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Anti-smart meter crowd just says no

2:33 PM Fri, Mar 05, 2010 |  | 
Elizabeth Souder/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

The anti-smart meter folks are taking a new strategy. Some are refusing to allow Oncor to install new digital meters.

Oncor spokesman Chris Schein said meter installers encounter about a handful of people each day who refuse to allow the workers to switch the meters.

This morning, 20 people refused.

Schein said some had seen incorrect news reports that the Public Utility Commission instructed Oncor to halt installations. Not true. The PUC on Thursday agreed to hire an outside company to test the meters, but commissioners didn't stop installation.

Some people are complaining that the new meters can cause electricity bills to rise. A group of Oak Cliff dwellers started a group to oppose smart meters, called Smart UR Citizens. They have a blog and a petition.

Oncor spokesman Schein isn't sure what the company normally does when a customer refuses to allow Oncor onto the premises. Technically, the meter belongs to Oncor, even though it might be behind a gate on private property.

Readers, if you've had this experience, please tell us about it in your comments or email me: esouder@dallasnews.com.

Jump for the text of the Smart UR Citizens petition.

Smart UR Citizens petition:

We, the undersigned, demand action from the Texas Public Utilities Commission (TPUC) and State Legislature:
1. Prohibit Oncor from shutting off utility service of any Smart Meter customer who has a pending complaint filed with the TPUC.
2. Conduct energy audits and install energy effieciency programs to help save money for smart meter customers with higher usage.
3. Ensure that community leaders and consumer advocates are invited to participate in the independent investigation of Oncor smart meters to test their accuracy and to interview customers.
4. Impose an immediate moratorium on installation of smart meters until investigation is completed, and remedies implemented.
5. Charge Oncor - not ratepayers for all costs for the independent investigation, replacing any defective smart meter systems, and for upgrading and replacing smart meters during the next 20 years.
6. Reject or minimize future Oncor rate increases to control monthly energy bills for customers throughout Texas.
7. Require Oncor to notify customers immediately (by email or phone) when their monthly electricity usage goes beyond 3000 kwh.


I've been writing about he abuses of OnCor and how they put a sweet were all american boys working for the power to who they really are - the henchmen of politicians who are there to collect on past creditors via higher prices. OnCor is a company which will hide its Algorithms measuring electrical usage in the Smart Meter (Greed Meter). My bill went from 300 to 700. There you go. They are liars. Throw out the Republicans so the democrates can clean-up the PUC.

Damn I'm glad I've stuck it out with TXU.

Its just a matter of time before an installer gets misidentified as burglar and gets confronted with a 12 ga.

Smart people should refuse to have these installed. These smart meters will be abused and enable dynamic pricing just like they are doing with the electronic toll tags.

Somewhere the citizens need to say enough is enough and take action. The time has came.

Are you kidding me throw out the republicans? This is the green agenda and that belongs to the libs.

The politics of smart meters aren't black and white. Some people consider the meters to be a way to socialize the costs of cutting energy use, which is generally considered a more liberal view.
However, in Texas, some of the biggest supporters of smart meters have been Rick Perry's appointees.
At Thursday's PUC meeting, Chairman Barry Smitherman, who was appointed to the job by Perry, kicked things off by saying: "I want to say what a great day Tuesday was."
According to Smitherman, Tuesday was great not only because it was Texas Independence Day, but it was also "the day our good friend Rick Perry won the primary."

This is Rick Perry's vision of Texas being a great place to do business. Notice Oncor doesn't need to explain common sense discrepancies. They also apparently didn't need to qualify or certify these meters. PUC is acting like they just now found out about them. Just attach the"magic box" and don't question them just pay up and don't be late. They'll say the old meters ran twice as slow yeah right if there's one thing the power companies know how to do it is to not give away free electricity. Notice these are "smart meters"? That means they are software controllable so what's the point in "testing" them? Oncor will already cut people off without due notice so of course they'll lie, cheat or steal because they feel their interest is above the law to the maximum extent possible.

