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March 10, 2010

DowntownDallas asks what movies to play at Main Street Garden

2:46 PM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


Just got a tweet from DowntownDallas asking for your help.

They are looking for movies to show in Main Street Garden during the weekend movie series.

I like this one myself, but realize it's not everyone's cup of tea.

Minor problem: I don't yet know where they want you to send your ideas. For now, leave a comment here (keep it clean funny guy), and I bet they get the message.

UPDATE: DowntownDallas' Kourtny Garrett tells me that the movie series won't be held til Fall now so the park's grass can root in.

Still, never too early to make sure the Star Wars Trilogy (you know which one) is on the menu.

Send ideas to info@downtowndallas.org

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Dallas CM Angela Hunt squares off on Trinity issue

1:30 PM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |
Steve Thompson/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

In this morning's vote to advance the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers $4.75 million out of Trinity project amenity funds (see my post on that below), council member Angela Hunt was the lone dissenting vote. She said it makes more sense to take that money from funds designated for the toll road.

See her speak in the video above.

See video of Mayor Tom Leppert's response after the jump.

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Dallas Cowboy Bennett comes to City Hall to talk about chronic kidney disease

12:31 PM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |
Steve Thompson/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Martellus Bennett Dallas Cowboys Tight End and Michael Bennett copy.JPG

Dallas Cowboys tight end Martellus Bennett and his brother, Michael Bennett, Jr., a defensive end for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, came to City Hall a little while ago to help raise awareness about chronic kidney disease. Former Cowboy Everson Walls was also here.

"We're here today to pay attention to something that all too often we do not mention until after the fact -- and that's our kidneys," said council member Vonciel Jones Hill, who hosted the event. Texas has the second highest prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the nation.

Hill encouraged people to come to City Hall for free risk assessments tomorrow, which is World Kidney Day. The National Kidney Foundation is providing them from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the sixth floor of City Hall.

Click to the jump for some cell phone footage of the Bennett brothers.

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Council approves $4.75 million advance to Corps for Trinity flood control study; money comes from lakes bond money

11:06 AM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |
Steve Thompson/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Trinity River and skyline.jpg

The City Council just approved an advance of $4.75 million - originally intended for construction of the Trinity lakes - toward a feasibility study aimed at ensuring the levees' future soundness.

Rudy wrote about this issue in this morning's paper.

The money will ensure that the feasibility study stays on track between now and when Congress (the city hopes) appropriates the money. Once the federal funds are appropriated, the money should be credited back to the city toward future design and construction phases of the project.

The advance will come from 1998 bond funds approved by voters for the creation of lakes along the Trinity, a key element of the long delayed park project.

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Cabbies furious as Dallas council approves privileges for 'green' taxis

10:20 AM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for linetaxis.jpg

This morning, 200, maybe more, cab drivers packed the City Council chambers to protest plans to let compressed natural gas taxis jump to the front of the cab line at Love Field.

The drivers said the city was acting on behalf of large, deep-pocketed cab companies at the expense of small operators scraping by.

"We believe as taxi drivers it is not a right. It is unfair, it is immoral, it is un-American...If you ignore us today the day will come when no one can ignore us," said a driver from Arlington whose name I wasn't able to catch before he moved on.

The council passed the item without discussion.

As the cabbies angrily departed the council, I heard one urge his fellow drivers to organize politically to try to oust Mayor Tom Leppert from office.

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Dallas to pay Vickery Meadows apartment tenants $989,000 to move along

9:25 AM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

vickery meadows.jpg

If you live at the Acacia Village apartments on Ridgecrest, your ship has come in.

The city is poised to authorize spending $989,605 today to pay Acacia Village residents to move along so the city can make way for the new Vickery Meadows branch library.

By law, City Hall must compensate people it dislocates to acquire land so there isn't much wiggle room far as I can tell if the city wants to build the library there.

The money will come from 2006 bond funds.

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Dallas to settle lawsuit over death related to bait car

9:05 AM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Eddie Robert Ramirez.JPG

Today, the City Council is poised to authorize a settlement of $245,000 to the family of Anna Tovar Reyes who was killed when a car thief inside a Dallas police bait car crashed into her.

The bait car stolen by Eddie Robert Ramirez (at right) was not shut off quickly enough to prevent the accident, and the DPD changed its procedures as a result.

Matt Peterson has more on the Crime Blog.

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Dallas City Hall Daily: Wednesday, March 10, 2010

7:43 AM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Dallas City Hall Daily Monitor Icon.JPG

Your daily dose of news and views from in and around Dallas City Hall:

The Dallas City Council meets today. On the agenda: Letting green taxis (as in environment not color) hop the line at Love Field, advancing the federal government about $5 million for the Trinity levees and setting up a head start academy at Fair Park.

Join us on the blog today for updates.

Speaking of the Trinity, this story today looks at what bond money is being taken from other projects to help fund levee repairs. Guess what project is keeping its money.

The Dallas Police Department told our Scott Goldstein that its public crime data system had a few bugs that needed working out and that's why it couldn't search rape and murder.

The programmer wrote City Hall to say what are you talking about, there are no bugs, we set up
the system exactly how you asked.

Then Scott got the letter. Interesting.

Over on Unfair Park, Robert Wilonsky is tracking city buildings that have seen better days and wondering where's the crackdown.

Was council member Delia Jasso teasing when you she told a voter he could only eat if he voted for her friend, Dr. Elba Garcia, for county commissioner? Well, she was giggling so benefit of the doubt says yes. And yet...

Have a news tip? We want to hear from you. E-mail Steve Thompson, at sthompson@dallasnews.com, or Rudy Bush, at rbush@dallasnews.com.

Follow us on Twitter by clicking here.

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March 9, 2010

Offer of free food to Dallas County voters draws controversey

4:50 PM Tue, Mar 09, 2010 |
Kevin Krause/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

deliajasso.JPG Last month, supporters of Dallas County commissioner candidate Elba Garcia set up a table outside an early voting polling place with free food.

State law says you can't buy votes by offering something of value such as free food.

But an undercover operative caught what appears to be Dallas city councilwoman Delia Jasso (shown here with her husband, Justice of the Peace Juan Jasso) telling someone they could only get free food if they voted for Garcia.

Here's some audio of that brief exchange on Feb. 20.

Garcia, a former city council member, went on to win the Democratic primary race for District 4 last week and will take on Republican incumbent Ken Mayfield in November.

Jasso did not return a call today seeking comment. It appears her comment last month to the "voter" was made in jest. What do you think? Was she kidding? If so, should she have made it more clear that it was a joke?

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Dallas isn't the only place that thinks Smart Meters are dumb

1:24 PM Tue, Mar 09, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

smart meter.JPG

We've been writing a lot lately about so-called smart meters and how plenty of people think they are running up their electric bills.

Well North Texas, you're not alone.

Today, the San Francisco Chronicle reports regulators there are launching an investigation into the meters.

California energy regulators said Monday that they will soon start investigating the accuracy of Pacific Gas and Electric Co.'s controversial SmartMeters, after a state senator complained that they had been dragging their feet.

The California Public Utilities Commission promised in October to have an independent evaluator test the meters. But so far, the commission has not hired a consultant to do the work. Spokeswoman Terrie Prosper said Monday that the commission expects to name a consultant later this week.

Read more here.

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