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New Dallas residents lose everything to trailer thieves

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Posted on March 11, 2010 at 6:21 PM

Updated yesterday at 12:34 AM


DALLAS — So many families have been impacted by the recession. For Keith Jessel and his family, it meant picking up and moving from El Paso to Dallas.

They were ready for a fresh start, a new job, and new hope, so they packed everything they have into a locked trailer.

But thieves towed it away, taking it all.

"We've never had an empty house before," Jessel said. "It's shocking it happened so quick."

The family literally just got to Dallas. "We were going to set up our dining room table right here," Jessel said, pointing to an empty space in their new home.

But before they could unload their belongings from the locked trailer parked outside, theives hit, taking it all.

"Our washer, our dryer, our fridge, our stove, our kids' clothes, toys, beds, dresser, computer — everything," said Billie Jessel.

That includes Social Security cards, their marriage license and all mementos.

"I wanted to break down and cry, but I had three kids watching, so I couldn't do that," Billie Jessel said.

This family has lost a lot, but not what's most important. Starting today, they'll capture new memories to fill a blank wall.

"It's for my kids to better their life, not mine, but theirs," Keith Jessel said. "It took me 10 years to build it up, and if it takes me another 10, I'm still going to do it."

If you want to help the family, you can team up with Victim Relief Ministries. Their volunteers will pick up any donated goods or cash. Call 972-234-3999 for more information.


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txmomma2 said on March 11, 2010 at 8:45 PM is also a good place to get free stuff, post to offer stuff, and help keep stuff out of landfills. Find your local group and get started making a difference. (Sorry, I sound like a commercial, and of course you really need a computer to do this.)

gmab79 said on March 11, 2010 at 8:56 PM

What kind of low-life would do this? Welcome to Dallas... land of the scum bags! I hope they catch whoever did this and make them explain to the Jessel's kids WHY they took their stuff. The Jessel's sound like great parents... those are three lucky kids. I hope good things come this family's way in the future.

jilldavenport said on March 12, 2010 at 7:37 AM

Let me see......the next story will be about them suing the City of Dallas because there were no signs up saying "Beware of Thieves". Where were they when the theft was happening? I'm sorry for their loss, how does anyone know whether this is a true story? They could have come with nothing and are just trying for sympathy and freebies.

ntxjoe said on March 12, 2010 at 8:22 AM

Wh is that there is always someone ready to post a sarcastic or negative comments about a news article. Crime can happen in just seconds, in the best neighborhoods, to the best people. There is no need to post disparaging comments. There is at least one poster who makes such comments and I wish that WFAA would allow us to request they be blocked.

carrieg said on March 12, 2010 at 9:37 AM

I agree ntxjoe! jilldavenport - shame on you! Where's your compassion...

bware said on March 12, 2010 at 10:09 AM

It's not just Dallas. A Mesquite Boy Scout troop had their trailer stolen this week with all their camping gear. With the economy in the tank and the jobless rate climbing, there will be more of this and probably worse. Locks just keep an honest person honest. I feel for the family. Wish I had the means to help.