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'Draining the swamp' easier said than done

Benjamin Sarlin: Massa case puts Pelosi on trial

Some draw parallels to the 2006 Mark Foley affair, but with Eric Massa, the alleged offense is almost beside the point

Michelle Malkin: Pelosi cleaning service misses some spots
Mary Kate Cary: Pelosi's inexcusable inaction

Washington Post: All earmarks should be banned

Gee, how could anyone have gotten the impression that campaign contributions lead to enhanced access?

NY Times: Finally, some embarrassment
Brian Riedl: Two cheers for dueling earmark proposals

Charles Krauthammer: Value of taking turns

For all its inefficiency, it helps create social stability by setting down layers of legitimacy when the opposition adopts some of its predecessor's reforms

Newsweek: America's most corrupt state? Mine, of course

With two consecutive governors in ethical imbroglios, New Yorkers may think they've got the sleaziest state political culture in the country. But plenty of other states are in the running

Ben Adler: Paterson is just doing what New York politicians always have
Jonathan Alter: In Illinois, it's practically mandatory to indict governors
Adam B. Kushner: In Louisiana, fraud is just good entertainment
Andrew Romano: New Jersey's real bosses put Tony Soprano to shame
Carl Sullivan: South Carolina has Sanford, Wilson - and history
Nancy Cook: Rhode Island is the clear 'per capita' champ
David A. Graham: In Ohio, even the reformers are corrupt

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Powerful New York Democrat Charles Rangel is only the latest member of Congress to find himself in the ethical stew


What's hot in Texas and Dallas-Fort Worth
Rodger Jones: Is Dallas' new cab rule fair to the little guys?

Letting compressed natural gas taxis jump the line takes food out of the mouths of cabbies who can't afford to convert

Wayne Slater: Rove's Texas tales likely to raise eyebrows

The way former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove remembers his time in Texas isn't exactly the way others do

Jacquielynn Floyd: There are times that words just fail us

Angela wants to do something, anything, that will protect children from violence in their own homes. I wish I knew what to say

Colleen McCain Nelson: How one drop fell off our list

Please help us, Pastor Howard Falls implored about "a burnt house next door" to his church. "People on drugs are currently using the property as a smokehouse." And now it's gone

DMN: 10 drops in the bucket, our monthly update

FW Star-Telegram: Our frustrating State Board of Education

The way the board has turned setting education standards for Texas schools into a battleground for social issues and ideological agendas isn't just distressing. It's a disservice

And the best of the rest of the world

Adam B. Schaeffer: They spend what? Real cost of public schools

Spending figures provided by public school officials often leave out major costs and thus understate actual spending

Veronique de Rugy: Who is the stimulus stimulating? Teachers
Anne Foster: It's easy to fire teachers, but where's the community?
Mark Schneider: What Diane Ravitch gets wrong

Ronald Brownstein: The risk of inaction on health care

If Barack Obama's plan fails, as President Bill Clinton's did, it's likely that no president will attempt to seriously expand health care coverage for many years

Caddell and Schoen: Ignoring polls would cost Dems
Paul Krugman: The 3 big myths of health care reform
Mona Charen: One provision the Dems won't discuss
William McGurn: 5 words Obama won't say
Marilyn M. Barnewall: The great weakness in reconciliation
Timothy Noah: What happens if you refuse to buy insurance?

Reuel Marc Gerecht: The next wave of jihadists

The arrest of Colleen Renee LaRose, a blond-haired, blue-eyed, 46-year-old American, ought to make us reflect on a major ingredient in contemporary jihadism: Westernization

Eugene Robinson: 'Jihad Jane' and broad security checks
Carla Power: Can a single fatwa stop terrorism?
Bruce Riedel: Finally, a Taliban crackdown in Pakistan


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