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Fort Worth Area Health Examiners

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There are tons of theories on when and how often you should eat in order to lose weight. Here's the skinny on your meal plan. Jillian Michaels,... Full Story
Ever dreamed of creating your own nail polish? Illamasqua is giving you the chance with their new contest. The London-based nail polish line, whose roots stem from the 1920s... Full Story
The FDA has issued a nationwide recall of foods containing the flavoring agent HVP, or Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, after the food... Full Story
According to Angela English, the executive director of the Texas Governor's Committee on Disability, the intensity and frequency of the search for certain terms on Google's... Full Story
Events from a school in Kemp, Texas, a Kaufman County town southeast of Dallas, has led to the U.S. House passage of the Keeping All... Full Story
What you need to know: The old model of brain injury rehabilitation is based on the idea that once the brain is injured, there is no hope for restoration of brain function and a... Full Story
When mom and dad have burned the bacon and scrambled eggs bad enough to have the Dallas Fire Department come out more than once in six months, its probably time to senior proof the... Full Story
Jimmie Heuga in the middle Can Do Multiple Sclerosis Check out these two beautiful tributes to Jimmie Heuga, who did a lot for... Full Story
British actress, Helena Bonham Carter, 43, has long been known for her 'eccentricity'; however, Helena Bonham Carter, in a recent... Full Story
Buruli ulcer, one of the neglected tropical diseases, has in recent years been spreading greatly, particularly in western Africa.... Full Story