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dallasnews.com Blogs

March 10, 2010

Another irony in the Dallas Police Department's crime reporting practices

4:20 PM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |  | 
Tanya Eiserer/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

There are times when something strikes me as so ironic that I can't help but bring it up.

Back in mid December, we told you how the Dallas Police Department had systematically undercounted aggravated assaults, which had the effect of greatly lowering the city's violent crime rate.

The DPD policy, adopted several years ago, is that generally only when assaults involving weapons such as bottles, bricks, pipes and other objects actually caused serious injury would be they considered aggravated. Instead, they would be recorded as simple assaults, which are not counted in the city's violent crime numbers.

Police Chief David Kunkle has adamantly defended the department's position, even though it does not comply with FBI guidelines.

This brings me back to my point.

Through open records, I obtained a copy of a report of the June 2008 death of Joseph Rushing, who was fatally shot while allegedly trying to steal property from another man.

The records state that Rushing was killed in the "commission of (an) aggravated assault felony" when he "threatened the suspect with a large hammer. The suspect shot the complaintant in fear for his safety."

So let me get this straight:

It's not an aggravated assault if someone hits me with a hammer and doesn't seriously hurt me. But if someone raises a hammer at another and gets shot over it, then the department feels free to call that an aggravated assault. Interesting.

By the way, Rushing's death did not count in the city's murder tally that year because authorities found the killing to be a justifiable homicide.

To look out the prior stories we've done on DPD's crime reporting methods, check this link out.

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The entry "Another irony in the Dallas Police Department's crime reporting practices" is tagged: aggravated assault , Dallas police , David Kunkle , FBI guildelines , Joseph Rushing , Steve Thompson , Tanya Eiserer , UCR

Dallas Police Officer of the Month

3:31 PM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |  | 
Tanya Eiserer/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Congratulations to Police Officer Craig Bennight who is the Dallas Police Department's Office of the Month for March. Bennight who is assigned to the city's northeast patrol station, was nominated for his work as an outstanding beat officer.
craig bennight.jpg
"Police Officer Craig Bennight has demonstrated superior performance throughout his career as a Dallas Police Officer," wrote Sgt. Robert Harmon in a letter nominating him for the award. "He took the initative to address a Quality of Life issue on his BEAT and make a difference. Craig comes to work every day believing that he can make a difference."
Craig Bennight

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Dallas Crime Watch: Wednesday, March 10, 2010

10:54 AM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |  | 
Selwyn Crawford/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

new Police Lights.jpgA sampling of crime and public safety news in and around Dallas:

•Dallas police are still keeping an eye on hospitalized North Dallas shooter Robert R. Mustard. He remains in intensive care at Baylor University Medical Center but police spokesman Kevin Janse said Tuesday that Mustard is not expected to survive his self-inflicted gunshot wound, but his status hadn't changed as of this morning. As a result, aggravated assault charges against Mustard are pending and won't be filed unless he survives, Janse said.

Mustard, 60, is accused of critically wounding father and son financial advising team of Richard Smith, 66, and Christopher Smith, 39. The two, who are both listed in stable condition at Parkland Memorial Hospital, were shot Monday morning at their financial services office in North Dallas. Authorities have said Mustard, a longtime client of Richard Smith's, was upset with him over some financial dealings.

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In the halls of justice, we're taking the stairs

9:32 AM Wed, Mar 10, 2010 |  | 
Bruce Tomaso/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Staff Writer Selwyn Crawford reports:

Life at the Frank Crowley Criminal Courts Building in downtown Dallas is off to a not-so-uplifting start this morning.

The six main elevators serving the building are out of order, forcing hundreds of court staffers, attorneys, visitors -- even a judge -- to have to hoof it on the stairs.

There is one break: there are escalators for the first four floors. But even those electronic stairs are not working on one floor.

Said one exasperated staffer after reaching the seventh floor: "Everything is in chaos right now and nobody knows anything."

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The entry "In the halls of justice, we're taking the stairs " is tagged: broken , building , court , crowley , dallas , downtown , elevators , frank , stairs

March 9, 2010

Dallas police seeking person of interest in Pleasant Grove murder of pregnant woman

9:07 PM Tue, Mar 09, 2010 |  | 
Scott Goldstein/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Manuel Edgar PerezPolice are seeking a person of interest in the murder of a 31-year-old pregnant woman who died Monday morning.

Detectives want to talk to Manuel Edgar Perez (right), 28, regarding the death of Elena P. Reyna. The two are believed to have been dating, police said.

Reyna was found seriously injured in the 7800 block of Elam Road near South Buckner Boulevard in Pleasant Grove last Tuesday morning. Investigators believe she was hit by a vehicle. A witness told police she saw a red pickup truck leaving the scene.

