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Obama appeals for public support on health care
The president ratcheted up his attacks against insurance companies in a last-ditch attempt to get a reluctant public and skittish Democrats behind his health overhaul.
White House tweeting spreads president's message
Link: President's health care plan
Blogs: Politics | Opinion


Obama advisers may push for military trial of 9/11 defendant
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal, administration officials said.

Ethics issue may be roadblock for Dems in November
WASHINGTON – Unethical behavior by lawmakers helped Democrats win control of the Capitol in the 2006 elections, and the same issue could come back to haunt the party this November.

Obama urges House Democrats to seize the moment on health care bill
WASHINGTON – Support from his own party in doubt, President Barack Obama summoned more than a dozen House Democrats to the White House on Thursday, pleading with them to put aside their qualms, seize a historic moment and vote for his massive health care overhaul.


Suspect in Pentagon shooting dies
The gunman walked up to a security checkpoint at the Pentagon in an apparent attempt to get inside the massively fortified Defense Department headquarters, drew a weapon and shot two police officers.

Texas wind project's stimulus funds may stall over Chinese parts, jobs
A group of Democratic senators may seek to halt stimulus funding for wind-energy projects over concerns that the program is subsidizing jobs overseas.

Ron Kirk outlines trade policies to Senate
Trade Representative Ron Kirk tried to assure senators Wednesday that trade deals and trade enforcement are central to the Obama administration's goal of doubling exports in five years.


Hutchison's plans after defeat still 'the million-dollar question'
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison lay low on Wednesday after her decisive rejection in the governor's race, taking advice about her future from friends as those waiting for a shot at her job bided their time.


Cornyn calls Perry's label for Hutchison 'unfair'
Texas Sen. John Cornyn issued a tough critique Wednesday of Gov. Rick Perry's effort to tar Kay Bailey Hutchison as a creature of Washington, calling that "unfair."


Postal Service's emerging model: Never on Saturday
The post office is renewing its effort to drop Saturday delivery – and plans a rate increase – in an effort to fend off a projected $7 billion loss this year.

Obama spells out rebates for energy efficiency
Sounding a familiar clean-energy theme, President Barack Obama on Tuesday announced details of a proposed energy rebate program he hopes will spur demand for insulation and water heaters – and jobs for hurting Americans.

Obama to add some GOP ideas to health care plan
President Barack Obama will incorporate Republican ideas on medical malpractice reform and trying to rid the health care system of waste and abuse in a revised proposal he hopes jump-starts his stalled overhaul drive, a Democratic official told The Associated Press on Tuesday.


GOP's Kyl says Congress will pass extended jobless benefits
WASHINGTON – Congress will pass legislation aimed at keeping certain jobless benefits, highway and transit money and other government programs funded, Sen. Jon Kyl, the Senate's No. 2 Republican, said Sunday.


Obama's first medical checkup as president finds him 'fit for duty'
Navy Capt. Jeffrey Kuhlman said after the 90-minute exam at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., that he saw nothing that would prevent Obama from fulfilling his term as president. According to the White House, Kuhlman recommended that Obama "continue smoking cessation efforts" and modify his exercise regimen to strengthen his leg muscles to overcome occasional pain from chronic tendinitis in his left leg.


Obama picks Beaumont judge to be U.S. attorney for Collin, Denton, East Texas
The selection of John B. Stevens Jr. gives hope that a political impasse over judicial nominees in Texas may have been broken.


Perry brags about grassroots fundraising, but most money on record day came from a wealthy few
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry bragged this week about making fundraising history in a Texas governor's race by bringing in $1.3 million in one day from grassroots support.

Hutchison says she's staying in Senate for now to fight health care overhaul
AUSTIN – Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison said Friday that she is prepared to stay in the Senate for as long as eight more months if Congress is still debating health care reform.


Obama: Bipartisan health deal may not be possible
Obama strongly suggested that Democrats will try to pass a sweeping overhaul without GOP support, by using controversial Senate budget rules that would disallow filibusters.
Opinion: Summit wrapup, analysis
Poll shows less fear on health overhaul
Read more about the president's plan

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