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Business Blogs

March 4, 2010

Best place for yearlong investment

9:21 AM Thu, Mar 04, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips



I have approximately $40,000 from cashing in a life insurance policy. I plan to use it for my high school junior's college education next year. Right now, it's sitting in our B of A savings account earning very little. What do you recommend I invest in for about a year until it (at least some of it) will be needed for college expenses?



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The entry "Best place for yearlong investment" is tagged: College Funding , investment

Education, Expert advice, Investment

March 2, 2010

Shoud I Annuitize an Annuity to Roll it Over to an IRA?

8:17 PM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |  
Michael Miller    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


We have about $136,000 in flexible premium deferred annuities. The rate of new money is 3.50%, however it quickly becomes "old" money and is giving about 1% of interest. Can we annuitize this money and roll it over to an IRA or Roth IRA without having to pay taxes on it?

We are 65 & 64 and retired educators working part-time with an annual income of about $115,000. We live debt free and own a home valued at about $200,000. We have CD's and an emergency fund totaling about $150,000


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The entry "Shoud I Annuitize an Annuity to Roll it Over to an IRA?" is tagged: Annuitize , Annuity , Investment , IRA , Retirement , Returns , Roth IRA

Expert advice, Investment, Retirement

Tax treatment of an inherited annuity and IRAs

3:56 PM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |  
Michael Miller    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


We recently inherited a life annuity and two IRA's, total amount about 400,000. Both were purchased by my Father in Law with after tax funds. He purchased the funds in the 1990's. He was 89 years old at the time of his death, and has been taking the mandatory withdrawals.

The funds show as equal beneficiary's his three children, one of which wishes to withdraw their portion this year.

It is my understanding that an immediate withdrawal will make the amount the fund or annuity has earned taxable, while the original amount is not taxed. Is this correct?

My wife and I wish to avoid paying any unnecessary taxes, not to mention increasing our tax rate for the year. We are considering continuing the IRA and Life Annuity with our portion of the inheritance, which I understand we can do.

Will you please provide us with advice on what you think our next step should be?


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The entry "Tax treatment of an inherited annuity and IRAs" is tagged: Annuity , Inheritance , IRA , Taxes

Expert advice, Retirement, Taxes

March 1, 2010

Deduction of SEP contributions

4:48 PM Mon, Mar 01, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I got laid off in 2009. At the time, I had been contributing to a SEP. I still have money in it. Can I take deductions from my 2009 taxes for contributions made to the SEP in 2009?

Thank you

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The entry "Deduction of SEP contributions" is tagged: income tax , SEP , SEP IRA

Expert advice, Taxes

Inherited Money

3:49 PM Mon, Mar 01, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


My wife has recently inherited $50,000 and we would like your advice on the Safest place to put it and where it will earn the most interest. She does not plan on touching it for at least two years. Would a 24 month CD paying 2.53 % APY with one "bump up" be better than putting the $ in Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities? If neither of these are good options, what

Would you recommend?

Thanks for your help. L.R.

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The entry "Inherited Money" is tagged: cd , investment

Expert advice, Investment

Debt free

3:41 PM Mon, Mar 01, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


Debt free

Is this company ok to work with bulldoze my debt.

Bankruptcy, Expert advice

February 26, 2010


12:54 PM Fri, Feb 26, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: My father-in-law is 85 yrs old and has 12,000 dollars that he wants to put into something relatively "safe" but that gains more interest than a CD. Do you have any recommendations maybe some sort of mutual fund? This is not money that he needs at the moment for income. He also has 20,000 in an annuity that is about to expire. Again, he doesn't really need the monthly income from his annuity. Would it be better to take the 20,000 out of the annuity and put it somewhere else or should he leave it in and start taking monthly payments? What are the tax implications? --Gary

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Expert advice, Investment, Retirement, Taxes

February 25, 2010

Taxes and Nanny Issues

2:34 PM Thu, Feb 25, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


My wife and I have had our taxes done by H&R Block Premium the last few years, after having our first child and hiring a nanny for childcare. Our tax preparer was providing us info on how to handle the tax implications of being an employer, but after much confusion this tax season, we feel our preparer is not adequately informing us and is really just preparing our taxes instead of guiding us to the most financially beneficial decisions regarding how we deal with our 'employee'.

