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March 3, 2010

Dallas CM Angela Hunt: Lower Greenville fire a great loss for East Dallas

12:04 PM Wed, Mar 03, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Greenville fire.JPG

On her blog this morning, District 14 council member Angela Hunt writes about yesterday's fire on Lower Greenville.

She writes: My heart goes out to the employees and business owners who lost their jobs overnight. It is such a tough time to be out of work, and I hope they are able to find other opportunities as soon as possible. I'm also hopeful that the building owner will rebuild using the remaining facade as a starting point and that Terrili's and others will be able to move back in after reconstruction.

Read her whole entry.

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Dallas council approves $330 million bond sale

11:51 AM Wed, Mar 03, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips


After some discussion, the Dallas City Council approved the sale of $330 million in bonds this morning to fund a host of projects approved by voters.

Council member Angela Hunt voted for the sale after being satisfied that it won't add yet more debt payments to the city's bottom line in the coming budget.

Budget woes are assured this year
, and Hunt wanted to be sure that the city wouldn't have to cut employees or services to pay the credit card bill.

Chief Financial Officer Jeanne Chipperfield said the city should save about $500,000 this year on debt payments versus the 2009-2010 budget.

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Dallas City Hall Daily: Wednesday, March 3, 2010

5:04 AM Wed, Mar 03, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Dallas City Hall Daily Monitor Icon.JPG

Your daily dose of news and views from in and around Dallas City Hall:

The Dallas City Council will be briefed today on several items of interest.

First, a look at Oncor's response to the power outages caused by February's record snowfall. Lots of people weren't happy they went days without power.

Next, another look at the Love Field Concession Plan. Our Tom Benning wrote about this in detail last week.

Finally, who wants to be on the City Council's Ethics Advisory committee? Glad you asked.

Another stack of resumes for Dallas police chief came in Tuesday. Who applied? Have a look here. And want to take a look back at the first round of candidates? Have a look here.

$4.75 million Bond money that was intended to help build the Trinity River's parks and lakes will be shifted to study levee repairs, Steve Thompson reports.
Those of you waiting to stroll by through the city's grand park by the river may be waiting yet longer.

Have a news tip? We want to hear from you. E-mail Steve Thompson, at sthompson@dallasnews.com, or Rudy Bush, at rbush@dallasnews.com.

Follow us on Twitter by clicking here.

March 2, 2010

Missed today's Downtown Dallas meeting? Have a listen here.

6:06 PM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

So I attended this noon's annual Downtown Dallas meeting where there was a roundtable about downtown's "emerging creative economy."

D Magazine editor in chief Wick Allison asked the questions. AT&T's Lori Lee, Comerica's Jim Weber and Weber Shandwick's Ken Luce gave the answers.

Before we go to the audio (apologies for forks clacking etc.) here are takes from D Mag's Tim Rogers and Walkable DFW's Patrick Kennedy.

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The latest round of Dallas police chief applications are in

3:43 PM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Thumbnail image for kunkle.jpg

The latest round of applications to replace retiring Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle are in, and there are at least two familiar names in the stack.

- Dallas Deputy Police Chief Rick Watson - who heads the Southwest Patrol Division - was the first name that stuck out.

Watson is a respected veteran officer who's been with the department since 1976, working his way up from reserve officer to patrolman and onward.

- The next name that might be known to some readers is Charles E. Ramirez, deputy chief of Fort Worth's south east field operations bureau.

Other candidates include:

- Rick Stone, former chief of police in Wichita, Kansas. Stone was a finalist for the Dallas job when current Chief David Kunkle was hired. He is a former Dallas police officer who was once moinated as officer of the year here, according to his resume.

- David T. Moore, chief of police in Rochester, New York.

- Louis Vega, former police director, Camden, New Jersey.

- Richard J. Palmisano, chief of police, Covington, Louisiana.

- Jose M. Cordero, police director, East Orange, New Jersey

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CM Dave Neumann: Dallas shifting Trinity park bond funds toward repair of levees

1:56 PM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |
Steve Thompson/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

The Council's Trinity River Corridor Project committee voted this morning to recommend that the city front the federal government $4.75 million to make sure a feasibility study stays on track between now and when Congress (hopefully) appropriates the money. Check out the city staff PowerPoint here.

