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Forgettable, unforgivable
On its surface, Remember Me looks like little more than a shameless, albeit understandable, attempt to capitalize on the sudden popularity of wooden young actor Robert Pattinson, he of Twilight fame. But, like Caesar, it has greater ambitions.



DRC duo make Oscar picks
Movie buffs will tune into see who wins Hollywood’s top honors during the 82nd annual Academy Awards, airing at 7 tonight on ABC.

Drawing a masterpiece
This week we start with animation royalty:




Weaving a fashion tale
Two documentaries arrived last week, vastly different but both connected to the world of apparel and design.


Shadow boxing

Summit Entertainment
Former British Prime Minister Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan, left) enlists a nameless writer (Ewan McGregor) to write his memoirs in The Ghost Writer.

A GPS device figures prominently into one of many plots found in The Ghost Writer, a thriller from director Roman Polanski. And that’s convenient, because the gadget will also come in handy to keep track of the film’s many twists and turns. The Ghost Writer is based on Robert Harris’ script, adapted from his historical novel. Harris takes fairly current events and weaves a convoluted conspiracy theory, giving the film both an immediacy and a familiarity.


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