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Proper pruning helps protect trees from storm damage

03:39 PM CST on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

By TODD W. DAVIS / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News

Much of the severe damage to live oaks, magnolias and other evergreen trees that occurred during February's record snowstorm could have been avoided.

While some limb breakage is inevitable during extreme weather, properly pruned trees are an important precaution a homeowner can take toward protecting a property's value, experts say.The Dallas region isn't likely to receive another 12-inch snowfall anytime soon, but the same pruning practices will protect trees from ice (usually more damaging than snow) and our sometimes-devastating spring storms with high winds.

While there are some pruning chores homeowners can do without endangering themselves or the tree, certified arborists are trained and outfitted for the big jobs. Maintenance and damage repair on mature tall or spreading trees often require more skill and equipment than most people can handle safely.

The chore is fraught with danger, from electrocution to falls and being struck by heavy limbs. A Grand Prairie man was electrocuted Friday as he attempted to sever a limb with a pole saw while standing on an aluminum ladder.

February's heavy snow took its worst toll on live oaks, magnolias and other evergreens. Proper pruning, say certified arborists, could have prevented some damage.

Steve Houser, co-owner of Arborilogical Services in Dallas, says if his crew members cannot reach a targeted limb from the ground with a pole saw, they climb the tree (wearing safety belts and taking all industry precautions) to perform the task. His crews, he says, almost never use ladders.

Some pruning needs to take place when trees are young, which helps develop a stronger branching structure. Thinning canopies of mature trees also can help reduce breakage, while too much thinning is detrimental.

The majority of trees damaged during the February snowstorm were evergreens whose foliage caught the soft snow, adding enough weight to tear large limbs from trunks. But deciduous trees, susceptible to breakage during spring and summer storms, need regular preventive care, too.

Train young trees

Shade trees are more structurally sound and cost-effective to maintain when they are allowed to develop one dominant, central trunk (or leader, as arborists call it). If a trunk is allowed to develop two equal leaders, that juncture (or crotch) creates a weak spot prime for splitting. That kind of damage, especially with live oaks, was rife in February.

Trees pruned so that branches are spaced along the dominant trunk are stronger than trees with many dominant branches. It's best if this central leader reaches at least 30 feet high, says Ed Gilman, University of Florida professor of environmental horticulture, who is recognized as a national expert.

With that state's trees so susceptible to hurricanes, the Florida Division of Plant Industry has developed strict grades and standards for trees produced by the state's nursery growers. Gilman helped develop these standards.

When planting a tree, shorten or remove all branches that are at least half the diameter of the main trunk, as long as removal does not constitute more than 25 to 30 percent of the tree's structure. These branches will compete for resources that the central leader needs to become the single, dominant spine of the tree. Continue this practice yearly until one central trunk develops, Gilman says.

Tyson Woods, director of sales at Moore Tree Care in Dallas and a certified arborist, sees a lot of problems with trees that are not trained early. "The biggest mistake is that people don't pay attention to trees when they're young and in their developmental stages. Too often, homeowners are trying to correct problems with pruning when trees mature, and it's too late at that point.

Visualize what you want a young tree to look like when it reaches maturity, and prune with that vision in mind, advises arborist Tyson Woods (above) with Moore Tree Care.

"It's incredibly valuable to produce trees that are structurally sound from the beginning," Woods says. "You need to develop a good distribution of horizontal, scaffolding branches. You should have a spiraling, upward distribution of these branches – probably 12 or 18 inches apart – and have them facing different directions."

Prune with

long-term vision

Visualize what you want a young tree to look like at maturity, and prune to that vision. Determine what you want to be the ultimate lowest branches of the tree, Woods says. This will depend on the character or visual appeal you're trying to achieve: a high, spreading canopy or a low, screening tree.

"Establish that lowest ultimate branch and prune with that in mind," Woods says. "Don't let limbs below that get too large. You can cut back limbs lower than your ultimate lowest branch, which slows them down so they don't get too big." Wait, though, until a young tree develops enough growth, he explains, before fully removing those lowest branches.

There is no set rule on how high the trunk should be in relation to the overall height of the tree, says Harold Spiegel, owner of Preservation Tree Services in Dallas. But a general rule is that tree trunks should account for approximately one-third of the tree's total height.

A certified arborist will know a species' mature height range and how many years it will take for that tree to reach maturity, factors that influence pruning cuts. If a homeowner wants to educate himself on that score, that is standard information in print and online garden guides.

When does a tree

need thinning?

Trees with heavy branching throughout the canopy trap more ice and snow during winter storms. They also catch more wind when in leaf, much like a boat's sail, during high winds in spring. Both these factors lead to breakage.

A general rule for oak trees is to remove about 15 percent of their canopies every three to four years, says Deborah Rothermel, owner of North Dallas Garden Design.

