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News & events for Friday, March 12

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Joined Aug. 21, 2008



  • 1 hour, 22 minutes ago
    klue's comment on:

    Radio station flip: Platinum 96.7 just changed into the twister. More country radio for Dallas.

    try knon. good stuff.

  • 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    klue's comment on:

    Thursday Morning Cupcheck -- Belichick: Moron or Imbecile?

    more photoshopping! more i say!

  • 11 months, 1 week ago
    klue's comment on:

    Woman calls 911 on Haltom City restaurant for lack of shrimp

    Not the first time I've heard of something like this. Anyone hear about the woman who called in about her chicken nuggets? Not sure if I got the right link (with the full version) but what makes this one so great is that they've got a reccording of the woman calling back for the 3rd time to check on the officer, and see what was happening with her McNuggets... genious!

  • 11 months, 1 week ago
    klue's comment on:

    Thursday Morning Cupcheck - Hockey Revisionism: What 2008-09 Season?

    ah todd... I was really hoping to click the link for "remember when I predicted that the Stars would make a run for the President's Trophy?" and have it send me to some bogus page that had nothing on it... Or better yet- a pic of you, big grin and a thumbs up, and a caption that says "I'm never wrong"

  • 11 months, 4 weeks ago
    klue's comment on:

    Effects of DART light rail on Plano


    There were so many innaccuracies and inconsistancies in your article and following comments I'm not even sure where to start. But I think a big way to get anyone on this site to respect even part of your opinion might be to admit you may have been wrong about a few of the facts. Believing that you are completely all-knowing on this issue is a telltell sign that you are not, in fact, here to engage in a healthy debate, but rather to tout your propaganda until everyone gets tired of you and stops commenting and you can pretend that you've somehow "won" something. Anyway, if none of the following seem like points you're able to swallow, just let me know. I've got plenty more... just not the time right now to express them all.

    1) The most blatant innaccuracy - you keep saying Plano is spending 25% of it's revenue to fund something only 1% uses. First of all, it's not 25% of the city's total revenue. It's 25% of the sales tax. You've left out property taxes, various city fees and charges, not to mention the considerable amount of money Plano (and every other city in the region) gets from the state and the feds, which goes to fund a whole host of projects and services completely unrelated to transit. Second of all, the 1% share transit riders is a figure that is based on the whole region. It's slightly higher (though admitedly not much) if you're looking at specific member cities. I'd also like to point out that the 1 or 2% who take the train aren't the only ones dirrectly benefited by the service. Almost all of the 3000 people who take the train from Plano do so durring rush hour, the most critical time to get cars off the road. It may not seem significant to you in terms of percentages, but even an extra 500 cars per hour during rush hour can make the difference between a crowded but moving system, and a complete deadlock on 75.

    2) You say that 1% doesn't impact our air quality. Indeed it does. We aren't just talking about 3000 or so cars less on the system. we're talking about 3000 cars less AND about 20,000 moving at more efficient speeds, spending less total time on the road and generating less polution. You're talking about 1000s of cars who aren't sitting idoling at stoplights while they wait to get on the highway. And even if the improvement to air quality isn't more than a percentage point or two... this (unfortunately) isn't jusst about the air we breathe. It's about money too. The DFW region has consistantly had poor air quality that "squeaks past" federal standards. We've already been flagged as a non-conforming region, which means that every thing we do... every plan we make, has to prove that ensure air quality that meets stadards. If we don't have a significant public transit plan, not only will this continue to be an optionless-everybody-has-to-drive-a-car-or-get-the-heck-out-of-texas place to live, it will also be a place that stops recieving any federal money for any transportation projects whatsoever. See what the tolls will be like on your glorious outer loop project if/when all that money goes away.

    3) Seems like you're using fire, police and school funding shortages to pull on our heartstrings here. You're "solution" for Plano's budgetary woes that didn't include raising taxes or decreasing service... isn't feasible. The penny collected is a penny over total allowable sales tax rates. It is ONLY permited by state law because it's going to fund public transit. Lawmakers allow this because some cities had commited all there funds to (not always profitable) economic development incentives for big business and were maxed out. They couldn't get into transit even if they wanted to, and given the option, resident of many cities were quite happy to kick in the extra tax for the extra service. If you don't like the tax, agrue that. If you want the state to allow a higher tax rate so that we CAN adequately fund important services, I'd flat out agree with you. But don't just assume you can push one pile of money into a completely different pot and that will fix all the problems.

    okay I have to stop here, and actually go live life. But I look forward to the rest of this thread as well as any other posts you may get up now that you're a contributer. I just hope for the next one, you actually some REAL reasearch (and not just using stats from other people's misinformed propaganda). Because it's much more fun for me to argue with an educated adult.

