Jan 14 2010

Brittany Binger Leads the P.M. Portfolio

Published by Natty under PM Porfolio


Click on the photo for more of Brittany Binger

Brittany Binger is a former playmate and model who has also acted in several bit roles for various TV shows. She’s also the wife of MLB player Grady Sizemore…and apparently got her email account hacked, which resulted in naked pics of her husband leaking on the internet. That or she’s been in Playboy

More hack worthy girls at Uncoached’s Facebook Page

The Portfolio

Timberwolves Brea Rhian Bikini Ashley AVN Girls Aylen Hotties

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Jan 14 2010

Someone Built An Amazing House Inside a Hill

Published by Natty under Oddly Enough, Pictures

House Inside a Hill

Ever see a place in the world and say “man I wish I could build a house right there” and you realize it’s sort of impossible?  Well nothing is impossible.

This amazing and extraordinary underground house was designed by Dutch architecture firms SeARCH and Christian Müller Architects and it is situated somewhere in mountains of Switzerland. The house is embedded in the side of a hill and can be seen through a big elliptical opening.

The interior looks rather minimalistic, but interesting nevertheless.  Plus it’s just so badass that this thing is literally inside a hill.

Check it out after the jump

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Jan 14 2010

What Happens When a German Midget Laughs at a Camel?

Published by Natty under Video of the Day

You get one of the most random videos of all time.

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Jan 14 2010

She’s Uncoachable: Calling Herself “Miss Peru,” Gloria Jimenez

Published by Natty under She's Uncoachable

Gloria Jimenez

Well I think we’ve established in the title that Gloria Jimenez isn’t the actual Miss Peru.  But who’s into semantics?  I for one do not care.   I mean hell Gloria, you want me to call you “Miss Peru?”  I’ll call you Miss Peru.  You can call me “fungus” for all I care as long as I were able to get closer to your Peruvian regions.

Just remember though folks.  Serious inquiries only!  At least that’s what it says on her website.  Yes, I’m 100% serious.  How much for a one hour photo session where we get to see you and the real Miss Peru acting Peruvian?

It’s way too late as I should not be writing right now.

More of Gloria after the jump

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Jan 14 2010

Picture of the Day: This Girl Deserves A Serious Ass Kicking

Published by Natty under Pictures


Click the pic for full size

I don’t care how hot she is (and yes, she’s very hot).  I mean is she really tweeting this stuff?  This might be the dumbest girl in America right now.   Let us all band together and destroy Mollymshephard.  What a skank.

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Jan 14 2010

This is Why David Letterman is Awesome

Published by Natty under Video

You knew these guys were going to come up with something good.  Simple, short, funny.  Man I can’t believe how much I hate Leno.

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Jan 14 2010

The Sexiest Videos of French Singer Alizee

Published by Natty under Hot Chicks, Music


I’m not sure what’s happening to me but I think I’m developing a problem here with my obsession to Alizee Jacotey.   Put it this way.  Have you ever come across a music video (or any video for that matter) and keep referring to it from time to time?  I mean I always refer to the “Send it in Jerome!” video but this is different.  I’m always coming back to her.  Always.

When I first saw this amazingly cute and hot French singer do her thing, it was over.  My life had changed.  Seeing it gave me life, a purpose.  I realized that anything is possible.  And from that point on I’ve been striving to be a better person.

Because when someone this absurdly hot is out there you have to just give it your all.  OK, I’m talking a ton of shit right now but man if I don’t refer to Alizee every so often.  In that light here are my favorite videos of her.

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Jan 14 2010

Prime Examples of Why Some Women Stay Single

Published by Natty under Oddly Enough, Pictures

Worst Guys Ever

It’s a tough world out there for the yin and the yang.  The male and the female.  It’s not easy to find the person that’s suited for you.  Hell most times even the person you thought you were meant for isn’t that person at all.  And we try so hard every day to align ourselves with situations that would present opportunities for meeting the opposite sex.

But it’s quite apparent that there are some souls out there who really don’t care about meeting anyone.  And if they do care it’s clear they are going about it the wrong way.

In this article we’ll be taking a look at some males who are prime examples as to why some women would rather stay single for years to come.

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Jan 14 2010

Thursday’s Throwdown: Women of the Groove Cruise, Lame Tonight Shows, and Jessica Simpson

Published by Natty under Thursday's Throwdown


Click on the photo for more women of the groove cruise

Is the Miami Winter Music Conference too expensive in the current economy? Compared to WMC it will get you some of the glam, most of the partying, and all of the excitement for less than 10% of the cost of a trip to WMC - it’s the Groove Cruise..

More groovy girls at Uncoached’s Facebook Page

The Throwdown

Some real lameass tonight show replacement ideas - [Cracked]

Jessica Simpson uses twitter to show off the boobs - [Celebuzz]

World’s first sex robot not so good at interviews - [Asylum]

This yoga for dudes with hot chicks is awesome - [Bustedcoverage]

The 10 hottest American Idol contestants of all time - [Guyism]

The hottest girls I’ve ever seen fish - [One Quick Beer]

Russian ice hockey fights are pretty entertaining - [Totally Crap]

Crazy plastic surgeries made to look like other people - [Oddee]

Great moments in brutal honesty - [Manofest]

Teri Hatcher breaks her rib on a stripper - [Askmen]

Megan Fox in lingerie.  That would be all - [Cavemancircus]

Have you ever seen a Star Wars burlesque? - [Sublime Blog]

Wait a sec.  There’s a milk called Bukkake milk? - [Attuworld]

Sofia Vergara pays the parking meter with her ass - [Don Chavez]

Pole dancing is very dangerous but so what? - [Flisted]

Dozens of porn stars and their fake boobs - [Gunaxin]

Is it a Jersey Shore girl or a porn star? - [Cityrag]

Sexy Nordic women teach you to wash your balls - [Flabber]

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