"With live oaks, look for really large leaves developing in the interior of the tree. That's a sign those leaves aren't getting enough sunlight and those branches need to be removed," Rothermel says. But never, she adds, remove more than 30 percent of a canopy.

Spiegel witnessed just how much canopy thinning can help protect live oaks during February's snowstorm. "We had a property where we needed to prune 76 live oaks, all with trunks 20 to16 inches in diameter," Spiegel says. "There were four that we didn't get to before the storm hit. Those were decimated.

"The ones that we pruned had some limb breaks here or there, but nothing major."

When thinning canopies, an arborist starts at the outside of the tree and works back toward the middle, Spiegel says. Reduce the mass of the limbs on the ends in proportion to the middle of the tree, which equalizes the limb's weight.

Some tree species, such as magnolias and pecans, do not develop thick interior canopies and never need to be thinned, Rothermel says.

Don't over-thin, either. Improperly thinning tree canopies does more harm than good. One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is over-pruning a tree's interior. They remove all the twiggy growth and small branches from the middle of a limb, leaving only a clump of small limbs on the end.

Branches pruned in this fashion, referred to by arborists as "lion's tails," "broccoli spears" or "lollipops," are susceptible to breaking in storms. They trap a lot of snow or ice on their ends rather than the weight being evenly distributed.

Over-pruning canopies also can cause a problem known as suckering – small branches and leaves that emerge from trees' root systems. Suckers also can emerge from the tree trunk.

"Trees naturally produce a balance between the top growth and the bottom growth," Rothermel said. "If you prune too much of the top growth, you're eliminating a lot of leaves, which manufacture food for the rest of the tree. That triggers a response in the tree to produce more leaves as fast as it can. That often leads to the generation of suckers."

Learning to properly thin tree canopies is not easy. In fact, Woods says, many undertrained tree-care professionals get it wrong.

"It's almost a self-perpetuating problem. People see [hired workers] doing it and they copy what they've seen," Woods says. "It's one of the hardest things to teach. You don't take 100 percent of all the leaves on any branch or any one section of a tree. You take maybe 25 percent of the branches through an area or every third or fourth branch out of a limb."

With spring approaching in North Texas, no one will be surprised if the region receives damaging winds that can disfigure landscape trees as severely as the surprise record snowfall of February. For the sake of the trees, which add to property values, provide summer shade and clean the air, taking pre-emptive action to help them withstand the forces of nature may protect a homeowner from power outages, property damage, the higher charges of emergency tree work and, not least, the loss of a landscape's principal feature.

Todd Davis is a Texas certified nursery professional in Richardson.

When you need an arborist

"It's really best for untrained people if they can keep both feet on the ground," says Tyson Woods of Moore Tree Care in Dallas. More extensive work is best left to certified arborists, for the health and appearance of the tree as well as the homeowner's safety.

Train a tree when young to develop a straight central trunk. A split trunk is weaker and can be a break waiting to happen.

Limbs growing into or over power lines are deadly hazards and should never be touched, much less pruned, by a homeowner. Call your utility service provider when you see potential problems. Again, certified arborists have been trained to recognize the various cables attached to a house and know what they can and cannot safely deal with.

Be wary of individuals who go door-to-door offering bargains for doing tree work, says Deborah Rothermel of North Dallas Garden Design. When choosing an arborist, look for International Society of Arboriculture certification (www.isa-arbor.com) and membership in professional associations. Don't be afraid to check references.

"The best thing you can do is ask your contractor if he has insurance," Rothermel says. "If he does, you're probably in good shape. If not, you could be liable for damage he does to your property. Without insurance there's even a possibility you could be legally liable for any employee injuries that might happen on your property."Oak wilt lurks

Live oaks took quite a hit from the February snowfall. Residents are still attending to broken limbs, and fresh pruning cuts are raw. That's an entry point for oak wilt, a deadly fungal disease. Live oaks and red oaks are especially susceptible to the disease.

Although arborist Steve Houser usually does not apply pruning paint to trees his crews address, he makes an exception when it comes to oaks; and that is all oaks, not just live and red oaks. The danger of oak wilt is real, he says.

Do not voluntarily prune an oak tree between mid-March and mid-October. Oak wilt is spread by beetles that are active during this time frame.

Even if a homeowner is making small cuts on a tree, clean the cutting tools before and after use. Many plant diseases in addition to oak wilt can be transferred from tree to tree with infected pruning tools, including chain saws, hand pruners and loppers. A mixture of 90 percent water and 10 percent bleach will effectively disinfect tools.

"If you use a professional pruning crew," says Dallas garden designer Deborah Rothermel, "make sure they're cleaning their tools as well, so you don't get diseases they might have picked up at another property."

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