My main question is this: would a CPA be a better choice for tax advice and preparation vs our current solution, or is the best solution really to hire a CFP? We aren't in the position of doing a lot of investing, hence why we've shied away from a CFP, but it seems like we aren't prepared each year for tax season, which is the biggest financial pain we deal with. And whichever direction is best, can you please recommend the best approach (website, past article, whatever) to find either a CPA or CFP?

Thank you very much -


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The entry "Taxes and Nanny Issues" is tagged: financial planning , income tax , tax planning

Budgeting/saving, Expert advice, Taxes

Income for wife

11:32 AM Thu, Feb 25, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I want to provide a steady monthly income for my wife. I have 150,000 plus to start with but can add $2000 per month if it is possible. The problem I face is that I am 79 years old (30 years older than her) and in good health I do not owe any debts the house is paid for and clear. My income will stop upon my death and I want to provide approx. $2000 per month. I have been adding the maximum to an IRA for her each year but she will not be able to use this due to her age.
Any suggestions?

Thank you


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The entry "Income for wife" is tagged: budgeting , investing , money income

Budgeting/saving, Expert advice, Investment

February 24, 2010

Prepay Utilities Bills

11:25 AM Wed, Feb 24, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I have a short question, should I pay all my utilities for the rest of year, and therefore pocket my social security, check, knowing it is mine, till December 2010
thank u

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The entry "Prepay Utilities Bills" is tagged: budget , prepay

Budgeting/saving, Expert advice, Retirement

February 19, 2010

What Should We Do With Our Debt Situation?

10:10 AM Fri, Feb 19, 2010 |  
Jimmy Perryman    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


We are 59 and need help with our large debt. My husband is currently unemployed and we have only $30,000 in savings. I have about $65,000 in mutual funds. We have 2 kids in college and have taken a lot of student loans. We have a lot of debt on credit cards. We now cannot sell our house worth about $360,000 and down size because we can't get a loan. We have already taken a lot of equity out of our house. I am a school counselor making about $60,000. I know there are consolidation programs and people that can help but I don't want to go through a lot of history and it end up costing us money. Where can you direct us?

A. G.

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The entry "What Should We Do With Our Debt Situation?" is tagged: debt , mortgage , Unemployed

Budgeting/saving, Debt, Expert advice, Investment, Mortgage/housing, Retirement, Stocks

February 18, 2010

Earned Income Tax Credit

1:19 PM Thu, Feb 18, 2010 |  
Michael Miller    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


In 2009, my company laid me off in March. I got a W-2 for January through March. With the work that I had done while employed during that time, will I be able to take the EITC credit?

Also, I had money in a SEP at the company. Since I am not at that company now, how should I report that money in filing taxes?

Confused in Dallas

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The entry "Earned Income Tax Credit" is tagged: Earned Income Tax Credit

Expert advice, Taxes

February 17, 2010

What Should I Sell To Provide For My Required Distribution?

6:06 PM Wed, Feb 17, 2010 |  
Jimmy Perryman    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


This year I will have to take my first RMD for my traditional IRA. Should I sell stocks that have gained or lost for the distribution?

P. W.

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The entry "What Should I Sell To Provide For My Required Distribution?" is tagged: IRA , IRA Withdrawals , required minimum distribution , RMD

Expert advice, Investment, Retirement, Stocks

February 16, 2010

Higher Education Tax Benefits for Series EE Bonds

2:13 PM Tue, Feb 16, 2010 |  
Michael Miller    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


My daughter is a full time student and has Series EE savings bonds
that were given to her when she was little. (Issue Dates are all in
the late 80's early 90's) Every year she cashes a few and uses them
for college costs, but when we prepare her taxes she is still required
to pay tax on the bond income. I thought Savings Bonds could be cashed
and were tax free if used for education. I have read the rules on this
at Tax help sites and they make no sense. Her income is very low for
the year as well. (less than 8,000 in summer job) She is 22 years old
and files her own taxes and I hate it that she is taxed on this income
as it hurts the savings bonds values in the end. Thanks for your help
on this.

