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March 5, 2010

Election update: Two file for District 7, one for District 4

1:25 PM Fri, Mar 05, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Finally, someone besides incumbents has filed to run in the May 8 election.

Eric Cowan, a hotel management executive, has filed to run for the Dallas school board District 7 seat being vacated by Jerome Garza.

Olegario Estrada, an attorney, also has filed for the District 7 post.

In District 4, Camille D. White, who works in public relations, will challenge incumbent Nancy Bingham for the seat.

So far, trustee Lew Blackburn is uncontested for the District 5 position.

The last day to file is Monday.

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March 4, 2010

DISD teacher pulls big upset in State Board race

11:50 AM Thu, Mar 04, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

georgeclayton.JPGCongratulations to North Dallas High School's George Clayton who managed to beat veteran State Board of Education member Geraldine Miller for the republican nomination in Tuesday's election. He won with 52 percent of the vote. Miller said she didn't see the loss coming.

Clayton, an academic coordinator at the school, has been with DISD since February 1997.

Click here to read the story on Clayton's victory that ran in today's newspaper.

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Dallas ISD Daily Dish

11:09 AM Thu, Mar 04, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Today's tray of hot district morsels ...


** The DMN editorial board says it's time for the Texas Education Agency, school districts and state legislators to tighten procedures to ensure that educators who have improper relationships with children are not allowed to continue working around children. Our Sunday story highlighted problems with the process in the Dallas school district. But in no way is this just happening in Dallas, according to education experts. Also, check out a follow-up in today's newspaper (which can be read here) of two former DISD educators who were dismissed from their most recent positions because of improper relationships they had with students in DISD.

** DMN's HS GameTime has a new forum to discuss high-school sports. Click here to join the discussion.

** Dallas schools have been invited to participate in ASIS International's School Security Funding Competition. Schools are asked to relay their security concerns and how they impact students, teachers and administrators through a series of short essays. They also are asked to describe security risks that they would attempt to reduce or eliminate. The winning school will receive $20,000 for security measures. Click here for more information.

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March 3, 2010

Dallas ISD Daily Dish

2:20 PM Wed, Mar 03, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Today's tray of hot district morsels ...


** DISD students at Robert E. Lee Elementary School have a new "learning garden." Check out the story here.

** James Guthrie, senior fellow and director of education policy studies at the George W. Bush Institute, did a Q & A with a member of the DMN editorial board on what makes a good teacher. (Superintendent Michael Hinojosa gets a mention).

** Parent conferences are coming up next week. Click here for the schedule.

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March 2, 2010

Not much interest in May's election thus far...

3:17 PM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

I just checked with DISD's Board Services office and only two people have filed to run in the May 8 election — incumbents Lew Blackburn (District 5) and Nancy Bingham (District 4).

This go round is much quieter than last year's election. I'm still waiting to see who will run for the District 7 seat held by Jerome Garza, who has said he won't seek another term.

Click here for more information on the May election.

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February 28, 2010

Dallas ISD teachers' misconduct with students was kept quiet

6:14 AM Sun, Feb 28, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Hey Baby - I just wanted to say hi before I go to bed. Good night baby! I'll meet you in our dreams. I miss you baby! Muaah!

The author of the e-mail was a Skyline High School teacher. The recipient: her student.

Dallas school investigators determined last spring that teacher Leslie Michel Finch behaved inappropriately with the 17-year-old boy as early as December 2008, according to district records.

Ten months after the district completed its investigation, Finch was still employed as a teacher at Skyline before she decided to resign last month. In recent weeks, she became a substitute teacher in a Central Texas school district.

The case illustrates a pattern discovered in a Dallas Morning News review of 20 cases involving sex allegations against teachers from late 2005 to 2009 in the Dallas Independent School District. In about half of the cases, criminal charges were pursued. In the other half, educators suspected of inappropriate relationships with students were allowed to quietly resign and maintain clean criminal records, paving the way for them to continue working with children.

Click here to read the rest of the story.

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February 26, 2010

New IT chief hired in Dallas ISD

4:18 PM Fri, Feb 26, 2010 |
Diane Rado/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

The Dallas Independent School District has hired a new administrator to oversee information technology following the termination of Patricia Viramontes in December.

As you may or may not recall, Viramontes had served as IT chief and is the wife of DISD Chief of Staff Arnold Viramontes. We blogged and wrote about her termination earlier, as well as some of the problems in leading that department.

