Man Killed in Gun Battle with Dallas Police


2 hours ago

Man Killed in Gun Battle with Dallas Police

Man leaning out of car shoots at Dallas officers, investigators say.

Father, Son's Alleged Shooter Dies: Police


5 hours ago

Father, Son's Alleged Shooter Dies: Police

The man police say shot a father and son in a Dallas office building earlier in the week has died.

Drilling Disposal Process, Quakes Possibly Related: Study


3 hours ago

Drilling Disposal Process, Quakes Possibly Related: Study

Some quakes could be connected to a disposal process done after gas drilling.

A-Rod to Talk to Feds About HGH Case


Mar 10, 2010

A-Rod to Talk to Feds About HGH Case

Yankee star Alex Rodriguez says he will talk to federal authorities probing a Canadian doctor linked to performance enhancing drugs.

Rangers, A's Tie; Salty Scratched with Shoulder Soreness


Mar 10, 2010

Rangers, A's Tie; Salty Scratched with Shoulder Soreness

Rich Harden breezed through the first two innings but never finished the third in his second outing with the Texas Rangers on Tuesday.

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