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For Farouk Shami, losing big didn't come cheap

6:04 PM Fri, Mar 05, 2010 |  
Colleen McCain Nelson/Editorial Writer    Bio |  E-mail  |  Suggest a blog topic

Defeated Democrat Farouk Shami made good on his promise to spend millions on his bid for governor. Nearly $12 million in expenditures netted Shami a paltry 12.8 percent of the vote.

Matt Stiles at the Texas Tribune crunched the numbers, calculating the cost per vote for primary candidates. Not surprisingly, Shami tops the list, spending an eye-popping $135 for each vote. As Matt wryly notes: For that price, Shami could have given each supporter one of his pricey hair straightening irons. Considering that I saw little evidence of Shami's millions out on the street, that might have been a better strategy.

Near the other end of the spending spectrum is George Clayton, who is the academic coordinator at North Dallas High School. He spent only five cents per vote to upset longtime State Board of Education member Tincy Miller in the Republican primary. Few folks, including Miller, saw that coming.

Interestingly, there are more winners on the list of 10 candidates who spent the least per vote than on the list of top 10 spenders. Perhaps I should rescind my earlier comment about giving away straightening irons.


So why did we need campaign finance reform, if the low spenders can still win?

Obviously, Shami's running for office is not for money - as the editor says. He doesn't need it, and he's even willing to spend it. A sign that sure convinces me he is not a slick politician. Given a chance, he probably could have helped Texas employment. But why he didn't get that chance, when he certainly doesn't need the money, is beyond me! It must be his name and background and this kind of sly media spin (he lost big, he should have saved his money, he should give away his pricey hair straighteners!).

It is all about Farouk's ego.
Just because he knows a lot about hair care (his life time venture), does not mean that his has any ability manage not to mention govern any other organization.

I think his heart's in the right place. He seems to honestly want to try to help Texans. I hope he runs agin, and next time, with a better campaign manager.

He comes from a very troubled and distressed part of the world (Palestine) that definitely can use all the humanitarian aid possible. Imagine what this egotistical buffoon could have done with the unholy sums of money he threw away for nothing but to satisfy his curiosity?!

Mike, you make a point, Palestine is under apartheid right now and does need a lot of help. Is there any way that you can spread the message that there will never be peace there unless the 5 million (half) of the population there is given equal rights? How can people under occupation ever be expected not to RESIST?
By the way, the GOLDSTONE report is available to read online, have you read it?

So with the Carillo/Porter race, there were some thoughts that having a hispanic surname might have hurt Victor Carillo's ability to compete against David Porter. Is there any thought that having an Arabic (note: language is presumed) surname may have hurt his chances with respect to competing against Bill White?

Farouk HAS helped palestine.. a few years ago he built an all girls highschool in his home town. just last summer he paved all of the streets in his town and added street lights. he also put up bus stops and regularly donates large amounts of money to his home country. he also has an anual lunch where he provides food for his hometown of 6,000 people.

I worked at his company, Farouk Systems and it's a sham. There is no way on earth he should ever have the opportunity to govern the state of Texas. He just laid off 100 people this past Friday. More than likely the same people that stood in line at Greenspoint during his so called "job fair". There are so many laid off employees of Farouk Systems it's almost a joke. Just like his campaign for governor, a joke.

Shami had no potential as a Candidate for governor Dr. Alma Aguado Spent about 20$ per vote. but Shami was choosen over her in the Democratic debate knowing that this country has a significant amount of mexican-american soldiers beeing killed in the war against Terrorists in the middle east. The sabotage done to the new generation of hispanics and the rebound benefit to the rest of the Texas children with the progressive leadership of Aguado has been done, it is too late. The Texas media is experiencing the effects of dementia senile. Kera unlimite who choose Shami and White and Belo Incorporated who choose nurse medina lack comon sense and their poor judgement based in draconian regressive mentality

Shami was used as an elephant to Hide Dr. Alma Aguado on State Television public Television, can you run LULAC forum? that will give you an idea who was the best candidate. That was done in the best interst of Bill White.

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