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Mark Davis

Mark Davis: Two who want to stand in path of Democratic tank
Political analyst Charlie Cook's Partisan Voting Index is a measure of the nation's political landscape. In congressional districts, the index is derived by averaging voter totals from the previous two presidential elections and comparing them to the national presidential vote.


Mark Davis: Perry wasn't going to lose, so what's next?
There's no reason to believe that a runoff would have yielded a different winner, only six more weeks of ad wars and a comfortable Rick Perry victory. The Kay Bailey Hutchison camp has to know this is not because Texas has grown cold toward her.


Mark Davis: The human achievement of an Olympics to remember
It's a good thing for everyone in every country to get an occasional dose of commonality and contact with the rest of the globe. This is one reason I've always loved the Olympics, and these just-completed Games in Vancouver will rank among my favorites.


Mark Davis: Split decision on five GOP ballot props
Texas Republicans, while guiding the fates of incumbents and challengers, also will weigh in on five ballot propositions. They are "non-binding," which could mean "virtually meaningless," but that doesn't mean they won't spark some interest.


Mark Davis: Hutchison may fall short, but keep an eye on 17th
One conversation, three issues, three home-run opinions guaranteed to endear Kay Bailey Hutchison to Republican primary voters. But if past is prologue, it won't do a lick of good in closing a double-digit gap with Gov. Rick Perry.


Mark Davis: Is it so much to ask for wisdom with freshness?
Call me greedy, but my search for rogue, grass-roots game-changer candidates includes an attribute that many say I dare not require: I want them to be as sharp as a tack.


Mark Davis: Can Medina recover from unmitigated disaster?
What we have to figure out now is what Debra Medina has revealed. Was it just a profoundly clumsy misstep on the path of a neophyte candidate, or was it a genuine willingness to give benefit of the doubt to one of the most demented beliefs of our day?


Mark Davis: What the Tea Party movement is – and isn't
Almost a year since its launch April 15, the ball still rolls. The Tea Party movement is one of the most noteworthy grassroots uprisings in recent American political history. And one of the most misunderstood.


Mark Davis: When will we grow out of the overreaction reflex?
As Rahm Emanuel has learned, the urge to take an unfortunate or unwise utterance and launch it beyond its actual gravity is a popular sport these days, a domino effect that leads to additional reactions that are a further offense to clarity and rationality.


Mark Davis: GOP governor's race hits the home stretch
Kay Bailey Hutchison's run for governor has sparked a re-examination of her full plate of views. But there is simply no evidence that her glowing record under the Capitol dome is prodding voters to dismiss an incumbent governor they also admire.


Mark Davis: My pre-buttal to Obama's State of the Union
Before President Barack Obama tries to suggest tonight that the state of our union is improved by his beneficence, I offer some evidence to the contrary. I just hope our union is strong enough to withstand three more years of his administration.


Mark Davis: How did NBC fumble its late-night lineup?
If Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show and Jay Leno's prime-time experiment had routinely pulled these recent high numbers, this entire awkward drama might not have unfolded. But the fact is that neither of them did.


Mark Davis: Will Obama, Dems get what just happened?
There are now officially two kinds of Democrats: those who get it and those who don't. For any with the courage to understand what Scott Brown's U.S. Senate win in Massachusetts means, opportunity abounds. Will the president get it?


Mark Davis: Debate delivers awkward moments and clarity
So if every camp could properly say it succeeded inthe GOP gubernatorial debate, the result becomes obvious: no major change in the landscape of the race. If Perry had a double-digit lead walking in, he had one walking out.


Mark Davis: Punish Reid no more than his offense
Before Republicans get too smug about how "tough" they've been on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's "Negro" problem, I'd like to raise a lonely voice to suggest how silly this all is.

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