Picasso Knows


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duponthumanite scribbled:

Great flow in here. Very detailed description of his process.

richieadomako scribbled:

to the beat and at the pace of drums...

Vicki Walker scribbled:

Like Picasso we read this with a tilted head and a curious smile. Nice.

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1 minute ago

rayanda scribbled:

Thanks for sharing this nifty poem with us. As an artist, I can definitely relate, I've had many sacrificial canvas start-overs!

nisheedhi scribbled:


Phantomimic scribbled:

Beautiful imagery for the creative process, most of us here at Scribd have less name recognition than Picasso but we all go through the same process, in our particular case writing and rewriting over and over.

Phantomimic replied:

I saw a movie about Picasso where they filmed from the other side of the canvas. The lines appeared incoherent at first and then formed shapes. And he did just what you described, painted and repainted striving for perfection. Towards the end about 9 hrs had elapsed.
02 / 25 / 2010

Luddite scribbled:

I could almost hear the music! Beautiful!

CInarah scribbled:

We are all Creators Lisa-and you have painted your perfect picture~Awesome dear

lisahickey replied:

I am so happy to have met you both. Thanks for your warm support. Cinarah, I just commented on All or Nothing. And Getty, you know I will be back to read more Desta.
02 / 25 / 2010

CInarah replied:

Everything is Awesome Getty and Thank you for introducing me to Lisa-she is a gem!
02 / 25 / 2010
Desta the Book

Desta the Book replied:

Good to see your face and comments on my page, Clnarah. How have you been?
02 / 25 / 2010

BarbaraAlfaro scribbled:

Wonderful imagery! Lisa, are you an artist as well as a poet? Barbara

lisahickey replied:

Hi Barbara, nice to meet you. Yes, I'm a sometimes artist sometimes poet. The two combined led me to a wonderful career in Advertising, of all things. But I'm so enamored of this new world of Social Sharing. It took me years -- years & years -- to get just a dozen or so poems published, & who even knows how widely they were read? Then suddenly, I'm here, and I can *see* people reading. It's wild.
02 / 25 / 2010
Desta the Book

Desta the Book replied:

Keep them up. Both of you are great at your craft!
02 / 25 / 2010