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Family’s plight unites school

Courtesy photo
Organizers say more than 500 people showed up for a benefit dinner Feb. 26 at Providence Elementary School to raise money for the Rhynes family. Teacher Daniel Rhynes, whose wife also works in the Denton school district, and their three children were injured in a Christmas Eve car accident.

When tragic moments hit, it’s always easy to tell the people affected, “If you need anything, let me know,” fourth-grade Providence Elementary School teacher Kyle Wilbert says. With no strings attached, Providence Elementary stepped up to help second-grade teacher Daniel Rhynes and his family. Rhynes and his three children were injured in a Christmas Eve car accident.

Freedom rides


DISD proactive on budget pinch

Denton school officials told trustees this week that the fiscal budget for the 2010-11 school year will be tight, and that significant program cuts and staff reductions would be made the following year. For more than five hours this week, school officials and trustees met for a retreat-style budget workshop session to discuss two upcoming fiscal budgets and how to increase enrollment, improve daily attendance and generate more revenue.


In The Schools


Denton ISD considers path ahead for budget

Ray Braswell

Denton school officials and board members will meet tonight and Wednesday to discuss ideas for what direction the district should take in addressing current and future fiscal budgets. Superintendent Ray Braswell said that throughout the next two days, district staff and board members will discuss five areas of interest: increasing and maintaining enrollment, improving daily attendance rates, making necessary short-term financial adjustments, making long-term financial adjustments and generating revenue.

Pilot Point High reopens
Classes resumed at Pilot Point High School on Monday after a recent gas leak that forced school administrators to evacuate the campus Thursday and close school Friday.

Global studies

Legends Academy plans open house
PTA members and administrators from Legends Academy will have an open house for prospective students and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday.


Wings of the color purple


DISD deal to cut election costs
Denton school board members have agreed to enter into an election contract with Denton County that district officials say will cut election costs. Beginning with the May 8 election, Denton County Elections Administrator Frank Phillips will begin coordinating the elections for nearly all county political subdivisions and portions of the subdivisions located within county boundaries.


In The Schools


Sanger seeks input on hiring next superintendent
The Sanger school district is seeking community input Tuesday in a series of sessions on the qualifications and characteristics desired for the district’s next superintendent The new leader will replace current Superintendent Jack Biggerstaff, who last month announced his retirement, effective June 30.


In The Schools

Under the hood


Ponder Superintendent’s contract renewed
Ponder school board trustees have renewed and extended Superintendent Bruce Yeager’s contract through 2013. The announcement was made at a recent board meeting.


Denton ISD faces budget shortfalls
It’s apparent the economic downturn has hit Denton schools, the district’s superintendent said. A drop in attendance and slower-than-expected enrollment growth this school year will force Denton to dig deeper into its reserves this year and find ways to cut costs for the 2010-11 year. Superintendent Ray Braswell said last week that the district’s deficit for this year could top $4 million.

Gonzalez School to start enrolling youngsters
Early registration is slated to begin next week for Denton’s newest early childhood facility, the Popo and Lupe Gonzalez School for Young Children. Registration will begin Saturday at LaGrone Advanced Technology Complex, 1504 Long Road, for children who are 3 or 4 years old by Sept. 1.


Sanger School board OKs contract extensions
Sanger school board members unanimously approved contract extensions through the next two school years for administrative staff this week.


No refuel for local driver’s ed
A driver’s education course offered to Denton, Guyer and Ryan high school students will take its last ride this semester. School board trustees on Tuesday approved a recommendation to discontinue the program, which officials said was becoming more expensive to operate and could create scheduling conflicts for courses.


Not stopping to take a breath, senior again makes state choir
Hannah Lane, a Denton High School senior, is slated to perform in Saturday’s Texas Music Educators Association All-State Mixed Choir, for her fourth year in a row.

Denton ISD may end driver’s ed

Increased costs are turning a green light to red as Denton school district officials consider dropping driver’s education. Denton school board members tonight will consider discontinuing the driver’s education course the district offers to high school students.

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