7 Myths of Social Media Friendships


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The rap on social media has been that it is superficial and the more time people spend on-line, the less time they spend interacting in the “real” world with “real” people. However, recent researc...

Cre8Wealth scribbled:

I enjoyed this and have to say I re-found my best mate from childhood thanks to the internet. Lost touch over 14 years ago. Now he and I are living together and ridiculously happy!

DanielEssman scribbled:

Well, Jed, I wonder why the internet (as opposed to "urban") myths arose in the first place. Approaching the internet landscape as a hostile terrain, allows for the imagining of dystopic monsters...immanent sexual predators...and destruction of life as we know it to have been...

macgirvin scribbled:

We all hear of relationships that have been "destroyed by the internet" - and very little about the often-times better ones which emerged as a result. I see it as a deeper issue - the ended relationship wasn't able to adapt. Thanks. -- Lovely day in Australia.

macgirvin replied:

Living in the Southern Highlands about a half hour from Wollongong. Originally from California.
about 1 hour ago

JedDiamondPhD replied:

Thanks for the note. What part of Australia are you from? My wife and I spent two months in Australia (East and West) a few years ago when I was speaking and giving workshops on men's health.
about 2 hours ago

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less than a minute ago

JedDiamondPhD scribbled:

Friends, Thanks for your comments. Keep them coming. I look forward to hearing from everyone. It's a cold a rainy Friday here in Willits. Yesterday, was beautiful. Today is beautiful in a different way.

BarbaraAlfaro scribbled:

An excellent and fascinating article. I've also made some wonderful "pen pals" through Scribd and even more so through Twitter.

helenwinslow scribbled:

Thanks for this, Jed. Social media is a great new resource. I'm enjoying it, and the pen pals I've gained add a wonderful new dimension to my life!

JedDiamondPhD replied:

Helen, Thanks. Its a new world we're living in and social media is part of that world. Although there's a lot out there, Scribd is an unusually vital and interesting place for me to share thoughts, ideas, and visions.
about 7 hours ago
richard humphries

richard humphries replied:

about 7 hours ago

JedDiamondPhD replied:

about 7 hours ago

JedDiamondPhD replied:

about 7 hours ago

JedDiamondPhD scribbled:

As I find myself spending more time on social media sites including Scribd, Facebook, and Twitter, I wonder if it enhances or harms friendships. Here are some myths and some research answers you may find surprising.

Star-Gazer replied:

JedDiamong, Either you remove PhD from your name or I shall add MScEngg;BScCivilEngg;QAMgmt to mine, even if you find it too long. After all size does matter.
about 8 hours ago