Her replacement is Gray Salada, who will serve as executive director of Information and Technology at a salary of $159,500. He starts Monday.

Here's more bio info I just got from DISD about Mr. Salada, who worked as head of information technology for Austin ISD for 10 years, and is a West Point grad:

In his capacity in Austin ISD, Salada was responsible for the operation, maintenance, and support for the district's communications and information systems. He directed 139 staff members to operate and provide the following services: districtwide e-mail, high-speed network with more than 80,000 drops connecting more than 36,000 computers at 117 locations on 300 miles of fiber optic cable, six large enterprise information and student systems supporting 84,000 students, among other responsibilities. He also has worked with and applied for federal e-rate funds for the past 10 years.

Prior to Austin ISD, he was the director of Information Services and Technology for the U.S. Space Command. Prior to that, he was director of Network Operations for the Defense Information System Agency.

He is a West Point graduate with a Master of Science in systems management from the University of Southern California and a Master of Science in electrical engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology.

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"We need to do something,'' Trustee Nutall says.

3:01 PM Fri, Feb 26, 2010 |
Diane Rado/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

At every DISD school board meeting, members of the public get a chance to speak on topics, share concerns and point out problems.

Some subjects/problems keep coming up, month after month, and never seem to get resolved.

Truett and Kiest Elementary schools are good examples of this phenomena. In the last few months, teachers and parents have complained again and again about what they believe is bad leadership at the schools, and crowding problems at Truett.

Both schools got extremely low "organizational health" scores that measure teacher morale and working conditions. In a range from 1 to 99, Kiest got a score of 9 and Truett got a rock-bottom 1 in 2009.

At last night's DISD board meeting, parent and teachers once again showed up to complain about Truett and Kiest.

New board member Bernadette Nutall spoke up, and her frustration was apparent.

"Every month, Truett has been down here," she said. "We need to do something." Board president Adam Medrano expressed the same sentiment about Kiest.

Nutall is appealing to Dallas ISD chief of staff Arnold Viramontes to look into the situation at the schools.

"It's on my radar," Viramontes told me today. He said he met last night with parents after the DISD board meeting, and will be trying to get to the root of the problems.

I have put in calls to both principals, and hope they will call me back.
In the face of so many complaints, I would love to know what they are thinking right now.

I can tell that the parents and teachers dissatisfied with these schools are not going to give up and go away. They are expecting their elected officials to kick into gear.

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February 25, 2010

Dallas ISD Daily Dish

12:02 PM Thu, Feb 25, 2010 |
Diane Rado/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Today's tray of hot district morsels ...


***More on chains/locked doors/fire violations. See my story today about eight Dallas high schools getting cited for having locked exit doors, creating a firetrap for students. Supt. Michael Hinojosa says he is "livid" about the violations.

***Boy sent to principal's office wanders off campus. A 7-year-old fearing he'd get in trouble left Casa View Elementary school and was missing for two hours. See the story.

***Laptop porn. See our story about a Mesquite board member who resigned after pornographic material was discovered on a district-issued laptop.

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Bad weather makeup day is Good Friday

11:05 AM Thu, Feb 25, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

icy.jpgDISD has decided to use Good Friday, April 2, as a bad weather makeup day for closing Feb. 12 because of icy conditions.

April 2 would have been a day off. DISD built two makeup days in its school calendar. The other day, May 21, is the Friday before Memorial Day, which falls on a Monday.
(CORRECTION: Memorial Day is May 31, so May 21 is 10 days earlier. Thanks to commenter for pointing out the mistake)

I have to say when I saw that the makeup day was scheduled on Good Friday, I cringed. We've heard from folks before who don't like Good Friday being used for a makeup day. I wonder if the district would have a better shot of getting more kids in school by having the makeup day on May 21, which isn't a holiday.

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February 23, 2010

Dallas ISD Daily Dish

12:45 PM Tue, Feb 23, 2010 |
Diane Rado/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Today's tray of hot district morsels ...


***Chains on school doors and other hazards. See my story today, about how common it is for schools to have chains on their doors. What other fire hazards exist in our schools? Let me know about your schools.

***Other stories of interest. Voters: Don't miss today's excellent overview of the District 9 Texas Board of Education race, or this piece about Holocaust education in Texas.

***Up to your ears in college debt. A new study highlights how some Texas universities helped reduced student loan default rates.

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February 22, 2010

Dallas ISD Daily Dish

1:22 PM Mon, Feb 22, 2010 |
Diane Rado/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Today's tray of hot district morsels ...


