mair discuss the upcoming foreign policy debate. Plus: Did Candy Crowley play it fair?   Play entire video

Will China’s leadership change actually change anything?

Isaac Stone Fish and Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt consider. Plus: Seeing the surreal sights in Pyongyang.   Play entire video

A reluctant endorsement

Glenn Loury tells Joshua Cohen he'll vote for Obama again—but he's not exactly thrilled about it.   Play entire video

How Twitter reinforces media groupthink

Bill Scher and Matt Lewis explain. Plus: The final two weeks.   Play entire video

Mormonism and abortion

Pro-life Catholic Matthew Schmitz believes Romney's religion helps explain his position on abortion. Plus: Predicting the winner of the final debate.   Play entire video

Bayesian statistics and Romney’s poll bump

Glenn Loury and John McWhorter explain the reaction to Obama's first debate performance. Plus: The "I inherited this mess" claim.   Play entire video

How many undecided voters are there on Long Island?

Bill Scher and Matt Lewis question whether Obama and Romney's town hall audience was really undecided. Plus: An uncomfortably tense debate.   Play entire video

The so-called “Catholic vote”

Sarah Posner and Grant Gallicho question the idea that Catholics vote as a block.   Play entire video