  • 1 year, 3 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Draft of revised Texas science standards further undermines teaching of evolution

    well said science guy. Personally I'm not much for presenting ID or any other religious / spiritual beliefs as science, but I'm equally leary of presenting scientific theories as if they were laws or facts. Presenting only one option, making kids blanket memorize it as a "fact" will just mean that 25 years from now when the scientific community disproves or modifies the theory, we'll all be scratching our heads and stubborn.

    I didn't see anything here about state standards requiring the teaching of ID on equal merit as evolution, it just requires that evolution be taught objectively, and that student are given the opportunity to question it. Sure we don't necesarily want religious propaganda in a public school, but I don't see a thing wrong with allowing for open thought and discussion - maybe that will help these kids learn how to actually think for themselves and come up with some good arguments.

    In my opinion, the only dissapointing thing about this change is that it puts too much emphasis on the evolutionary theory specifically instead of allowing for criticisms of all scientific theory. Any real scientist will tell you that constant criticism and defense of established principles is the best way to ensure progress in our understanding.

  • 1 year, 4 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    The Dallas Institute Festival of Ideas: Focus Forum on American Cities & Suburbs

    "I say we burn the outermost in a ring of fire to force people in or entirely out, saving millions in transportation costs and cutting toxic greenhouse emissions by [insert significant sounding %]."

    I think that a blazing inferno of beige painted houses and McDonnalds restaurants = a significant sounding % of greenhouse gas emissions

  • 1 year, 4 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    The Crazy Ivans

    I heard these guys had a show coming up Friday... I hope I fare better than the cat.

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Dallas ISD teacher layoff system "complicated"

    ah yes. haha. I guess when I went through school, times weren't quite as tough but aparently they must have cut the sarcasm detection curriculum from my education. alas.

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Dallas ISD teacher layoff system "complicated"

    Oh and Jason...

    1)English does not equal ESL - 2 completely different curriculums.

    2)Lack of speaking and writing skills = political leaders prone to making up words and offending many = international disrespect for a country once admired

    3)Lack of Historical knoweledge = a new group of voters destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over.

    4)Lack of understanding of concepts of freedom, culture, expression, and human values (taught in most good liturature, art music) = a generation of people good at crunching numbers without caring what they do with them (enron anyone?)

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Dallas ISD teacher layoff system "complicated"

    The teaching profession already has a reputation for being underpaid and overworked, and it's already tough enough to recruit good quality teachers. One of the FEW things good teachers had going for them was job security. But now with this, laying off teachers that have already been working, teachers who may very well be good at what they do inspiring students and meeting standards. Laying off these teachers because they don't have quite as much tenure or they don't teach the "right" subject... what kind of message does that send? I imagine that not all who get laid off from DISD will look for a teaching job elsewhere after this. The brightest and most capable individuals may very well try for a private school job, or switch professions entirely. And I REALLY feel for the teachers left behind that now have to somehow handle class sizes of 35 unruly teenagers. How can we honestly expect them to do anything with that?

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Thursday Morning Cupcheck - For the Ladies

    hmmm. wondering if they consulted Avery on those immaculate jerseys....

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Sarah Palin Dallas visit to be the focus of protest

    She hasn't silenced her antagonists... but her supporters have. Bashing Palin is now about as productive as explaining a Steve Colbert joke. Those who get it --- already got it. Those who didn't --- never will.

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    UPDATED: Fort Worth mime Subway robbers caught

    my only complaint is that they didn't bust in there with a few colored smoke bombs and some super-soakers. But hey- it's about time we got some real-world super-villians with a sense of STYLE!

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    UPDATED: Texas Supreme Court rejects Bob Barr's attempt to keep Obama, McCain off Texas ballot

    this is awesome! Imagine... people might be forced to actually learn a little bit about some OTHER political parties before they vote. Nah, who am I kidding, they'll probably still just right in their 2-party-system guy.

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Fort Worth Star Telegram selling downtown office building

    and coupon clippers... :)

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Bar of Soap, venerable rock bar-laundromat in Dallas' Exposition Park district, closes

    I rock the town early yo. So 50 cents an hour til midnight = a couple of Lonestars at old Bar of Soap. Or if I'm running later all the deep ellum meters are usually full, and you're talking about $5 for some of those lots. That's like a big jamunga long island or someting. It's not really an issue of funds. I was making the point that even down to the quarters... I'd rather invest my money in a local venue and a nice buzz for myself than give it to the meter maids.