***Would you like to be a school superintendent? See this story about high turnover among school superintendents in Texas.

***The feds are pushing for higher standards. See comments by U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who is pushing for states to adopt stronger and more uniform standards to ensure students are ready for college and careers. To date, the federal law has allowed states to create their own standards, leading to a hodgepodge of testing requirements, some weaker than others.

***College application help available. See DISD Trustee Carla Ranger's blog about a Feb. 27 (Saturday) program to help students fill out college applications and financial aid forms.

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February 19, 2010

Dallas ISD Daily Dish

11:07 AM Fri, Feb 19, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Today's tray of hot district morsels ...


** Irving ISD named a new superintendent last night. We posted on the district's superintendent search earlier this week after former DISD administrator Oscar Rodriguez, the recent Texas Superintendent of the Year, did not get an interview for the job. Irving chose Dana T. Bedden, superintendent of the Richmond County School System in Augusta, Ga., for the post.

** Collin County Community College professor and author Michael Phillips gave a speech last night on the impact that segregation had on Dallas public schools. Read the story here.

** A Pennsylvania school district is in hot water for using web cams on students' district-issued laptops that could be activated by the district.

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February 18, 2010

Does your school chain its doors? Read about one teacher's experience during a "fire drill" today.

2:17 PM Thu, Feb 18, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

The teacher asked to remain anonymous, but here's what the teacher said happened:

"Today at about 10:45 AM at Samuell H.S. a fire alarm sounded, and in a few seconds the principal announced over the P.A. system that "this is a real fire drill." I had begun evacuating my students; however, I observed those of my students who had left the room coming back from the exterior doors ... They reported that the doors were chained shut. They then began to go down a long hallway toward another exterior doorway where a rather large number of students were gathered who apparently could not exit that door because it also was chained shut.

"After my classroom had evacuated, I began a check of classrooms .... I found about a dozen severely mentally impaired students huddled in a classroom with their teacher. Most of the students had their hands over their ears (the fire alarms emit a piercing sound).

"An assistant principal finally arrived with keys to unlock the chains on the exterior doors ... By then another administrator had arrived at the other door to unchain it. DFD vehicles had pulled up to the school by this time. Later, while students and teachers waited outside the building, it was announced that a fire had been started in an upstairs restroom and smoke had permeated several corridors. The all-clear signal was given at about 11:50 AM. DISD is now offering a monetary reward to students who may be able to identify those who may have started the fire."

"Without much doubt, the exterior doors which were chained shut today will again be chained shut during the school day. The fire alarms will sound, and all will again be be told the alarm was "a test," and to disregard the alarms."

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DISD's reaction to fight with preservationists different from 7 years ago

11:53 AM Thu, Feb 18, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

oakcliffchristianchurch.jpgThe Dallas school district has temporarily backed off a plan to raze a former Oak Cliff church it bought to make way for the new Adamson High School. Preservationists are hoping to use the time to find a buyer and save the church from demolition.

DISD's stance this time around is vastly different than its fight with the Catholic Church in 2003-2005.

Some quick background: In 2003, DISD went to court to force the sale of undeveloped land at Calvary Hill Cemetery to build two new schools. The Catholic Church refused, saying the land was planned for cemetery expansion. The church later produced what it called evidence that unmarked graves had been discovered in part of the land that DISD wanted to use. Families also came forward with information of their loved ones being buried there. DISD still moved forward with the court case.

In 2005, when Superintendent Michael Hinojosa came on the scene, he was ready to get out of the lengthy, expensive two-year court battle with the Catholic Church. DISD ended up paying $1.2 million in court costs and fees to settle the lawsuit and also was out of about $1 million in legal fees fighting the case — all paid with 2002 bond funds.

As you can see, DISD is handling the Oak Cliff case differently, and some would say for the better. According to our story today, "the Dallas school district has backed away from its planned demolition of the 94-year-old building and given the Old Oak Cliff Conservation League six months to find a buyer for the property at 300 E. 10th St."

Read the story here. And click here to go to our Oak Cliff blog for past posts on this subject.

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Dallas ISD Daily Dish

10:53 AM Thu, Feb 18, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Today's tray of hot district morsels ...


** If you haven't seen it yet on DISD's website, click here to check out the picture of NBA superstar Kobe Bryant, DISD board president Adam Medrano and David G. Burnet Elementary School principal Shelly Vaughan.

