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March 12, 2010

Caron Butler turns 30 on Saturday

Posted at 4:20 PM on Friday, Mar. 12, 2010
Eddie Sefko/Reporter

His greatest present came almost a month early, but Caron Butler will officially celebrate his 30th birthday Saturday. Nothing he gets will top the trade to the Mavericks. "It has...

Craig Miller: This is one of the best of the older Mavericks teams

Posted at 3:56 PM on Friday, Mar. 12, 2010
Todd Davis/Editor

The Ticket's Craig "Junior" Miller, one of the Gentle Musers on The Dunham and Miller Show mornings from 6-10 a.m. on KTCK-AM 1310 in Dallas, answered Mavericks questions in a...

Jason Terry, the masked man, is back at practice

Posted at 1:30 PM on Friday, Mar. 12, 2010
Eddie Sefko/Reporter

Jason Terry went through practice Friday and here's what he said about returning for Saturday's game against New York: "I'm going to play tomorrow night - 2-K-10 PlayStation and...

The Ticket's Craig Miller answers your Mavericks questions

Posted at 8:45 AM on Friday, Mar. 12, 2010
Todd Davis/Editor

The Ticket's Craig "Junior" Miller, one of the Gentle Musers on The Dunham and Miller Show mornings from 6-10 a.m. on KTCK-AM 1310 in Dallas, is answering your Mavericks questions...

March 11, 2010

Butler's bad fortune worth the headache

Posted at 12:45 PM on Thursday, Mar. 11, 2010
Eddie Sefko/Reporter

Caron Butler had a large welt in the middle of his forehead after Wednesday's game, a parting gift from an elbow by teammate Brendan Haywood. The play happened late...

Team up with Mavericks to play table tennis for charity

Posted at 12:12 PM on Thursday, Mar. 11, 2010
Eddie Sefko/Reporter

If you enjoy seeing top-level ping pong, not to mention a ton of sports celebrities, put Sunday's Purple Ping Pong event at SMU's Moody Coliseum on your calendar. Rick Carlisle...

Video: Postgame comments from Caron Butler, Rick Carlisle

Posted at 11:16 AM on Thursday, Mar. 11, 2010
Todd Davis/Editor

Our friends at Fox Sports Southwest offer video of postgame comments from Caron Butler and coach Rick Carlisle after last night's win....

Moore: Who starts at center when Haywood and Dampier are healthy? Latest on Jet

Posted at 9:05 AM on Thursday, Mar. 11, 2010
Rob Stroope/Editor

The DMN's David Moore answered Mavericks questions during a chat Wednesday. Here are some highlights: On which center starts when Brendan Haywood and Erick Dampier are healthy: This, as they...

Moore: Will Beaubois be backup point guard next season? What first-round playoff matchup would Mavs like to see?

Posted at 9:01 AM on Thursday, Mar. 11, 2010
Rob Stroope/Editor

The DMN's David Moore answered Mavericks questions during a chat Wednesday. Here are some highlights: On whether Roddy Beaubois can be the backup point guard next season, and who deserves...

Moore: Can Mavs win it all? A three 7-footer lineup?

Posted at 9:00 AM on Thursday, Mar. 11, 2010
Rob Stroope/Editor

The DMN's David Moore answered Mavericks questions during a chat Wednesday. Here are some highlights: On whether or not the Mavericks can win the NBA title: Until the Mavericks get...

March 10, 2010

Put your hard hats on in the front row

Posted at 8:40 PM on Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Eddie Sefko/Reporter

Twice in the last two minutes of clock time, players have hurled themselves into the front row. First, Jason Kidd went into the expensive seats to run down a loose...

Predictable start for the Mavs -- terrible

Posted at 7:50 PM on Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Eddie Sefko/Reporter

They are down 11-1 and the only shocker is that they're not down by more than that. They have zero energy, zero field goals made and appear to have zero...

Dampier's poker face

Posted at 7:11 PM on Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Eddie Sefko/Reporter

Hard to get a good read on Erick Dampier. Maybe he was playing coy. But he seemed to indicate it might be until Saturday before he plays. The best news...

No surprise that Minny's Hollins gets suspended

Posted at 4:40 PM on Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Eddie Sefko/Reporter

After Monday's game in Minnesota, DeShawn Stevenson said that Ryan Hollins had punched him in the first half. Later, Hollins was given a flagrant-two and ejected for hitting Dirk Nowitzki...

Eddie Najera, amateur GM

Posted at 12:30 PM on Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Eddie Sefko/Reporter

I put the question to Eddie Najera as a hypothetical, knowing full well it put him in a no-win situation. The question is whether, if he were GM, he would...

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