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Health care reform: Counting noses, twisting arms

David M. Cutler: Health reform passes the cost test

Over a year of debate, 10 broad ideas have been offered to bend the health care cost curve. The proposed bill incorporates virtually every one

James C. Capretta: Does Obama plan really cut future deficits?
Viard and Roden: Extending Medicare tax threatens economy

Julian E. Zelizer: Pelosi must use all of her sausage tools

It could be that we now come down too hard on old-fashioned congressional deal making

Jonathan Cohn: Are insurance companies the problem?
Paul Starr: The opt-out compromise
Michael Tanner: Twisting arms in the final push
National Review: Echoes of the old student loan fight
David Harsanyi: Don't bank on a repeal

Shikha Dalmia: ObamaCare, the wrong bill at the wrong time

Why didn't the Democrats pull back when they still had the chance? The reason is Barack Obama and his party have mutually reinforcing blind spots that have rendered them incapable of seeing what's crystal clear to everyone else

Kathleen Parker: Health reform's sickeningly sweet deals
Michael Gerson: What happened to Obama's middle path?
Jill Lawrence: 10 wrong reasons to oppose health reform
Rasmussen and Schoen: Why Obama can't move the numbers
Rich Lowry: 3 things liberals can't admit about health reform

AP Photo

With reconciliation on the table, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi still must convince enough of her caucus to vote for the Senate health reform bill


What's hot in Texas and Dallas-Fort Worth
William McKenzie: One myth to avoid in the governor's race

It's this idea that Texas, like Gauguin's native, would be free at last if Washington would just leave us alone

Laura Chapin: Perry won the battle but could lose the war

Mark Davis: Two who want to stand in path of Democratic tank

What Republican would want to walk into Eddie Bernice Johnson's District 30 buzzsaw? Here are two who would try

Rick Casey: Texas voters, in both parties, do see color

DMN: DISD must act now to fix or close failing schools

Ten Dallas high schools have nothing less than their futures riding on the outcome of the state's annual TAKS testing

Jim Landers: A Texas (Tech) perspective on earmarks

Why is it so hard to balance the federal budget? One answer may be glimpsed in a small slice of life on Capitol Hill

James Ragland: How did public housing chief err so badly?

MaryAnn Russ' troubles began with a letter sent to two churches telling them they could no longer hold services on housing authority property. Her problems snowballed from there

And the best of the rest of the world

Thomas L. Friedman: It's up to Iraqis now. Good luck

Democracy was never going to have a virgin birth in a place like Iraq, which has never known any such thing

Razzaq al-Saied: Iraq's road ahead difficult, maybe impossible
Jeff Jacoby: In retrospect, a triumph for the Bush presidency
DMN: A major milestone in overcoming skeptics

Michael Scherer: Massa circus takes the air out of Beck

Glenn Beck, who is used to controlling the gravitational force of victimhood around him, kept interrupting to point out that he was a bigger target of even greater forces than Eric Massa

The Daily Beast: Massa's 5 craziest moments with Beck
Robert Schlesinger: Beck, Limbaugh unwise to embrace Massa
John Kass: Naked Rahm now seared in our brains


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