** Our story today on DISD breaking ground this week for two of 14 new schools planned under the 2008 bond program.

** Click here to check out DISD's schedule for parent-teacher conferences that begin the week of March 8.

** The Houston ISD will extend the school year at a handful of struggling schools under a pilot program this fall. Dallas talked about this at one point, but appeared to back off after determining it would cost a lot more money to keep students in school longer.

** Sad story out of Richardson ISD. A student was run over and killed after she forced her way off a moving school bus.

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February 17, 2010

Students who took pills released from hospital

3:50 PM Wed, Feb 17, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Two sixth-grade students at Cowart Elementary who required medical attention after taking pills yesterday have been released from the hospital, DISD spokesman Jon Dahlander said.

The boys were in a lethargic state when they were transported to the hospital. It was not clear yesterday how they obtained the pills. Cowart Elementary is in southwest Oak Cliff.

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February 16, 2010

Two incumbents file for re-election

4:01 PM Tue, Feb 16, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

bingham.jpgblackburn_sm.jpgDISD trustees Lew Blackburn (District 5) and Nancy Bingham (District 4) have filed for re-election.

The incumbents are the only two candidates so far that have filed for three seats that will be decided May 8. The filing period began Feb. 8 and ends on March 8. The District 7 seat, held by Jerome Garza, is also open. Garza has said that he will not seek another term.

Click here for more information on the May election.

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Two students in hospital after taking pills

3:34 PM Tue, Feb 16, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Two students at Cowart Elementary School were transported to the hospital Tuesday afternoon after taking pills at the school, according to Dallas schools spokesman Jon Dahlander.

The sixth-grade boys were in a lethargic state but it appeared that they would be alright, according to Dahlander. It was not clear how the boys obtained the pills, he said.

Dallas ISD police are investigating and the boys' parents have been made aware of the situation, Dahlander said. Cowart Elementary is in southwest Oak Cliff.

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Was former DISD administrator Oscar Rodriguez snubbed in Irving?

2:47 PM Tue, Feb 16, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

My colleague Katherine Leal Unmuth has up a post on the Irving blog concering former DISD administrator Oscar Rodriguez, whose wife Claudia Rodriguez is now running the HR department in DISD. Here's the post:

oscarrodriguez.JPGOscar Rodriguez, the former superintendent of Mission CISD in South Texas, says he applied for the Irving ISD superintendent position but was never interviewed for the job. Rodriguez recently won the 2009 Texas Superintendent of the Year award and the Mission district was rated academically "Recognized" in 2009 under his leadership. He worked there for four and a half years and was credited for starting "Operation College Bound" and "Operation Graduation"--creating smaller ninth-grade class sizes to battle high failure rates at that age level.

Rodriguez is bilingual and of Mexican-American background and is originally from Corpus Christi (or as he says, "Soy Tejano"). The Mission district's enrollment is about 35 percent limited English proficient, compared to Irving's 40 percent. Mission is about 98 percent Hispanic and Irving is about 69 percent. However Mission is much smaller than Irving--15,000 versus about 33,000. He noted he does not have a doctorate (neither did Jack Singley).

Some Hispanic activists are upset he was not interviewed. Irving ISD school board president Jerry Christian said more than one Hispanic was interviewed for the Irving position, and he said obviously they were determined to be stronger candidates than Rodriguez.

What do you think about this?

He did not call me himself to inform me that he was not interviewed. Several other people tipped me off. At first he said he had no comment. But then he said he was surprised he wasn't considered.

"The variety of experience I have accumulated as superintendent served me well, particularly with minority students," he said. "Everything we did down there was catering to any population that was needing some extra help."

"I was surprised that I didn't at least get an interview," he added. "I wish them well whoever they choose. I could have done a heck of a job."

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Is social networking invading your classroom?

11:12 AM Tue, Feb 16, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

computer.jpgThe New York Times has a story today about a South Florida teen who filed a lawsuit after she was suspended for creating a Facebook page criticizing a teacher, titled "Ms. Sarah Phelps is the worst teacher I've ever had."

The teen, Katherine Evans, was suspended for three days and accused of "cyberbullying."

A federal judge ruled that Evans, now 19 and a sophomore in college, can proceed with her lawsuit. The teen seeks to have the suspension wiped from her record and paid a "nominal fee" for what she says was a violation of her First Amendment rights. She also seeks to have her attorney fees paid. (Read the New York Times story here).

My question to students, parents and DISD employees: Have you heard of any DISD employee being targeted by a student on Facebook, MySpace, or any other social networking site? I'm trying to determine how unusual this is.

