Electronic Services

Electronic W-2 Program


General Information

For the 2008 calendar year, payroll providers who file payroll returns and complete Forms W-2 for employers are required to participate in the Electronic W-2 Transmittal pilot project. Payroll providers must electronically transmit Forms W-2 and W-2C returns using the Social Security Administrations EFW2 and EFW2C formats. The transmittal due date is March 31, 2009. See 86 IL Adm. Code Section 100.7300(b)(2) for more information.

Transmitter Registration

Transmitters are required to submit Form IL-8633-B, Business Electronic Filing Enrollment, to register a Logon ID (ETIN), and receive test and production passwords. If you previously registered and have a Logon ID and passwords, it is not necessary to do so again.


File layout requirements, program information, and contact information are available in The Form W-2 and W-2C Electronic Filing Specifications guide. 

Upload/Download Program

The HttpsPost Utility Program transfers files to and from the Illinois Department of Revenue's (IDOR) Gateway server via the Internet using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.  The utility runs as a stand-alone application under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, and XP.   Installation consists of simply copying the executable file, HttpsPost.exe, to an empty directory or folder. 

Social Security Administration

"Visit the Social Security Administration's web site for more information about the EFW2 and EFW2C program and to download SSA specifications." Here is the link to the SSA web site: http://www.ssa.gov/employer/bsohbnew.htm


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