Article Reprint Products

Take the good press you've received in one of our business journals and use it in your marketing process by purchasing article reprint products.

Scoop ReprintSource, a full-service custom reprint supplier, is American City Business Journals' authorized reprint service. In addition to high-quality printed reprints, designed to your specifications, Scoop provides related products, including digital reprints and commemorative plaques.

Please choose the product below that you are interested in, and you will get a free, no-obligation quote on your reprint product from Scoop ReprintSource. Call today at 1-800-767-3263 for more information or visit our web site at

Print and Commemorative Products

Web Products


An E-print is a reprint in an electronic format. It looks the same as a hard copy reprint but is posted on your company's web site, giving your article tremendous exposure. So now, in addition to your traditional reprint marketing program, you can share your positive press with your Internet audience. Click here for a free quote.

Formatted E-mail

You can turn your article into a marketing tool sent directly to your list of customers, prospective clients or investors. You supply the list, and Scoop ReprintSource will do the rest, providing you with a cost-effective, targeted way to reach people with timely news. Click here for a free quote.


Are a lot of people already visiting your website? Why not use it as a vehicle to have them view your article? Scoop ReprintSource will take are of all copyright permissions necessary for you to do this. Click here for a free quote.

Web Print

A "web print" is a text only (no ads, photos etc.) format of your article. It's accessible 24x7 via a hotlink from your site to a Scoop ReprintSource server for the term of your license. Take advantage of your web visitors having access to your positive press. Click here for a free quote.

Take advantage of these products today, while your article is still fresh news! Let Scoop ReprintSource turn your article into additional marketing and information firepower. You've got the good press—Scoop will take care of helping you get all you can out of it.

Please visit Scoop at or call 1-800-767-3263 right away.