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Denton unemployment rate on rise

03:20 PM CST on Thursday, March 4, 2010

By Candace Carlisle / Staff Writer

While Denton’s unemployment rate continued to rise in January, it remained under county, state and national figures, according to information released from the Texas Workforce Commission.

Denton’s unemployment rate increased by eight-tenths of a percentage point to 6.9 percent for January compared to December, according to the data.

The county unemployment rate also increased to 7.8 percent in January from 7.3 percent in December, the data stated.

Texas’ unemployment rate remained steady at 8.2 percent over the past two months.
The local unemployment rates are not seasonally adjusted.

Nationally, the unemployment rate fell from 10 percent in December to 9.7 percent in January.

CANDACE CARLISLE can be reached at 940-566-6889. Her e-mail address is ccarlisle@dentonrc.com.


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