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The entry "Dallas police seeking person of interest in Pleasant Grove murder of pregnant woman" is tagged: Elena P. Reyna , Manuel Edgar Perez , murder

Losing Dallas County constable candidate declines to endorse for Precinct 5 runoff

11:50 AM Tue, Mar 09, 2010 |  | 
Kevin Krause/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Michael Orozco, who lost his bid for the Dallas County constable Precinct 5 nomination during last week's Democratic primary, has said he will not endorse either candidate in the upcoming runoff.

Constable Jaime Cortes was the top vote getter in last Tuesday's primary but only barely. He faces Italy police officer Beth Villarreal in the April 13 runoff.

Villarreal was hoping that Orozco, a deputy constable with another precinct, would ask his supporters to get behind her. Orozco won 27 percent of the vote.

But Orozco released a statement on Saturday saying he decided to remain neutral for the runoff after "much consideration, discussion with my advisers, talking to the two candidates."

Orozco is the one who is behind a Web site that is highly critical of Cortes and his administration. The site appears to be down.

Orozco said in his statement that he won't make any more comments about the election, the runoff or the candidates.

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The entry "Losing Dallas County constable candidate declines to endorse for Precinct 5 runoff" is tagged: Beth Villarreal , Jaime Cortes , Michael Orozco , runoff election

Dallas Crime Watch: Tuesday, March 9, 2010

10:57 AM Tue, Mar 09, 2010 |  | 
Diane Jennings/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

new Police Lights.jpgA sampling of crime and public safety news in and around Dallas:

•An angry former client wounded two financial advisers and shot himself at a north Dallas office building Monday.

•A driver headed the wrong way caused an accident that killed herself and injured two others in Mesquite early Moday morning.

•State jail inspectors are conducting a week-long inspection of the Dallas County facility. The jail has not been in compliance with state regulations for seven years,.

• A man who shot at police before being shot himself inside a Walmart in Hunt Coounty had prior arrests for drugs and evading arrest.

• The city of Dallas hopes to cut costs by hiring fewer new police officers than originally planned,

•Six finalists for the job of Dallas police chief have been named.

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Purse snatchers target Mansfield churches, day cares, nursing homes

8:23 AM Tue, Mar 09, 2010 |  | 
Matt Peterson/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

pursesnatcher1.JPGpursesnatchers2.JPGHere's a report by staff writer Aida Ahmed:

Mansfield police are asking for help identifying two purse snatchers who are targeting local churches.

The women, possibly a mother-daughter pair, are believed to have used credit cards from the stolen purses, police said.

Among the churches that were hit is First United Methodist Church of Mansfield, reports KDFW-TV (Channel 4). That's where they were caught on camera.

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The entry "Purse snatchers target Mansfield churches, day cares, nursing homes" is tagged: First United Methodist Church , Mansfield , purse snatchers

March 8, 2010

Death penalty opponents to head for Austin for alternative spring break

3:42 PM Mon, Mar 08, 2010 |  | 
Diane Jennings/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Students looking for something different over the upcoming spring break will descend on Austin next week for the Anti Death Penatly Alternative Spring Break. The 5-day program includes everything from a" telephone call from a person on death row" to a panel discussion with a half dozen death row exonerees.

One of the speakers at the event is Bill Pelke, author of "Journey of Hope...From Violence to Healing", about the murder of his grandmother by a group of teenaged girls, and his subsequent decision to campaign against the death penalty.

Click here for the agenda for the week.

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The entry "Death penalty opponents to head for Austin for alternative spring break" is tagged: Austin , death penalty , Diane Jennings , spring break

March 7, 2010

Addison police documents on murder suspect Scott Matthew Marshall

10:18 PM Sun, Mar 07, 2010 |  | 
Scott Goldstein/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Scott Matthew MarshallIn reporting my story in today's newspaper about the murder case against Scott Matthew Marshall (right), I obtained several documents tied to the case. I've published some of them below.

Pages 1-2: Affidavit for arrest warrant for Marshall on a murder charge.

Pages 3-4: Affidavit for arrest warrant for Sarah Durand on a charge of failure to report a felony. This charge was later dropped and Durand is now a state's witness.

Pages 5-7: Warrant and affidavit for the search of Marshall's Addison apartment after the Dec. 20 fatal shooting of Staci Michelle Montgomery.

Pages 8-9: September Addison police report regarding incident in which Marshall threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend and himself.

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The entry "Addison police documents on murder suspect Scott Matthew Marshall" is tagged: documents , Sarah Durand , Scott Marshall , Staci Montgomery

March 6, 2010

Hear Scott Marshall's chilling 911 call reporting Addison shooting

11:48 PM Sat, Mar 06, 2010 |  | 
Scott Goldstein/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Scott Matthew MarshallPolice believe Scott Matthew Marshall (right) called police after he fatally shot 25-year-old Staci Michelle Montgomery on the morning of Sunday, December 20. On the chilling recording of the 911 call, Marshall refers to the shooting as a "firearms accident." Listen to the call.