Jo Ann

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The entry "Higher Education Tax Benefits for Series EE Bonds" is tagged: benefits , Higher Education , Tax , U.S. Series EE Bonds

Budgeting/saving, Education, Expert advice, Investment, Taxes

Loan Mitigation Rules and Procedures

1:28 PM Tue, Feb 16, 2010 |  
Michael Miller    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I was laid off from my job in 2009. I applied to my mortgage bank for a loan mitigation. After 6 months my bank turned my request over to a loan mitigation processing company. The loan mitigation company reviewed my application and determined that I do not qualify for a loan mitigation according to Fanny Mae rules. They will not explain why I do not qualify and are reluctant to give me written notice. Is there any way to get access to the rules? Thank you.

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The entry "Loan Mitigation Rules and Procedures" is tagged: Foreclosure , Mitigation , Modification , Mortgage , Refinance

Debt, Expert advice, Mortgage/housing

February 15, 2010

Making work pay credit - 2009 Income Taxes

2:43 PM Mon, Feb 15, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I am using TurboTax to file my taxes and generally don't have a problem understanding the interview questions but not on this issue. My wife and I both work. I answered the questions on the interview noting that neither of us received SS, railroad or veterans benefits from Nov 2008 - Jan 2009. TurboTax shows my wife and I are eligible for $689 in Making Work Pay Credit. It goes on to say that most people already benefit from this credit by lower federal income tax deductions on payroll. I work for a major company but have no idea if my company has already figured the tax reduction in my withholding or not and I don't know how TurboTax would know that either. Based on what I entered it says I'm eligible for the credit. Is there something I'm missing here or just more of the government handing out money to us we will eventually have to pay back with higher taxes?

Thank you

Confused in Rockwall

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The entry "Making work pay credit - 2009 Income Taxes " is tagged: IRS , Making Work Pay credit

Expert advice, Taxes

HSA Question

11:06 AM Mon, Feb 15, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: I know that the limit for an HSA contribution for 2009 was $5950 and I contributed the full amount.
My company also contributed in the amount of $1000. I recently received a form 5498-SA from my HSA showing a contribution of $6950.
Did I go over the allowed maximum? If so, what do I do about it? Can I still withdraw money and show it for 2009? Can I just deduct my part ($5950) on my taxes? Help.

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The entry "HSA Question" is tagged: Heath Savings Accounts

Expert advice, Insurance/benefits, Taxes

Asset Allocation in Retirement

9:43 AM Mon, Feb 15, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: I'm getting close to retirement (within 1 year) and I am confused about asset allocation. I sometimes think I currently have my 401k allocated very aggressively for my age. I have always considered social security and the pension I will receive to be part of my "overall" portfolio, although I realize that these 2 parts are not anything I can self direct or re-allocate. As a result, I've kept my 401K allocation roughly 80-20, (equities-bonds). I'm diversified in my holdings with domestic and international stock funds.
The 80-20 seems high, unless you consider the pension and SS as virtual guaranteed returns. Then the allocation of my total holdings comes in around 35-65, (equities-everything else)

Should I be considering the pension and SS this way? Why or why not?

Thank you in advance and I'm really enjoying the "Your Money" section in the paper. This type of information is in desperate need in my opinion. -Bruce

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The entry "Asset Allocation in Retirement" is tagged: asset allocation , Retirement Income

Expert advice, Investment, Retirement

February 14, 2010

Move money without penalty???

12:48 PM Sun, Feb 14, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


My wife and I would like to reduce the amount invested with our FA to save on annual fees. She currently bills us at .90 against our total. This costs us roughly $6000 a year plus we still have to pay load fees etc. on actions taken. About 1/3 of our account is in an IRA which we heard we can remove from the account without penalty but we don't know if the information is true. Nor do we know how to go about actually doing this. We have had an account with our FA for a bout 4 years and feel we want to control some of our own money. Can you help with a suggestion to go about this.

The other 2/3's is in mutual funds and such and we would like to have that too, if it didn't cost us. We feel like we are in a trap right now cause if we cash out everything with her we will lose money for good. We want to be smart about this. Slowly get money back in our control is the goal.

Thank you for your time and we eagerly await your suggestion.