I have heard these smart meters are susceptable to baseball bats, shotguns, dynamite, hammers, being backed into by vehicles, vandalism, EMI, power surges in the reverse direction. lightning rods attached to them, ...etc

It doesn't matter which provider you have - TXU or Reliant or others- Oncor still delivers the electricity. I have TXU and just found out they installed a smart meter on Feb. 16. I was at work and they did not leave any notification of the install...have not rec'd my first bill yet but am concerned.

Be very wary. My bills have definitely gone up since they were installed. I think these things should have been checked at installation not 12 months later. Are we living in Russia or what?

Charlee, TXU sends you the bill, but Oncor owns the wires and the meters. I'd bet money that many of the people complaining about the meters haven't bothered to discover that the electricity market in Texas has allowed them to shop for lower rates for 8 years now.

Sue them.


A SmartMeter is a black box with software that converts incoming electricity use into data that TXU uses to charge you. Unlike the currrent meters that go round and round - that you can count the use from one month to the next wiht SmartMeter there is no way for the customer to be sure that they are not being overcharged.
Software can be written to do almost anything. The SmartMeter is a method to charge more to every customer.......

A SmartMeter is a black box with software that converts incoming electricity use into data that TXU uses to charge you. Unlike the currrent meters that go round and round - that you can count the use from one month to the next wiht SmartMeter there is no way for the customer to be sure that they are not being overcharged.
Software can be written to do almost anything. The SmartMeter is a method to charge more to every customer.......

I just checked and they installed a Smart meter at my house sometime over the past few weeks. The reading shows about 700kw used since the reading on my previous bill, which was almost a month ago...that's normal usage based on looking at my bills the past few months. I'll be interested to see what my bill is for this month. Should be about the same. We have gas heating so the elec usage doesn't spike in the winter. I wonder how many houses in Dallas have gas heat compared to electric heat. Oncor is saying the reason for the big spike is due to colder weather. But if you have gas heat that shouldn't matter. I certainly don't trust the power companies, or the Perry Utility Commission.

These smart meters will assume you are guilty and you must prove your innocence if their is a dispute. For example, lets say Mr. Prostitute Perry decides to use them for political reasons and multiply all opponets useage by 30%. How could you prove your innocent. This is no difference than red light camers and electronic toll roads.

Smart meters don't have to end up costing you more money. I have a brother in AZ who was paying 5 cents/kwh off-peak and 14 cents/kwh on-peak. During peak hours, his A/C was almost always off. To partially compensate, he pre-chilled the house in the AM before the rates spiked. He & his wife also waited to do laundry until after 5 PM when the rates dropped.

Changing the temp settings on your thermostat and, for those of us with a pool, the time at which the pumps run can end up saving money with a smart meter.

However, if you want to run the A/C, the pool pumps, your home computers, and have all your lights on during the summer heat, be prepared to pay.

We live on Lake Texoma and have had a smart meter for some time. The bill for January was three times higher than it has ever been. Part of the billing period no one was home for a week. Our house is all electric, but "green" regarding insulation, two-stage zoned heat pumps, and high intensity, low voltage lighting. One zone is shut down since it is for guests and we haven't had guests since two days at Christmas. Our neighbors have had similar experiences with double to triple useage bills. Our second residence in Sacramento is both gas and electric. The gas meter is PG&E and is a smart meter. Guess what, during the same billing period, the gas useage billed three times higher than last year during the same billing period. I am going to start joking referring to these meter as the Toyota meters since it appears they just sped up on their own.

Posted by Rocketgirl @ 3:52 PM Fri, Mar 05, 2010
It doesn't matter which provider you have - TXU or Reliant or others- Oncor still delivers the electricity. I have TXU and just found out they installed a smart meter on Feb. 16. I was at work and they did not leave any notification of the install...have not rec'd my first bill yet but am concerned.

This is why electricity deregulation was one huge joke on the consumer. All deregulation did was install a middleman. These middle men act as nothing more than a billing company.

Has anyone noticed that natural gas prices have plunged and rates haven't followed?

The longer Texans sit on their rea and do nothing, the longer your likely to be screwed!

Call 1-888-782-8477 to comment on the smart meters to the consumer protection agency.

Please take the time to call because the more they get, the better.

Also, go on-line to the PUC website. you can file a complaint there too.

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