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Methane levels get new check

DRC/David Minton
Chris Rella, director of research and development for Picarro Inc., demonstrates how methane and hydrogen sulfide levels can be tested using a laser spectroscope mounted in a van while driving Wednesday in Dish.

DISH — An atmospheric researcher drove a specially equipped van through several Barnett Shale counties this week and found methane plumes near many natural gas facilities, with one plume in Flower Mound measuring 40 parts per million.


Group calls for drilling changes
Leaders from the state and national offices of the Oil and Gas Accountability Project rolled out a platform for regulatory reform during a nationwide media conference call Wednesday.

 Best of Denton 2010 ballot


Range flares Rayzor well

DRC/Barron Ludlum
The Range Resources drilling company flares its Rayzor Ranch natural gas well on Bonnie Brae Street in Denton on Thursday.

Bill Carter crested the hill at McKenna Park on Thursday morning, his pet sheltie in tow, and saw a towering flame rising from the Rayzor Ranch property. An energy company was flaring its natural gas well — burning the gas as one of the final stages in the drilling process. Carter’s daily walks are for his health, he said, but lately they don’t feel so healthy.

 Best of Denton 2010 ballot


Gas drilling documentary stirs fest audience
A healthy house turned out Wednesday for the opening night of the Thin Line Film Fest, the three-year-old documentary film festival in downtown Denton. “There are almost tears in my eyes to see this place this full,” said festival director Joshua Butler, who told the press he was concerned that crowds might be thin for the five-day event. “Thank you.” The Campus Theatre was indeed fairly full for the opening documentary, GasLand, a cautionary movie about the dangers of natural gas drilling shot partly in Denton County.

Review: ‘GasLand’ worthy of Sundance accolades
What do a babbling creek in Catskills-Poconos region of Pennsylvania have to do with the flat, dusty earth of Denton County? As far as documentarian Josh Fox is concerned, it’s all about the shale. Fox details the startling connection between the creek running past his family home in Pennsylvania, and the homes in Dish, a small Denton County town, in GasLand, a full-length documentary that opened the Thin Line Film Fest in Denton on Wednesday night.


Fund decides gas use runs counter to goal
A North Texas environmental fund dedicated to paying for projects that help clean the air will no longer pay for projects that use natural gas as an alternative fuel. The Sue Pope Fund was created in 2007 with a $2.25 million settlement between a cement company and two environmental groups.


Dish halts new drilling for now
DISH — After only a few minutes of discussion, town leaders declared a 90-day moratorium on issuing new drilling permits inside town limits, citing concerns about emissions from production equipment and their effect on human health. Both Commissioners William Sciscoe and Charles Smith told Mayor Calvin Tillman they were comfortable with the reasoning for the moratorium.

Fracking elicits complaints but no violations
As Cathy McMullen surveyed the Rayzor Ranch gas well site on Friday afternoon from nearby McKenna Park, she felt her eyes water and nose burn. Smoke and a steady roar of noise rose from the 3-acre drilling site at Bonnie Brae and Scripture streets in Denton. To McMullen, the air smelled like pesticide.


Officials give few answers to Argyle  

DRC/David Minrton
Roger Mathis, who lives in unincorporated Denton County near Argyle, shows Joan Wells of Argyle an aerial photograph of where a proposed disposal well site is in relation to his home, which is near another gas well, before a town hall meeting Thursday on the proposed disposal well.

LANTANA — More than 200 area residents packed a middle school gymnasium here Thursday night for a wide-ranging meeting on gas drilling operations. The gathering was called in light of public anger over plans to build natural gas compressors and a commercial disposal well inside a rural neighborhood near Argyle, and neighbors used an hour-long open house to discuss the plans with representatives of the companies behind them.

Samples from Dish in the lab
DISH — Texas health officials are now waiting on lab results from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, having selected 28 residents at random for biological sampling that could determine whether they have been exposed to toxic substances.


Elevated benzene levels found  
FORT WORTH — State environmental officials found elevated levels of benzene at 22 percent of natural gas facilities they sampled last year, according to a report released Wednesday.


Argyle fights disposal well plan
ARGYLE — Town leaders have added their voices to the chorus of opponents fighting a company’s plan to build a commercial disposal well for oil and gas production waste in a rural neighborhood near Argyle.