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February 15, 2010

Dallas ISD Daily Dish

10:49 AM Mon, Feb 15, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Today's tray of hot district morsels ...


** Local students received visits by NBA pros over the weekend, including Chris Bosh's return to his alma mater, Lincoln High School.

** Auditions are being held on Feb. 27 for students wanting to try out for DISD's award-winning School Zone Dallas tv show. Click here for details.

** DMN reporter Roy Appleton has news on our Oak Cliff blog that preservationists and DISD have reached an agreement concerning the Oak Cliff Christian Church. And the Dallas Observer's Unfair Park blog has this take.

** Mayor Tom Leppert — once again — says that the Dallas school district needs to get its act together.

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February 12, 2010

Brawls at Skyline brings security concerns to forefront

1:05 PM Fri, Feb 12, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

As you all probably have seen by now, Brett Shipp of Channel 8 reported yesterday on some brawls on the campus of Skyline High School involving students who were unsupervised — allegedly due to 50 teachers being absent from school. Dozens of students can be seen in the Channel 8 video, which you can watch by clicking on the link above. One student said they had been outside of the school for more than an hour.

The news report questioned whether DISD was prepared for such an onslaught of folks calling in absent yesterday, and whether the district should have taken that into consideration when deciding to open on such a blustery day. Shipp also noted that DISD folks at 3700 Ross Ave. got to leave work an hour early.

DISD spokesman Jon Dahlander acknowledged yesterday that there was not enough supervision at the school.

"Some kids started a snowball fight outside of the school," he said. "There were several teachers that had called in absent for the day, so there was not enough supervision outside the school and in some cases inside the school."

So let's hear from you. Is this an isolated event or something you've heard of before on bad weather days when fewer staffers are on hand?

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Dallas ISD Daily Dish

10:43 AM Fri, Feb 12, 2010 |
Tawnell Hobbs/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Today's tray of hot district morsels ...


** Hometown NBA products Chris Bosh (Lincoln High School) and Deron Williams (The Colony) will play in the 2010 All-Star game this weekend in Arlington. Read the story here.

** Is it time to re-evaluate public-school sex education? Some researchers say it is.

** The DMN story today on Lakewood parents opposing a proposed attendance zone change that would send more students to the already overcrowded campus.

** Two DISD ground breakings planned for next week — George Herbert Walker Bush Elementary School and Ebby Halliday Elementary School. George P. Bush, grandson of George Herbert Walker Bush, will be at the Bush Elementary ground breaking. Read the details here.

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February 11, 2010

DISD students have fun, then get in trouble in the snow

11:41 AM Thu, Feb 11, 2010 |
Diane Rado/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

SkylineSnow3.jpgStudents at Skyline High School had fun this morning building a snowman (photo above), but I'm told that kids at Woodrow Wilson High School are in trouble after a snowfight between classes.

I just heard this story from a Woodrow Wilson student: When the bell rang between classes about a half hour ago, several hundred kids ran out to have a snowfight. Now, the students are being detained in the auditorium, apparently on detention, and other students are in class and in a "lockdown" situation, according to the student, who did not want to be identified. The student said kids weren't even being allowed to go to the bathroom.

"We tried to have a little fun and they ruined it," the student said about administrators.

I called the school to find out the administration's side of the story. But a staffer who answered the phone said the principal was "not available" and that I should call the district's communications office.

No one was available to talk to me in the DISD office either.

If or when I hear from administrators, I'll post an update to this blog.

Meanwhile, I hope that school principals and DISD administrators understand that taxpayers pay their salaries, and they should feel obligated to keep the public informed. Too often, principals refuse to talk to the media. I'm trying to figure out if principals are afraid to talk because they are restricted by the administration, or if they just don't want to talk the media. What do you think?

UPDATE: The fun at Skyline turned into a bad scene with one student sent to the hospital. I just heard from DISD spokesman Jon Dahlander, who said that a snowball fight at Skyline involved some 300 students and escalated and got out of control. One student was injured -- Dahlander said the student may have been hit in the head -- and had to go to the hospital. He wasn't sure of the extent of the injuries or the student's current condition.

"The principal has rounded up the main perpetrators and is going to hold them accountable," he said.

Re: Woodrow Wilson. Dahlander said the snowball fight there also started escalating, so the administrator brought the kids involved into the school auditorium. They stayed until lunch and then resumed their regular class schedules.

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