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The entry "Move money without penalty???" is tagged: Financial Advisor , investment fees , load funds

Expert advice, Investment

February 13, 2010

Worried about my REIT Investment

6:08 PM Sat, Feb 13, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I have an IRA with KBS REIT. I paid $10 per share for 1900 shares and it was worth $19000. In November 2009 I received a statement saying shares were now $7.00 and value $13000. My financial advisor said not to worry, but I am worried. Should I take my money out or stay in this investment?

Additional Question:

I know you haven't had time to reply but this is my second request. My question is should I roll over what's left into something else, or leave it there as my advisor says.

Thank you.

Sara, Senior Citizen

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The entry "Worried about my REIT Investment" is tagged: investment , REIT , retirement

Expert advice, Investment, Retirement

Starting over instead of retiring

5:54 PM Sat, Feb 13, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I read your (Pamela Yip) column regularly but there is a topic that no one seems to want to address. There are many of us in this economy that have had to dip into or completely exhaust their retirement savings. My future retirement, should I do nothing to recover, will rely on my monthly SS check and renewals from my insurance agency. I will be 65 this month, and am earning at a good level again now and I want to start to contribute at least $500 a month into some vehicle. I am healthy and can continue to operate my insurance agency for the foreseeable future. The savings plans I've investigated pay a whopping 1-2%. Do you have any advice to those of us that are starting over instead of retiring?



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The entry "Starting over instead of retiring" is tagged: budgeting , financial planning , saving

Budgeting/saving, Expert advice, Investment, Retirement

Question re: $6500 Tax Credit for repeat home buyer

5:04 PM Sat, Feb 13, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


ref: http://homebuying.about.com/od/buyingahome/a/21808_taxcredit.htm

Are my wife and I eligible to claim this tax credit? If so, may we claim in on 2009 joint tax return?

She bought the home we live in now ("Home A") 7 years ago, and lived in the home by herself until we married on 2/17/07. We have lived in her home since we were married.

When I was single, I bought a home ("Home B") in August, 2000, and lived in it for 7 years until we were married in Feb 2007. After putting a considerable amount of repairs into the home, I sold it in August 2009.

We plan to close on the purchase of a home ("Home C") on 2/22/10, and will put our current home ("Home A") on the market shortly after we move to the "new" home ("Home C"), which was built in 2004.

So, my wife has lived in our current home for 7 years. I will have lived in our current home since we were married on 2/17/07 (i.e., more than 3 years).

Is there anything that would disqualify us from claiming this $6500 tax credit?

Thanks for reviewing!

Bill M

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The entry "Question re: $6500 Tax Credit for repeat home buyer" is tagged: home buyer credit , tax credit , taxes

Expert advice, Taxes

How to improve our financial position

4:53 PM Sat, Feb 13, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


My wife and I have not been good stewards of our finances over the last 20 years. We pay our bills, but, ever since I was unemployed for 9 months two years ago, (I'm employed now), we are paying right on the due date, or a few days late. We have called our mortgage company about modifying our loan, but, we make too much money. We have a high debt to income ratio and we just cannot seem to get ahead. What can we do to put ourselves in a better financial position?



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The entry "How to improve our financial position" is tagged: budgeting , financial planning , savings

Budgeting/saving, Expert advice, Retirement

Loan Mitigation

4:45 PM Sat, Feb 13, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I was laid off from my job in 2009. I applied to my mortgage bank for loan mitigation. After 6 months my bank turned my request over to a loan mitigation processing company. The loan mitigation company reviewed my application and determined that I do not qualify for loan mitigation according to Fanny Mae rules. They will not explain why I do not qualify and are reluctant to give me written notice. Is there any way to get access to the rules? Thank you.


