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  1. Why is the A/C in uncomfortably hot locales always so uncomfortably cold?
  2. West Palm Beach, you're going to get an epic one tonight. Last show coming in HOT!!!!
  3. Naaaah. That's like saying one satanist can end Xmas. RT @GeriJarvis Because of that stupid minister in Gainsville!
  4. Why is it that the 9th anniversary of 9/11 feels more like the first? There was healing and then the stitches popped. #iloveNY
  5. Need a bail bondsman or a sax player. Either one. #TheShowMustGoOn
  6. Genius. RT @memahoney omg that would be awesome! but they cant really breathe in the space smell to contrast so probably not.
  7. Do you think when astronauts return home from long missions they detect an "Earth" smell they never knew was there?
  8. Nicole "Scritti" Politti.
  9. Team Jacoby and Meyers
  10. This afternoon I took a nap and dreamed that cartoons were real but very difficult to photograph well.
  11. Sleepless... I know he's called Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson but theoretically shouldn't he be "Dwayne" The Rock "Johnson"?
  12. Photo: GPOYW - A Self Portrait of The Artist Three Days Before His Metaphoric Retirement
  13. Photo: The One and Only Eddie
  14. Thank you @drh3 @bob_Reynolds @seanehurley and @charlieontop. So proud to know yas. And thank you Eddie Owen.
  15. Can't explain the fullness in my heart from returning to Eddie's Attic. My launching pad. I'm so moved.
  16. Atlanta people! Lets jam out at Eddie's Attic in Decatur. 11:30pm. Heading over now.
  17. I said "be careful, his bow tie is really a camera."
  18. Cozy. - I had 3.3 million Twitter followers back in March when I announced that I’d be predominantly posting...
  19. Photo: Detroit
  20. I've got socks that have "L" and "R" labeled on them. Just another thing I can notice I'm doing wrong in my day. Thanks, socks!