Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John C. Maxwell


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Only one things stands between you and success. It isn't experience. It isn't talent. World-renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell says if you want to succeed, you must learn how to connect w...

helenwinslow scribbled:

Communication clutter is the new Muzak; it's everywhere and you can't avoid it, so you have to expend another layer of energy ignoring it. The flip side: it's actually helped me by forcing me to become more organized. to value the "connect" and focus on that.

benhardw scribbled:

Maxwell is altyd die moeite werd om te lees.....

PreciousPyn scribbled:

"Everyone Communicates, Few Connect" _ J.Maxwell

PreciousPyn scribbled:

Such a blessing to get quality wisdom =)

AidenXxtRu scribbled:

Great Book

pdandjinou scribbled:

This might be worth the reading!

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