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The entry "Loan Mitigation" is tagged: loan modification , mortgage

Debt, Expert advice, Mortgage/housing

February 11, 2010


12:24 PM Thu, Feb 11, 2010 |  
Tara L. Scottino    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I have several CD's that I need to move into something that has a better return. Do you have any suggestions? Also, what is the best way to help my grandchildren save for college?
Thank you,

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The entry "Savings" is tagged: Annuities , CDs , investments , savings

Expert advice, Investment

Financial Planning

9:58 AM Thu, Feb 11, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: My husband and I are both retired with a combined income of over $50,000 from pensions. We have no debt, and we have over $200,000 in CD's. Also, we have about $40,000.00 in Pioneer Mutual Funds. He is 72, and I am 70. Also, we keep about $30,000 in checking accounts. Is there any better place for our money that we put in CD's? Is there any safe annuity? --Linda

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The entry "Financial Planning" is tagged: investments , retirement

Expert advice, Investment, Retirement

February 10, 2010

How to Properly Transfer an IRA Tax Free

10:27 AM Wed, Feb 10, 2010 |  
Michael Miller    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I had a $9,000 IRA at a bank. I withdrew the IRA on it's maturity date and would like to reinvest it in another IRA w/ a mutual fund company. I still want to contribute my $6,000 for this year. Can I transfer the $9,000 without paying taxes and without affecting my contribution this year?


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The entry "How to Properly Transfer an IRA Tax Free" is tagged: IRA Transfer and Contributions

Budgeting/saving, Expert advice, Investment, Retirement

Penalty Free Distributions From 401K and ESOP Plans

9:56 AM Wed, Feb 10, 2010 |  
Michael Miller    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


Good Morning-
I have been separated from a job for a year now and continue looking for permanent work. I am 57 yrs old professional and luckily have not had to use any savings until now. I have two investment accounts; one is an ESOP Diversification Plan form a company I voluntarily left three years ago (2007) and the other is a 401K from the company I was involuntarily separated from 1 year ago (2009).
My question: can I access funds from either account and pay 20% withholding but not the 10% penalty since I am older than 55 and laid off?

Thank You-


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The entry "Penalty Free Distributions From 401K and ESOP Plans" is tagged: 401K , Age 55 , ESOP , Penalty , Taxes

Expert advice, Retirement, Taxes

February 9, 2010

Money Question

4:27 PM Tue, Feb 09, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: I am retired, 61 years old and living on a pension. I did some consulting work this past year for several small businesses and earned $5000. I have not received any tax forms from these businesses and I don't expect to. How do I report this for tax purposes? What expenses can I deduct? Can I put $5000 into my IRA and avoid all taxes? --Dave

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The entry "Money Question" is tagged: IRA Contribution , taxable income

Expert advice, Retirement, Taxes

February 5, 2010

CD rates and FDIC

3:26 PM Fri, Feb 05, 2010 |  
Michael Miller    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


On page 19A in Sundays paper appears an ad for First Fidelity (tax & Insurance). Rates are 4.50apy for a liquid account and 4.06 for a CD/CD IRA. In a previous ad these rates were FDIC insured. In

light of what other banks are paying, are these rates too good to be true?
Also, What is a liquid account? I understand there are maximums and minimums,still, how can they do this? Hope you can shed some light on this.

Thank you,

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The entry "CD rates and FDIC" is tagged: CD , FDIC , FDIC insurance , Interest rates , Rates

Expert advice, Investment

Tax Return Help

12:02 PM Fri, Feb 05, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I am a Single 59 year-old resident of Texas and was unemployed the full year 2009 and received $20,700 in unemployment compensation in 2009 and had $1,875 in federal income tax withheld from this compensation.

I had $32.92 in combined interest earned income on my checking and savings accounts in 2009.

I kept my 401K with my former employer when I was laid off in late 2008 as I was paying off a 401K loan (loan paid off Nov. of 2009).

Do I report my unemployment compensation on the tax form as $20,700; or $18,300 ($20,700 minus the first $2,400 exclusion)?

Since I did not have any wages/salary income in 2009; but still have a 401K with my former employer will I receive any year-end documentation for tax purposes regarding the 401K? Previous W-2's had 12a and 12b for this purpose.
Do I show anything about the 401K anywhere on my tax return?

Also, since Texas does not have a state tax, I as assuming this is a non-issue as far as unemployment taxes are concerned??

On a separate issue, now that my 401K loan is paid off, what are your suggestions on what to do with my 401K - keep it with former employer (Citigroup); move it to IRA ???