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Bar of Soap, venerable rock bar-laundromat in Dallas' Exposition Park district, closes

    chrisdanger Anonymous wrote "Alot of this can be blamed on our friends at DART, who've been screwing around on getting the Green Line finished, which is screwing alot of expo park businesses."

    Blah blah blah danger man. You talk but do you walk?

    Personally I can't wait for the green line. Then instead of wasting all my $ on parking and my (not that I ever would) emergency-just-in-case-of-a-DUI fund... I can just hop on a train blow all my money at the actual clubs and let the DART worry about getting my drunk butt home. Hopefully once they get that up and running, that will spark a little more business for these places.

    Now if what you really have issue with are all the additional ordinances and efforts of the city of Dallas to "clean up" deep ellum and fair park I won't argue with you for a second. But the people who bring us transit are not the same people that want all the transit stops to be nice and Clay213-clean&friendly. But yeah it's definately unfortunate that the timing for all these clean up efforts in preparation for the green line hit these clubs at an already financially difficult time, and well before they'll ever see the benefit of having the service.

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Bar of Soap, venerable rock bar-laundromat in Dallas' Exposition Park district, closes

    Jake - yes I've just recently heard about the DDB site and think it's a really great idea and hopefully will be a big help in keeing around some of the "filthy hole"s I've come to love. :) And I really see it as a great way for newbies like myself to learn about some of the other "dingy basement"s that I may not know are about yet.

    I'm glad to see there's a group around that cares about saving some of these places. But in all honesty, I still think there's only so much the dedicated few can do with fundraisers and sp. events... what this town really needs right now are some good old fashioned 'butts in the seats'

    So I'm calling you all out... everyone that reads this thread... Go out a few times this week. Check out a new venue or a band you haven't heard before. Turn off the TV and do something NEW. Take all your friends (or friend) with you and have the kind of raucous good time you wouldn't want to tell your momma about. In fact have such a good time that you realize why it's worth doing every week.

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Dallas' DART adding bike racks to 650 buses by end of year

    No, teleportation is a little too good for it's own good. There would be no need for bikes at all! And then what would we do with all the spandex?!?!?! A world-scale daily reccurring version of the ice-capades perhaps? (shudders at the thought)

    Nah - DARTs got it all right. By only "mostly" providing travel to where we need to go and making us walk or bike the rest their really doing a huge service: "Keeping North Texan asses slightly toner and helping novelty bicycle horn manufacturers everywhere stay in business". You know what... me thinks that should be their new slogan!

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Bar of Soap, venerable rock bar-laundromat in Dallas' Exposition Park district, closes

    Man I will miss this place. Nothing makes my Rock-n-Roll juices flow quite like shiHy dollar beer and watching a great show from atop a washer mid spin cycle.

    Jake - they had a fundraiser planned a week before the place closed. Had to cancel it due to lack of licence or some-such. They were basically doing fundraisers once every couple of months just to keep the doors open. Did just about everything a place can do. A lot of bands that played there recently would even do the shows for free just to help out.

    At some point though, we've got to take responsibility as fans of music to actually get out there and patronize this "scene" that I hear so many people whine about being dead. This isn't the first place that has closed nor do I think it will be the last. No business, not even one as iconic as this, can survive on people's memories alone.

  • 1 year, 5 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Dallas' DART adding bike racks to 650 buses by end of year

    And I'm still waiting for futurama-style human pneumatic tubes. But will those have bike racks...?

  • 1 year, 6 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Davey Demone / The Pentagon Missiles / Subcity Vamp

    I heard through the rumor mill that Bar of Soap lost a licence and the next few weeks worth of shows have been moved to Reno's Chop Shop. I have NO IDEA how acurate that info is though, so you may want to double check for yourself before heading out.

  • 1 year, 6 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Should the U.S. lower the legal drinking age?

    "I understand the rationale, but I'd be kind of scared if Texans were given license to drive and to drink on the same day. "

    Exactly! That's why we need to set the drinking age at 15. Everyone knows that the first year you start drinking you do all sorts of wild and crazies. So why not let the kids get all that out of their system before handing them a licence? Or give em a choice. When you turn 16 you can choose to get a licence to drive OR a licence to drink. I for one couldn't have made car payments with all the money I was spending on Boone's Farm at that age anyway. ;)

  • 1 year, 6 months ago
    klue's comment on:

    Thai Jasmine

    awesome all-vegetarian lunch buffet 1st Sunday of every month. A little crowded, but only because it's that good.

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