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RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an easy way for you to keep up with your favorite news and information. An RSS feed contains headlines and links to full news stories on DentonRC.com. Instead of you having to go to Web sites for the latest news and information on the topics you care about most, you can use category-specific RSS to stay informed as news changes. DentonRC.com offers several RSS feeds for use in news readers and Web logs (blogs). These feeds include headlines and links back to DentonRC.com for the full articles.

How to use DentonRC.com RSS News Feeds

Use the following links to choose the RSS news feeds that interest you. RSS reader programs vary, so follow your program's direction for signing up. (Scroll down if you need an RSS reader.)

Display DentonRC.com's Virtual News Kiosk

DentonRC.com also offers a free Virtual News Kiosk for personal use or as part of non-commercial Web sites. For more information and instructions, seeAdd DentonRC.com News Kiosks to Your Site .

Terms for DentonRC.com RSS News Feeds

We encourage the use of DentonRC.com RSS news feeds and the Virtual News Kiosk for personal use in a news reader or as part of a non-commercial Web site or blog. We require proper format and attribution whenever content is posted on your Web site, and we reserve the right to require that you cease distributing DentonRC.com content. Please read the Terms and Conditions for complete instructions.

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Where to get an RSS reader

A wide range of RSS readers can be easily downloaded from the Web. Some readers are Web-based while others require you to download a small software program onto your desktop. Most are free to use. (Several readers require Microsoft's .NET framework on your computer. They may be slightly more complicated to install if you do not have .NET.) Google and Yahoo! both offer comprehensive lists of RSS readers. A few sample readers are also offered below for the purpose of evaluation:

• Pluck: www.pluck.com

• SharpReader: www.sharpreader.com

• Awasu: www.awasu.com (Windows)

• Bloglines: http://bloglines.com
(All OS, browser-based)

• Amphetadesk: www.disobey.com/amphetadesk
(Windows, Mac, Linux)

• RSS Reader: www.rssreader.com
(Windows .NET)

• NetNewsWire: http://ranchero.com/netnewswire
(Mac OS X)

While we publish news as it happens, your RSS reader determines how often it will retrieve the latest headlines. You can adjust the update frequency in many RSS readers.

Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.


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