TCEQ reports findings
The Texas environmental agency says a survey of more than 100 natural gas facilities in Fort Worth showed no cause for concern about potentially dangerous pollutants.


Samples taken at Rayzor drilling site

DRC/David Minton
A noise-reducing barrier wall surrounds the natural gas well site at Rayzor Ranch in Denton.

The first round of air and water sampling around the Rayzor Ranch gas well site is complete, but residents are still raising money for tests that would show whether the drilling has any measurable environmental effects. “The key is to see, as time goes on, what variation occurs — if there is a variation,” said Alisa Rich, president of Wolf Eagle Environmental, an environmental firm based in Flower Mound.

Natural gas facilities planned near Argyle
A rural neighborhood just outside Argyle could become a dumping ground for waste from the region’s natural gas wells. A Glen Rose company has asked state regulators for a permit to operate a commercial disposal well to handle up to 1 million gallons of wastewater daily from oil and gas production sites. The disposal well would sit on a 7-acre property near the corner of Frenchtown and Jeter roads, southeast of Argyle. Meanwhile, another company is moving forward with plans to build four natural gas compressors on the same site.


Gas complaints jump to TCEQ’s top priority
Complaints about odors and other pollution at Barnett Shale gas facilities — be they wellheads, metering stations, compressors or other facilities — have become a top priority at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.


Rayzor Ranch Gas Drilling And Enforcement
The Denton City Council approved a specific-use permit in October allowing gas drilling on the Rayzor Ranch property with 21 conditions on top of the city’s normal drilling rules. The conditions are listed along with the phone number of the city staff member or department responsible for enforcing them.


Residents pool resources for testing

Residents near the Rayzor Ranch gas well site in Denton say they’ve hired a company to test the air and water for pollutants, over concerns that existing regulations don’t go far enough to protect their health. Margarete Neale said she and a small group of neighbors and other contributors — including a nearby hospital — pooled money to pay for tests by the same firm that recently studied the air in Dish. /p>


Gas well work starts at Rayzor

DRC/Barron Ludlum
A worker helps put up a sound barrier Monday at a gas well site at the Rayzor Ranch development in west Denton.

Construction is under way on a gas well site at Denton’s Rayzor Ranch development, after months of public debate and legal wrangling. Range Production Co. started work on the site last week after clearing a series of legal, political and regulatory hurdles.

State to test health in Dish
DISH — Officials with the Environmental & Injury Epidemiology and Toxicology Unit of the Texas Department of State Health Services will investigate health concerns related to natural gas production here, probably early next year. Health concerns were raised in October after the town of Dish commissioned an air quality study and scientists found toxins at troubling levels.


High emissions levels recorded outside Dish
DISH — State environmental inspectors found emissions at some eye-popping levels during short monitoring visits in August and October, including particularly high readings obtained at the fence line of a natural gas wellhead where an operator reportedly left production equipment open.


Environmental inspectors find high emissions near Dish
DISH – State environmental inspectors found emissions at some eye-popping levels during short monitoring visits in August and October, including particularly high readings obtained at the fence line of a wellhead west of Dish where an operator reportedly left production equipment open.


Ruling allows Rayzor drilling
A company can move forward with plans to drill natural gas wells at the Rayzor Ranch development, a judge ruled Wednesday. Denton County state district Judge L. Dee Shipman ruled in favor of Range Production Co. in its dispute with the Rayzor Ranch developer over whether the right to drill on the property expired this summer, said court coordinator Phyllis Morris. A final judgment had not been signed.


Drilling suit in judge’s hands
A decision could come today in a trial over whether a company can drill gas wells at the Rayzor Ranch development. Testimony ended Monday in the case, which involves a contract dispute between oil and gas operator Range Production Co. and Allegiance Hillview LP, the group behind Rayzor Ranch.


Drilling explored

DRC/Barron Ludlum
Work crews use equipment to survey the ground under South Lakes Park as part of an oil and gas company’s efforts to see whether the area is fit for drilling.

Crews testing the ground for potential gas drilling recently wrapped up work in and around Denton’s South Lakes Park, but city officials say no wells are planned at the park. The seismic testing — a spectacle of trucks, cables and other equipment — was for a potential gas well site on undeveloped land bordering the west side of Interstate 35E, said Mark Schumacher, president of Fort Worth-based oil and gas operator Titan Operating LLC, which ordered the testing.