The money would come from 1998 bond funds approved by voters for the creation of lakes along the Trinity, a key element of the long delayed park project. Once the federal funds are (hopefully) appropriated, the money will be credited back to the city toward future design and construction phases of the project.

Committee chairman Dave Neumann took a moment this morning (see video above) to make sure people recognized the significance of the decision.

"Right now, the mode that we're in as a City Council is we are burning through lakes and bond fund monies to sustain, renovate, repair our levees and our levee protection system, as opposed to the amenities and the features of the original Trinity project," Neumann said.

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Dallas requests extension to fix maintenance problems with the Trinity River levees

11:14 AM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |
Steve Thompson/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Dallas Floodway levees photo with green.jpgCity staff briefed the Council's Trinity River Corridor Project this morning on a recently requested extension to fix a long list of routine maintenance problems with the Trinity River levees. Read the memo here.

Staffers said partly because of recent bad weather, there are 28 "Unacceptable" items among 44 that remain to be addressed by the March 31 deadline. City managers hope the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will give the city more time.

Since April, when the corps rated Dallas' primary source of flood protection unacceptable, the city has worked to address 198 maintenance failures identified by the corps. Read Rudy Bush's September report on the subject here.

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Downtown Dallas holds annual luncheon today

10:35 AM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Main Street.jpg

This noon, Downtown Dallas will host its annual luncheon about the city's core.

The topic: The emerging creative economy in downtown Dallas.

Here's what's on tap according to its website: Mirroring Downtowns across the country, the rapid growth of the Gen X, Gen Y and Millenial generations in Dallas is reshaping the way we do business, particularly in the urban center. As this next generation of leadership is groomed, questions arise - What are they looking for? What is most important to them? How do corporations tap into this talent pool, maximize productivity and how do we ensure we deliver an attractive environment for them to live, work, play and invest?

Wick Allison, Editor in Chief - D Magazine and panelists Ken Luce, Weber Shandwick - President, California and Southwest; Lori Lee, AT&T - Senior Vice President-Customer Care; and Jim Weber, Comerica Bank - Chief Marketing Officer will discuss the subject that was first tapped by two national sociological experts, Richard Florida with Rise of the Creative Class, and Rebecca Ryan, author of Live First, Work Second, both providing evidence that a major societal shift is upon us that is most favorable to urban centers.

This shift has made its way to North Texas with the relocation and expansion of companies like AT&T, Comerica Bank and Tenet Healthcare to Downtown Dallas. The number one reason they cite for having made their decision is their employees. Also, the Downtown residential boom is a reflection of this new trend, with Downtown now having more than 6,000 in the Central Business District and over 30,000 in the greater Downtown. So what is it about urban centers that speaks to these upcoming generations and what does this society change mean for the future of business globally, nationally and in Downtown Dallas?

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What will become of Lower Greenville after massive fire?

10:04 AM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |
Rudolph Bush/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Greenville fire.JPG

Thankfully, it doesn't appear anyone was seriously hurt in this morning's massive fire that gutted a swath of Lower Greenville Avenue.

Now the questions begin. What happened? And what's next?

Lower Greenville has been the site of so much tension over what Dallas was, is and will become.

Fights over parking, late night noise and the manners of people spilling out of bars have pitted neighborhood leaders against bar owners and one another.

Yet there's no question that Lower Greenville has long been one of the city's most lively sites, a true urban neighborhood with personality and identity.

The fire is out, but the ashes are smoldering. Maybe it's too soon, but I wonder again what's next.

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Study: Dallas 311 keeps callers waiting longer than in other cities

9:15 AM Tue, Mar 02, 2010 |
Steve Thompson/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

NYC 311.JPGThis report was just released a few minutes ago, so I haven't looked the whole thing over yet. But the first thing to jump out at me is that Dallas' 311 center keeps callers waiting about 4 minutes to speak with an operator, compared to about a minute or less in 14 other cities with 311 centers, according to study from Pew's Philadelphia Research Initiative.

Check out the study here, and let me know what jumps out at you. If you click on the full report, the chart with wait times is on page 7.

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