Marshall was arrested on a murder charge and is being held at the Dallas County Jail on $700,000 bail. He also faces four felony drug charges.

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The entry "Hear Scott Marshall's chilling 911 call reporting Addison shooting" is tagged: 911 call , Scott Marshall , Staci Montgomery

Family of elderly woman killed in crash with Dallas police bait car sue city

11:29 PM Sat, Mar 06, 2010 |  | 
Matt Peterson/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

ramirezmug.jpgThe family of an elderly woman who was killed in 2008 when a convicted felon driving a Dallas police bait car struck her vehicle is suing the city, KXAS-TV (Channel 5 reports).

Annie Tovar Reyes, 83, was struck at an Oak Cliff intersection in June 2008 by a car driven by Eddie Robert Ramirez (right), who remains in the Dallas County Jail on a murder charge. Ramirez, 30, had just been released from prison after serving three years for stealing another Dallas police bait car.

After the crash, Dallas police suspended the department's bait car program, designed to catch car thieves in the act.

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The entry "Family of elderly woman killed in crash with Dallas police bait car sue city" is tagged: Annie Tovar Reyes , bait car , Eddie Robert Ramirez

March 5, 2010

Battle of the raw recruits: It's DPD vs. DFR

6:54 PM Fri, Mar 05, 2010 |  | 
Selwyn Crawford/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Recruits from both the Dallas Police Department and Dallas Fire-Rescue will participate in Saturday's 6th Annual Trinity Levee 10-K Run and 2 mile fun run/walk set. The event benefits the Trinity Commons Foundation and the Dallas Running Club.

"It's all done in good fun," Dallas Fire Chief Eddie Burns said of the friendly competition between the city's two main first-responder agencies. "But, at the end of the day, of course, we still want to win."

Click here for more information about the runs, which begin at 9 a.m. at Trammell Crow Park, 3700 Sylvan Road.

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Video: Lawman chases down, berates DWI suspect in Dallas drainage tunnel

3:32 PM Fri, Mar 05, 2010 |  | 
Matt Peterson/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Here's a report from staff writer Abigail Thatcher Allen:

A traffic stop led to a foot chase and a brief search this morning near American Airlines Center, authorities said.

The chase ended when an officer tackled the suspect in a drainage tunnel. A video shot for TV news shows the unidentified officer demanding to know whether the suspect is armed.

"You better tell me if you have any [expletive] guns on you ... or I'll [expletive] kill you," he tells the man. (Be warned: The unedited video from Fox 4 contains foul language.)

About 4:45 a.m., a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper stopped a drunken-driving suspect along Stemmons Freeway near the arena.

Enrique Franco, whose age was unavailable, fled after being handcuffed and entered a nearby drainage ditch, authorities said.

Officers from Dallas and DPS converged on the area and within 30 minutes had the suspect in custody, DPS spokesman Lonny Haschel said.

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March 4, 2010

Holy Land associate gets 18 months in prison in Arizona

4:53 PM Thu, Mar 04, 2010 |  | 
Jason Trahan/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Akram Musa Abdallah, a former Holy Land fundraiser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in 2007, was sentenced today to a year and a half in prison. But U.S. District Judge Neil Wake in Phoenix also criticized the Justice Department for how they questioned Abdallah three years ago.

"The FBI was interviewing Abdallah, a resident of Mesa in 2007, about his mid-1990s fundraising for the Holy Land Foundation. Agents had wiretapped his conversations and knew that he had actively done fundraising while he was an imam at a Phoenix mosque. But he denied that to the agents.

Wake said a review of the transcripts of two hours-long interviews showed that the alleged lies were relatively minor and could have been explained as memory lapses.

The judge said it appeared the government used its power to try to get Abdallah to change his story to help build the case against the Holy Land Foundation leaders who were convicted in a Dallas federal court in 2008 of bankrolling schools and social welfare programs that prosecutors said were controlled by Hamas.

"The FBI agents asked all they wanted and he answered, and then they told him he was lying and had better improve his story or they would charge him," Wake said.

"We're all familiar with societies that threaten people in order to get them to testify against others," he said. "That's not our society."

Abdallah is not the only former Holy Land associate to face charges since a Dallas federal jury deemed it a Hamas front in 2008 and convicted five of its five former organizers. In January, Michigan authorities unsealed charges against Mohamad Mustapha Ali Masfaka for not disclosing his Holy Land ties on immigration forms.

Click below for a full account of Abdallah's sentencing hearing on Thursday, courtesy of the mighty Associated Press.