Lawyers contest deadline issues
The parties in the Rayzor Ranch lawsuit continued to clash Tuesday over who was to blame for a company missing a gas drilling deadline, as the trial entered its second day.


Judge hears drilling dispute
Testimony began Monday in a trial that could decide whether gas drilling will be allowed at Rayzor Ranch. The trial, which was set to continue this morning, centers on whether Fort Worth-based Range Production Co. still has the right to drill at the west Denton mixed-use development.


Dish air study brings health worries to fore

DRC/Al Key
Wilma Subra, a Louisiana-based environmentalist and chemist, reads an analysis of her research on the health concerns of Dish residents at Monday’s Town Council meeting.

DISH — Dish resident Dawn Melton, who serves as the town’s volunteer librarian, told a crowd of mostly strangers that her headaches have gotten worse in the past couple of years. “My migraines have gone off the charts — and sent me to the hospital,” Melton announced at a Town Hall meeting on the area’s air quality. “The last one they told me I’d had a stroke and sent me to a neurologist.”

Dish air study detects pollution
DISH — For a mid-August day that Mayor Calvin Tillman said, smell-wise, “was not that bad,” a city-commissioned air quality study detected a host of volatile organic chemicals, several in concentrations greater than allowable limits.


Lower gas prices hurt area economy
The North Texas economy, once insulated from the national recession with economic activity spurred by the Barnett Shale, could have a harder time recovering as oil and natural gas prices plummet.


Driller, city at odds already
The company asking the Denton City Council for a permit to drill gas wells at Rayzor Ranch is in a legal battle with the city over disputed royalty payments. The city sued Range Resources in July 2008, saying the company shorted the city at least $400,000 by miscalculating royalty payments from gas produced at three Denton Airport wells. Range Resources and two other companies named in the lawsuit deny wrongdoing and say the lease at issue is ambiguous.


City tables drilling proposal again

DRC/Gary Payne
Residents wait to speak about proposed gas drilling by Range Production Co. during a Denton City Council meeting Tuesday.

The Denton City Council on Tuesday again delayed a vote on a plan to allow gas drilling across the street from homes and a city park, in a move designed to push the gas company to negotiate a less-controversial site. The council voted 7-0 to table a special-use permit that would let Fort Worth-based Range Production Co. drill up to five gas wells inside Rayzor Ranch, a planned mixed-use development located on both sides of U.S. Highway 380 between Interstate 35 and Bonnie Brae Street.


Rayzor drilling plan up for vote
A controversial plan to drill gas wells across the street from homes and a city park goes back before the Denton City Council tonight. The council is expected to vote on whether to grant a special-use permit to allow up to five gas wells inside the planned Rayzor Ranch development, located on both sides of U.S. Highway 380 between Interstate 35 and Bonnie Brae Street.


Denton County air at quality threshold

DRC/Al Key
The sun sets through a layer of haze on FM2153 north of Denton July 24, which was an air pollution “orange” alert day.

After Beth Lutz returned to Denton from a California vacation, her eyes began itching and burning again. The constant irritation in her throat returned, too. “I don’t know what’s in the air here,” Lutz said. According to state and federal data, it’s ground-level ozone. And greenhouse gases. And other noxious elements. The American Lung Association grades Denton County air quality an “F.”


Gas wells sought at Rayzor
The Denton City Council today will consider the latest plans for the Rayzor Ranch development, including a request to drill up to five gas wells across the street from McKenna Park. A public hearing and vote are scheduled on the plan, which would allow Fort Worth-based Range Production Co. to drill gas wells on 3 acres that are undeveloped inside the planned Rayzor Ranch Town Center south of U.S. Highway 380.


Pass, fail or erode
Nearly 60 pieces of legislation tied to natural gas drilling, production and distribution got some kind of hearing in either the state Senate’s Natural Resources Committee or the House’s Energy Resources Committee in the 81st legislative session.


Dish agrees on study
DISH — Town leaders agreed to an environmental study of this small community during the commissioners’ regular meeting Monday night, after Mayor Calvin Tillman reported he had followed residents’ reports of natural gas odor and got positive readings on a natural gas detection unit.

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