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The entry "Tax Return Help" is tagged: 401(k) , income tax , IRA

Expert advice, Investment, Retirement, Taxes

RMD's from IRA

11:52 AM Fri, Feb 05, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


This year I will have to take my first RMD for my traditional IRA. Should I sell stocks that have gained or lost for the distribution?

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The entry "RMD's from IRA" is tagged: IRA , rmd , selling stocks , stocks

Expert advice, Investment, Stocks

February 4, 2010

Past Due Loan

5:37 PM Thu, Feb 04, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: I am currently unemployed, receiving benefits, and working part time after being layed off a year and a half ago. About four years ago, under similar dire circumstances, I took out a $10,000 loan from HFC at a ridiculous rate (about 27%) in order to pay off back property taxes, catch up on my mortgage, etc. I now find that the $256 mo. note is almost impossible to cover. I got a temporary 6 mo. reduced payment , but no longer. My once good credit has crashed after two layoffs, missed mortgage payments, late HFC payments, etc. I'm not the type to let anything go into collection, but it seems that having a 7-year bruise on my credit might be the only way to go. Should I contact them & tell them that I don't want to take this step but that I'll have to if I can't get my rate reduced? Thanks so much for your help...Bill

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The entry "Past Due Loan" is tagged: bankruptcy , debt reduction

Bankruptcy, Debt, Expert advice

Retirement Plan Distributions for a 55 year old

5:25 PM Thu, Feb 04, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: I will be retiring at age 55 in April 2010. I have a 401k that I can
either leave at my existing company or roll over to an IRA at that
time. I have lots of investment options through my 401K which is
handled by Fidelity net benefits. If I roll over the 401k to an IRA I
would plan to do this through Vanguard. My husband currently has money
at Vanguard in an IRA.
My question is what are the advantages and disadvantages of either
keeping the money in the 401k or rolling to the IRA? Are there any tax
considerations that are different between the two types of accounts. If
possible, I plan to leave the money and not draw from it until I am 59
and a half, so that I am not subject to the 10% penalty.

Thanks --Zoe

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The entry "Retirement Plan Distributions for a 55 year old" is tagged: Retirement Plan Rules; Taking money from Your Retirement Plan

Expert advice, Retirement, Taxes

February 3, 2010

Should I Purchase Another Year of Service?

4:40 PM Wed, Feb 03, 2010 |  
Jimmy Perryman    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I am currently working for a Texas school district under the Teacher Retirement System and am qualified to purchase an additional year of service credit at the time of retirement if I pay the full actuarial value. If I retire in Dec. 2010 at 65 years of age with 29 years of service credit, I have figured that I should be able to purchase an additional service year for $17,150 which will increase my pension by $130 per month using option 1 (100% payment to spouse if I predecease him). Is this a wise investment for me to make? My pension should be $3,764/mo (without the additional purchased year) and my husband's social security is about $1,200/month. We have about $300,000 in savings. Our home is mortgage free but needs a lot of work! Thanks so much for your help!

P. C.

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The entry "Should I Purchase Another Year of Service?" is tagged: Annuity , Service Credit , Teachers Retirement System , TRS

Education, Expert advice, Investment, Retirement

February 2, 2010

Where to get help with large debt problem

11:56 AM Tue, Feb 02, 2010 |  
Michael Miller    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


We are 59 and need help with our large debt. My husband is currently unemployed and we have only $30,000 in savings. I have about 65,000 in mutual funds. We have 2 kids in college and have taken a lot of student loans. We have a lot of debt on credit cards.
We now can not sell our house worth about $360,000 and down size because we can't get a loan. We have already taken a lot of equity out of our house.

I am a school counselor making about $60,000.
I know there are consolidation programs and people that can help but I don't want to go through a lot of history and it end up costing us money.
Where can you direct us?

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The entry "Where to get help with large debt problem" is tagged: budgeting , college loans , consolidation , credit cards , Debt reduction , mortgage , spending

Credit cards, Debt, Expert advice, Mortgage/housing

January 29, 2010

Payday Loan

9:44 AM Fri, Jan 29, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I have been unemployed for several months and while employed I made some pay day loans which I paid on time several times, but now I owe these companies these loans and they keep on charging big fines, for example a $900.00 loan now it grew up to $1700.00 and these people are harassing me for not paying, can they actually threat me for not paying now, and can they put a lien on my house, I am not refusing to pay, I have told them that I am unemployed and I can only pay $25.00 per month, but they refused to accept.

