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This blog was the first in the nation created by an editorial board to give readers a behind-the-scenes view of the discussion that goes into crafting the newspaper’s daily editorials. It includes updates on the work of the editorial staff and debates on general news issues.

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Author Biographies

Anthony Moor/Editor dallasnews.com

Anthony Moor developed an interest in interactive media at San Francisco’s KRON-TV during the dot-com boom, while covering ventures with names such as RealAudio, Hotwired, Quokka and PointCast. After a stint at a short-lived Web news company called On24, he found stable employment and more fulfilling journalism at newspaper Web sites. Now he is the Deputy Managing Editor/Interactive at The Dallas Morning News and Editor of dallasnews.com.

Betsy Simnacher/Copy Editor

A former journalism instructor and freelance writer, Betsy is the copy editor and page designer for the Community Opinions pages and the Letters. She is married to Metro reporter Joe Simnacher. They have two sons.

Clayton M. McCleskey/Points Staff Writer

Clayton McCleskey is a Points staff writer based in Germany. A loud and proud Dallas native, Clayton writes about “glocal" issues, global topics with local relevance to folks in Dallas. Clayton first joined Belo as a TV intern in Washington, D.C. in 2006. And he began reporting from Europe for The News in 2008. He is a graduate of the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and is currently a Fulbright Journalism Scholar interning at The News.

Colleen McCain Nelson/Editorial Writer

Editorial Writer
Politics is a passion for Colleen, who covered local, state and national campaigns before joining the editorial board in 2006. She crisscrossed the country with John Kerry and George W. Bush in 2004 and spent a few years at Dallas City Hall. On the editorial page, she writes frequently about southern Dallas, City Hall, politics and environmental issues. A graduate of the University of Kansas, Colleen is crazed about KU basketball. She and her husband are raising a dog named Phog and are perpetually training for their next marathon.

Jarrett Rush/Editor

Jarrett Rush's job is to conceive and present 18 layouts each week that accurately and attractively reflect our content. Jarrett is a child of Belo. After college he joined the staff at the Arlington Morning News, then moved to the news desk at the big newspaper downtown. He finally found the perfect girl, Gina, who loves baseball and can tolerate his devotion to the sport, the Kansas City Royals and George Brett. She's a teacher in Mesquite. They married in 2008 and live in downtown Dallas.

Jim Mitchell/Editorial Writer

Jim has been with The News since 1984, joining the editorial board in 1998. His specialty is business and economics, but he's been known to craft editorials on topics as diverse as the Wright amendment battle, emerging technologies, international AIDS policy, city politics and cultural and societal shifts. Jim graduated from Loyola University, earned a master's degree in journalism from Northwestern University and attended business and economics workshops. Meeting Nelson Mandela in South Africa was his most unforgettable career moment.

Keven Ann Willey/Editor

Vice president and editorial page editor
At The Dallas Morning News since late 2002, Keven developed her interest in politics early. When her family lived in Washington, D.C., her mother used to take Keven as a baby in her bassinet to the U.S. Senate gallery to watch the likes of Everett Dirksen and Estes Kefauver debate the issues of the day. Three decades later, Keven was a political columnist for The Arizona Republic in a state that for most of the '80s and '90s was best known for impeaching, indicting or otherwise politically impaling its governors. Her editorial pages in Texas and Arizona have three times been finalists for the Pulitzer Prize. Keven studied briefly in Europe and Mexico before graduating magna cum laude from Northern Arizona University and starting (but never finishing) a master's program in Spanish literature. She is a member of The Pulitzer Prize board, enjoys hiking and biking, and lives with her chef husband in downtown Dallas.

Michael Landauer/Editor

Assistant editorial page editor

Michael oversees the Letters team, and he works with teachers, students and community columnists through the popular Voices program. He and his team take regular folks and transform them into prolific and powerful pundits. He started Voices and the weekly Sounding Off feature on the Community Opinions pages with six people in 2002. Now more than 1,500 people are raising their voices on the local pages through the two programs. A graduate of Texas A&M, Michael and his wife, Holly, and their dog, Parker, live near White Rock Lake in Dallas.

Mike Hashimoto/Editor

Assistant Editorial Page Editor
In 20 years with SportsDay and the city desk, Mike had grown used to being the only right-wing nut in the room - with staunch Democratic parents and sisters and typical college (UT-Arlington) and newsroom experiences - so the Editorial Board offers him a little company. Today, he writes editorials, manages columnists William McKenzie and Rod Dreher, assists Rod on the new Web version of our Opinion home page and supervises selected projects. In real life, Mike is married to Metro columnist Jacquielynn Floyd, who thankfully offers a more moderate view of the world.

Nicole Stockdale/Editor

Despite being the youngest member of the board, Nicole assures you that she doesn't get all her news from The Daily Show; she watches The Colbert Report, too. She's the editor of Points, the Sunday opinion section, and has been on the editorial board since 2006.

Rod Dreher/Columnist

Rod Dreher, 42, is an editorial writer and columnist, as well as the guy who edits the Opinion Home page on dallasnews.com. He is a cultural conservative who wrote about his eclectic right-wingery in the book "Crunchy Cons" (2006). He writes about religion, cultural politics and food, among other things. Rod lives in Dallas.

Rodger Jones/Editorial Writer

Editorial Writer
Rodger Jones focuses on transportation, higher ed, criminal justice, the Legislature, state politics and open government issues for the Editorial Board. He joined the board after serving as state editor and city editor in his 23 years with The News.

Sharon Grigsby/Editor

Deputy Editorial Page Editor
Running the day-to-day operations in Editorial for the past four years has been Sharon's dream job, plugging her back into the passion that led her to journalism: the hope of leaving this world a better place. She's most proud of her role this past year in Editorial's campaign to help lift up the southern half of Dallas and narrow the opportunity gaps between it and the north. Sharon joined The News' newsroom as an editor in 1980 after graduating from Baylor and working in New York and Detroit. She and her husband are blessed with two sons: a UT-Austin junior and a freshman Jayhawk at the University of Kansas. Sharon's idea of play is a pre-dawn seven-mile run or a Hill Country antiquing foray - sometimes on the same day.

Tod Robberson/Editorial Writer

Tod focuses on southern Dallas, drug trafficking, border issues, immigration and international affairs. He's a former foreign correspondent with 25 years' experience covering Latin America, the Middle East and Europe.

William McKenzie/Editorial Columnist

Bill joined The News in 1991, after spending 12 years in the wilds of Washington, D.C. The University of Texas grad worked there for 1980 presidential candidate John Anderson and then edited the Ripon Forum. Texas drew Bill back home to join the editorial board, where he writes editorials and a weekly column. The Fort Worth native spearheaded the launch of Texas Faith, a weekly online discussion about religion, politics and culture. He has followed George W. Bush closely and extensively covered Texas politics and the state's water needs. He and his wife are raising enthusiastic twins.

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