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News & events for Monday, March 1

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Zach Lewis

Joined Aug. 26, 2008



  • 19 minutes ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Burger review: Peggy Sue BBQ in Snider Plaza, Dallas

    I love these posts. There are so many burger places around town, and it is amazing how different (for better or worse) a simple hamburger can be from place to place. I am always looking for new burger joints to try out; thanks for the info.

  • 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    My Denton Music interview: Sarah Jaffe

    I'm glad to see that she is moving onward and upward. Her music is fantastic, and her live shows are a lot of fun as well.

  • 5 months ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Live music events in Dallas-Fort Worth, October 1-4

    I'm headed to the OBC show with Sarah Jaffe and Robert Gomez. I've been trying to see Sarah for a while now, and I'm looking forward to a good show. Thanks for the picks!

  • 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Photo interview: Dallas singer/songwriter Camille Cortinas

    Thanks John. It is true, taking good pics is a simple task if you have a lovely subject.

  • 9 months ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Barbecue report: Cobb Switch BBQ in Carrollton

    This place is right by my house, and I checked it out a few weeks ago with friends. I don't think it is fair for me to give them a review based on that experiencing, because you could tell that they were still getting used to running their new place (they had major POS trouble etc.). I thought the food was pretty good (a bit on the expensive side), and was only disappointed in the bbq sauce. The place that was there before this was best known for the bar, which was in it's own room. There are not many bars in that area, and this one was open until 2 every night. I asked the manager of the new place, and he told me the bar will still be open until 2. Honestly, this is the same place that it was before ("Rick's BBQ") under new ownership/management. If you didn't notice the sign change, you wouldn't know you were not at the old Rick's.

  • 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Fort Worth woman cuts boyfriend with fork when he doesn't answer door quickly enough

    Could create a whole new genre of horror/slasher movies. :)

  • 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Fort Worth woman cuts boyfriend with fork when he doesn't answer door quickly enough

    "slashed with a fork" sounds a little trumped up to me. Like the "sniper" in Cali right now who is shooting out car windows with a BB gun. I guess poked with a fork, and "kid with a bb gun" don't have enough editorial bling to get attention...which means maybe they shouldn't be considered news?

  • 10 months ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Video Interview & Performance: Becky Middleton

    Becky is pretty bad ass! The Monday night Song Writer in the Round shows she puts together are a great way to check out new musicians, and to see proven artists in the raw. I've seen proven names like Chris Holt play, and found folks I wasn't familiar with like Estes Shane Whalen and Luke Rainwater (still wish I could find a place to buy his music....).

  • 1 year ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Concert review: Duncan Sheik at the McKinney Performing Arts Center (February 14)

    I saw him play a year or two ago at Sons of Herman. I thought his show was good, but not fantastic. He only played one song that made him famous(and it was for his encore). I understand that concept...but the people who paid $30 for that show were more fans of the music of his they heard on the radio years ago, not just local live music junkies who don't mind hearing songs they have never heard before. What really blew me away that night was his opening act, Vienna Teng, who I had never heard of before. She was fantastic, and even though the crowd had never heard her music before, she had us singing along. To be honest, his headliner show wasn't on the same level with her opening act. That girl kicks ass, and will be in Dallas again soon.

  • 1 year ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    New respect for A-Rod for admitting steroid use, less respect for Major League Baseball and Bud Selig

    "While other players have denied their steroid use to the hilt, Rodriguez addressed the situation head on."

    He lied about it and denied it just like the others up until this week. The only reason he admitted to it now was because the story broke that he tested positive. He didn't come forward out of good nature, he came forward out of damage control. I don't have any respect for him, or anyone else who can only be honest or take responsibility after they get caught. If he would have come out a year or two ago during all the steroid scandal, and admitted to it and apologized...I may have some respect for him, but not like this. He wouldn't have said a word or would have kept lying if the story didn't break that he tested positive.

  • 1 year ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Gay rights activists and supporters hold demonstration in Dallas while couple tries to get marriage license

    I agree with John M. For him not to be considered a "spineless coward" what was he supposed to do? Risk losing his job, break the current law...for something that wouldn't hold up anyway? Did they really expect that clerk would give them a license? I doubt it...so to then lash out at him only weakens cause. I realize people feel strongly about this, but to make a change like this you have to start at the right place, and giving a low level clerk a hard time in a situation like this isn't it. He was just doing his job....and his job has nothing to do with changing the laws.

  • 1 year, 1 month ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Carrollton to offer recycling rewards program

    They are saying that the bottom has fallen out of the recycle business. Some cities are down %75 in profit/revenue created by the programs. I wonder if this will impact this program as well.

  • 1 year, 3 months ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Zlew.net's late November live local music picks

    I just learned a few things about Morning Elephant, and added their info to my original post on www.zlew.net. I'll add links below (not sure if html works in the comments section or not). Morning Elephant is one of Manya's project (she is also in Blue Petal). Manya kicks butt, and the stuff I have listened to this morning from Morning Elephant is pretty sweet.

    Morning Elephant

    Manya's (of Blue Petal)

  • 1 year, 4 months ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Carrollton to offer recycling rewards program

    I think this is a good idea, and an all around "win" for all involved. The city/allied waste will make more $ by increasing the recycle revenue. The homeowners like me will be more likely to recycle more, and will be rewarded for doing so.

  • 1 year, 4 months ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Zlew.net's October 2008 live music picks (part two)

    I did some poking around, and confirmed that the Ian Moore show will be a full band show.

  • 1 year, 4 months ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    New restaurant to open in Las Colinas from former Rockfish and Pappadeaux players

    That's a nice area. I'll make sure to check it out next month.

  • 1 year, 4 months ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Concert review: Cricket Taylor and Friends at AllGood Cafe in Dallas (Oct. 17)

    You have to let me listen to it a little bit more before I give it up. :)

    She is playing at the City Tavern with her full band this Sat. I am going to see if I can make it. It just depends on how late the Ian Moore show goes. That show starts at 8, and Crickets at 10, but Ian has 2 openers.

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    Zach Lewis's comment on:

    Opening Bell at Mosaic in Dallas to have official grand opening October 11

    GeoPunk: Yes sir, I have to stop writing these things late at night. Then again, it wouldn't be a zlew blog post if there wasn't at least one thing that was spelled wrong...or made no sense (cents?) at all. :) Zach (Zlew.net)