What should I do?

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The entry "Payday Loan" is tagged: credit card debt , debt , Payday loans

Bankruptcy, Credit cards, Debt, Expert advice

January 27, 2010

Paying off mortgage early

5:17 PM Wed, Jan 27, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


Hello, I'm 58 yrs old and a school administrator. I am planning on retiring in June 2010. My wife is a school teacher but she will continue to teach for a couple of years. We have a 2yr old house that we owe $72,000. It is appraised at $230,000. This is our only debt. I will draw $55,000 a year in retirement. I can take a lump sum payment of $55,000 upon retirement but it will lower my retirement by about $400 a month. I had planned on doing this and then cashing in some mutual funds to pay off the rest of my home. We also have about $200,000 in 403b but did not want to touch them. Is this a sound decision in paying off the home and eliminating the interest of 5.30 % apr for 13 more years but lowering my retirement by $400 per month for life and cashing in almost $20,000 in mutual funds to pay off house and pay taxes? I would appreciate your help.

Thanks, Tim

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The entry "Paying off mortgage early " is tagged: mortgage payment , retirement

Debt, Expert advice, Retirement, Taxes


4:34 PM Wed, Jan 27, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


Dear Sirs:

I am considering bankruptcy. I have debt of $110,000.00 I have no income coming in at this time. I moved from Calif. when the economy got really bad. I was working in my mothers business for several years. She had to close it. I moved to Dallas. I was still getting work from Calif. I have been paying my credit card bills fine up until this month. I have no monies coming in at all, no income. should I call the credit cards and tell them I cannot pay? Tell them anything? I must file bankruptcy.

Thanks desperate in Dallas!

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The entry "Bankruptcy?" is tagged: bankruptcy , credit card debt

Bankruptcy, Expert advice

January 25, 2010

Early Distribution From An IRA

4:09 PM Mon, Jan 25, 2010 |  
Jimmy Perryman    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I have a small IRA (about $8,000) that I would like to liquidate to cover some current debts. I am 57 yrs. old and a retired federal employee. I have other substantial investments to take care of retirement. What is the cost to liquidate this account now?

R. S.

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The entry "Early Distribution From An IRA" is tagged: Early Distributions , IRA

Expert advice, Investment, Taxes

January 23, 2010

How Much Should My Son Borrow For College?

3:06 PM Sat, Jan 23, 2010 |  
Jimmy Perryman    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I earn under $30,000 so my college son receives college aid. Some are loans and some are grants. He is offered more in loans than he needs. Should he take all the loans and keep the money for the remaining 2 years of college as they are totally uncollaterized and would not be able to get that money by any means?

D. G.

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The entry "How Much Should My Son Borrow For College?" is tagged: borrow , College loans

Debt, Education, Expert advice

January 21, 2010

CD vs. Simple Savings

4:51 PM Thu, Jan 21, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


I want to ask your financial adviser about whether it is better to put 40,000.00 in 1% guaranty bank CD for 1 year or capital one l.5% simple savings?

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The entry "CD vs. Simple Savings" is tagged: CDs , investing , savings accounts

Expert advice, Investment

Moving My 401k

4:43 PM Thu, Jan 21, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


Can I move my 401k at my current employer, that no longer matches my
contributions, to somewhere else.


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The entry "Moving My 401k" is tagged: 401k

Expert advice, Retirement

Bond Funds

4:14 PM Thu, Jan 21, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: I am retired and interested in moving some equity investments to a bond fund. I am concerned about the impact of potentially rising interest rates on the principal.
Would a broad based indexed fund be the best way to minimize the impact.
I would anticipate about a 5% withdrawal annually.
Thanks for any suggestions/comments/ideas you might have. --Rick

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The entry "Bond Funds" is tagged: bonds , Retirement Income

Expert advice, Investment, Retirement

Mortgage Payoff

3:40 PM Thu, Jan 21, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: Should I payoff the mortgage on my house? The house is tax valued at around $165,0000 and I owe $59,000. I am 80 yrs old living on Soc Sec, Teacher Retirement, and a small pension inherited from my late husband. Other income is from CD's and an annuity that is automatically reinvested. If the answer to my question is yes, how would this best be accomplished? --Mary Lou