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The entry "Holy Land associate gets 18 months in prison in Arizona" is tagged: Akram Musa Abdallah , FBI , Holy Land Foundation , Mohamad Mustapha Ali Masfaka , Phoenix

North Texas business become first in area to get C.A.U.S.E. certification

1:13 PM Thu, Mar 04, 2010 |  | 
Selwyn Crawford/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

The Consumer Awareness of Unsafe Service Employment group, or C.A.U.S.E., has certified its first North Texas company, Mr. Handyman, which serves southwest Denton and north Tarrant counties.

The group, founded in 2004 by Lucia Bone of Flower Mound, pushes for businesses that employ home service workers to conduct complete background checks before they are hired and offers its C.A.U.S.E. certification to businesses that agree to adhere to certain safety and security standards, primarily annual background checks of employees.

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The entry "North Texas business become first in area to get C.A.U.S.E. certification" is tagged: background checks , C.A.U.S.E. , Lucia Bone , Mr. Handyman , Sue Weaver

Bank robbers in Dallas, Fort Worth opted for fedoras over bandannas

12:01 PM Thu, Mar 04, 2010 |  | 
Matt Peterson/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

0204robberLN.jpgForget the ski mask and bandanna -- fedoras may be the new accessory of choice for bank robbers.

Last month, we wrote about a man who robbed a Dallas bank in a dapper hat and sports jacket.

Well, today another robber wearing a fedora knocked over a Fort Worth bank, the Star-Telegram reports.

It wasn't the same man. The Dallas robber (pictured at right) was a black man in his 30s, while the Fort Worth suspect is an older white man.

If I owned a haberdashery, I'd invest in some security.

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Judge tries to soften intimidating courtroom

11:48 AM Thu, Mar 04, 2010 |  | 
Diane Jennings/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Walk into any Texas courtroom, state or federal, and chances are good it looks pretty much the same as the one next door: lots of wood paneling, a couple of flags, somber portraits of a judge or two.

But federal Judge Barbara Lynn's courtroom offers a different experience. The walls are decorated with colorful quilts and wall hangings to make the place less sterile and intimidating. "I decided when I got here, I was going to do what little I could to make it a little more soft," said Judge Lynn who was appointed to the bench ten years ago.

Two quilts that flank the judge were purchased from donated funds left over from the judge's investiture. After they were installed, "I donated those quilts to the United States," she said. She commissioned another quilt that features the scales of justice, a gavel and an American eagle. One side wall also features a banner brought back from Africa by one of the judge's children, while a portrait of Judge Sarah Hughes decorates another wall.

The wall hangings generate occasional comments, Judge Lynn said and she's not necessarily through. It is, after all, a big courtroom. "I still have some space and I'm always on the lookout," she said.

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Texas Department of Public Safety warns spring breakers to avoid Mexico

10:48 AM Thu, Mar 04, 2010 |  | 
Selwyn Crawford/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Ongoing drug violence by Mexican drug cartels is threatening to ruin a longtime rite of spring.

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The entry "Texas Department of Public Safety warns spring breakers to avoid Mexico" is tagged: spring break , Steven C. McCraw

Email: City of Dallas instructed vendor to restrict public access to some online police reports

4:33 AM Thu, Mar 04, 2010 |  | 
Scott Goldstein/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

DPD Murder ReportsI blogged here last month about an apparent change in the Dallas police public access incident report system that makes it impossible for the public to search for certain offense reports.

As I wrote in that blog post, I was led to believe that the issue was with a new vendor that had recently taken over management of the system. I was told that the city was working with the vendor on some issues.

But in response to a Public Information Act request, The Dallas Morning News obtained an email sent by the president of that outside vendor, Orion Communications, to city officials that tells a different story.

Leslie F. Delatte wrote the email (posted in its entirety below) to Robert Roussell and Annette Pegram of the city's Communication and Information Services department. Delatte expressed frustration after reading my blog post because, she wrote, "this is not a vendor issue nor a bug in the system. We were asked and we complied with a request to remove from the public site the ability to select the offenses of Murder and Rape."

On Wednesday afternoon, I called CIS Director Worris Levine and Assistant City Manager Jill Jordan for comment. Neither returned my messages (though someone in Levine's office called me back twice asking for more details on why I was calling).

So why does this matter? Well, for one, I'd like to set the record straight if I was initially misled and, as a result, misled you. But I'd also like to know why the city and/or the Dallas police decided to restrict access to certain offense reports on its public system.

Obviously, the best and most reliable way to view complete public records is to request them formally through the records department. But I have to wonder why the Dallas Police Department would launch a public access incident report system only to decide later to scale back which offense reports are available on that system?

I'll update the post when someone offers me an explanation.

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The entry "Email: City of Dallas instructed vendor to restrict public access to some online police reports" is tagged: Jill Jordan , Leslie F. Delatte , Orion Communications , police reports , public information , Worris Levine

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