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UPS honors Corinth man for safe driving

08:18 AM CST on Thursday, March 4, 2010

Michael Willding of Corinth recently was inducted into the Circle of Honor, an honorary organization for UPS drivers who have achieved 25 or more years of accident-free driving.

He was one of 71 UPS drivers from Texas and 928 worldwide to earn the honor this year, according to information released by UPS.

Willding, who drives a tractor-trailer to Vernon five days a week, celebrated his 26th year of accident-free driving in January, a company spokesman confirmed.

“It’s a good honor,” Willding said recently. “To be safe, that’s the main thing. You can’t have anything else unless you have safety.”

Willding and his wife, Maria, have two daughters, Cesily and Rachel, and the family has lived in Corinth for about 25 years, he said.

— Staff report


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