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The entry "Mortgage Payoff" is tagged: mortgage , Retirement Income

Expert advice, Mortgage/housing

Possible Identity Theft

12:49 PM Thu, Jan 21, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: Bank of America has sent me a 1099 for Money I did not receive It was Sent to an attorney on April 13, 2009. I did not know that it was taken Till I went on line and found the account missing. After talking to Bank Of America In person, Also Customer Service,IRA Department. Legal Dept. and Pensions Services, Dallas California & Florida, as well as the IRS. They all said that The money could only be dispersed to me. The IRS for back taxes for which I have none. When I Finally reached the person that dispersed the funds she said the same thing until I ask her to put it in writing. She stated that she would have to ask her supervisor. After about 3 minutes she came back to the phone and stated that they had done nothing wrong and hung up. This was also told to me when I opened up the IRA. My 401k was at $87,000.It had dwindled $ 46,000. They said They would take care of the rollover and to sign some papers and they did. Now the have sent a 1099 saying I withdrew $46,263.29 and Fed Tax was sent to the IRS for$ 4,626.33. Problem I am on Social Security and This over the limit I can urn before penalty reducing my next years Social Security. I can not pay the taxes on my house we can barely get buy now on just social security, I do not know what else to do I can not Fight Bank of America I am seventy years old and no other income. Any help or advise or help you can give will be appreciated. IT IS ONE BIG MESS!!!!!! --Don

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The entry "Possible Identity Theft" is tagged: identity theft

Expert advice, Retirement

January 19, 2010

Matured US Savings Bonds

10:50 AM Tue, Jan 19, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: My mother died last year and left me 4 US savings bonds that have been matured for several years. They are worth around $4,300 each. I need to cash them but need to know how to do so without incurring an income tax charge. I want to invest the money in something like bank CSs. This is the only savings I will have and I need to make the most of it. I know this is a very petty amount in your eyes but it is very important to me. Before she died she put my name on the bonds so they were owned jointly. -Camille

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The entry "Matured US Savings Bonds" is tagged: bonds

Expert advice, Investment, Taxes

January 15, 2010


3:09 PM Fri, Jan 15, 2010 |  
Thomas E. Murphy, CFP    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Question: In 2008 my father passed away, he had a traditional IRA and I converted to an inherited IRA invested in bank stock. I had to take a distirbution in 2008 due to the fact he was over 71 and had been taking them prior to his death. I took it in a bank stock certificate and paid income tax on the value of the distribution.
My question is: if the value of the stock certificate has increased, do I have to pay income tax on what the current value of the stock would be at the end of 2009? And if so, how do I do that?

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The entry "Inheritance" is tagged: inheritance , taxes

Expert advice, Taxes

Excessive Credit Card Debt

11:24 AM Fri, Jan 15, 2010 |  
Ryan W. Huey    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Our grandson is 28 and single. His ex spouse (married less than a year) ran off, use his credit card to run up 13,000 in CC debit now 8,000. Now his credit it poor.

I am considering helping consolidating his debit using my excellent credit. 500,000 in liquid assets. 75,000 year income.

First question how can I negotiate with the credit card collection agency to reduce the 8,000?

Second is it wise to go to my bank with the plan. Get him a loan me signing it. Paying off the debits below then. Get him on reducing the loan.

His income is 2,000 a month after taxes. With 1,500, a month in debit payments there is no room for normal living expenses.

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Credit cards, Debt, Expert advice

January 14, 2010

Required Minimum Distribution Question?

1:21 PM Thu, Jan 14, 2010 |  
Bragg Comer    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


Dear DMN and FPA folks,

Here's my financial question:

If the required minimum distribution percentage schedule for married couples is used, would the annual withdrawal calculations apply to the pre-tax retirement accounts for both spouses even if one spouse hasn't reached 70 and 1/2 yet?

Thank you.


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The entry "Required Minimum Distribution Question?" is tagged: Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) , retirement , retirement account

Expert advice, Retirement, Taxes

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