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Scott Burns

Fees erase edge of top-performing investments
No one wants to be at the bottom of the heap. We want to be above average at everything, including investing.


Rethink rollover in light of bank's costs
Question: We are rolling over my wife's $160,000 lump-sum retirement into a managed account with our bank. She's 55.


For some, it's time to retire mortgage bill
Question: I read your article "Hard Work Doesn't Pay" on MSN.com, and I agree. I also believe Corporate America will use you, abuse you and show you the door when they are done with you.


To avoid volatility, diversify your investing
Question: I am going to retire next year. The financial adviser for my company has told me that he doesn't like index funds for retirement. He says they are fine in the accumulation phase but not good in the distribution years, because of volatility.


Find solace in the entire portfolio
Question: I need a pep talk. As of early January, my Vanguard 500 Index fund is 4.65 percent lower than it was at the close of 1999. So, for the last eight years of patient investing, I have a 4.65 percent capital loss.


Question: I just read your response to a reader concerning the impact of his Social Security benefits on his standard of living in retirement.

Question: I just read your response to a reader concerning the impact of his Social Security benefits on his standard of living in retirement.


Cut fees, then raise income
Question: I am retired and rely on my investments for income. I read your recent column, "Small percentages make a big difference."


Fearless forecasts for 2008
As a few of you are aware, 2007 is about to end.


For many, a Roth conversion isn't a good idea
Question: I am 59 years old, single, and have no mortgage or any other debt. I make about $55,000 a year. I have an individual IRA and a work IRA invested in indexed mutual funds with a combined worth of about $280,000. I have savings of $60,000 earning 5.25 percent interest.


In the Yard Sale Economy, we will be emptying our closets and garages


Americans invest abroad, but not as much as we should
Question: It has been suggested that since the U.S. market is a smaller portion of the total world financial market – and because the U.S. dollar is falling – it would be better to increase our exposure to non-U.S. markets to as high as 50 percent. What are your thoughts?

Americans invest abroad, but not as much as we should
Question: It has been suggested that since the U.S. market is a smaller portion of the total world financial market – and because the U.S. dollar is falling – it would be better to increase our exposure to non-U.S. markets to as high as 50 percent. What are your thoughts?


What can we do about government debt?
Some columns bring more responses than others. My recent column on the $2 trillion difference between the stated federal deficits and the actual increase in total federal debt since 2000 brought mail from readers of all ages.


Whatever the question, diversification is the answer
Question: I am conflicted by what I have been reading about Social Security in your columns and book The Coming Generational Storm .


Hedges against inflation and a falling dollar
Question: Due to the declining value of the U.S. dollar, I would like to look for a nondollar investment to balance my portfolio.


It's all about time and money
Question: One of the really important things for having a sound retirement plan is the answer to a single question: "How long will I live?"


Index foreign bond fund takes spot in Couch Potato portfolio
Question: A few years ago you recommended a Couch Potato portfolio based on six building blocks. The fourth block was to be an "unhedged international bond fund." You recommended American Century International Bond fund.


Targeted funds don't fit all investors
Question: Can you talk about the pros and cons of creating your "five-fold" portfolio vs. investing in a targeted retirement mutual fund?


Price your financial advice in dollars, not percentage
Today, ask this question about the financial services you receive:


A retired couple needs less than a family with children
Question: I am nearly 51. A realistic age for me to retire would likely be age 58 or 59.


Reader has a good running start for retirement
Question: My husband and I would like your opinion on our current financial picture.


Checklist can help bring retirement tracks together
Question: I am 51 years old. I have some money in my 401(k) and IRAs (about $300,000) plus another $100,000 in savings. My question is, where do I start? What should I be doing now to prepare for retirement?


Closet needn't be of epic proportions


TIPS still offer a sound return
Question: In a recent column you recommended a list of exchange-traded funds.


Shedding expensive rental property isn't easy
Question: A couple of years ago, I purchased an investment property in Sacramento, Calif. For a while, all went well. But in 2006 I was without a tenant for the first half of the year. Making the mortgage payments ate through all of my cash reserves.


Paychecks falling prey to inflation, health care
On this glorious Labor Day weekend, I'd like to say a few words about the futility of work.


Calculating a safe rate for withdrawals
Question: The popular consensus suggests a 4 percent safe withdrawal rate from an investment portfolio after retirement.


Long-term plan can help single woman
Question: I am a single woman, 60 years old. My financial adviser is strongly urging me to buy long-term care insurance.


Web site makes it easy to calculate Social Security benefits
Question: I am 56. I retired after 30 years of teaching, at the age of 52. I plan to take Social Security at age 62.


Calculating taxable Social Security benefits a challenge
Question: I am 67 and retired. My wife will retire soon. We have several healthy IRAs to supplement our Social Security income. One concern is guessing how much we can withdraw from our IRAs each year without jumping too many tax brackets.


How to improve the odds
With the number of mutual funds approaching the population of Cleveland, you and I face a dilemma.


Roth IRA a good idea even if retirement is near
Question: My wife and I are getting ready to retire in January 2010. We are maxing out our 401(k)s for retirement (current value about $225,000).


We're more prepared for retirement than we think, study says
A recent study provides some confirmation of what I've been hinting at for several years – collectively, we're not financial jerks. People will find that their retirements are more pleasant and more solvent than the retirement/investment industry wants us to believe.


When's the best time to invest? Right now
Question: Say I have a lump sum to invest – $100,000. I've decided to put it into a fund like the Vanguard Wellington fund. Would you recommend putting it into the fund at one shot, or dollar- cost-average it into the fund over a period of time?


CD yields vary, so shop for a good deal
Question: How do I go about finding the best CD rates?


Minimum distribution is a cue to cut risk
Question: I am retired and 69 years old. I have an IRA account with Putnam, which I opened in May 1993. It has a current value of about $100,000.


Renting can be a smart option for retirement
Question: Our townhome will be paid for in two years. My husband and I will both be 61. If we sold at that time, we would probably walk away with $400,000 to $450,000.


Class of '62 gives life lessons
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – Forty-five years ago, 834 young people (819 men and 15 women) received their bachelor of science degrees from MIT.


Consider risks with enhanced index funds
Question: I've had my 401(k) account with Fidelity for years. I recently compared many of its funds to others, including the index funds, that make up many of your balanced, low-cost portfolios. I have found that Fidelity is not the best choice most of the time.

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