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«Updated Daily«

Friday, October 09, 2009

Est. 1998

In a move that has many scratching their heads, the Nobel Committee awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to US Pres. Barack Obama even though his achievements are few.

Nobel Committee Stuns Americans,
Surprises WH Staff with Prize for Obama

The New Media Journal
The Nobel Committee stunned and puzzled the world community by awarding the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama, citing, "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." The Norwegian Nobel Committee cited his outreach to the Islamic world and attempts to curb nuclear proliferation. The choice, which left many around the globe bewildered, made Mr. Obama the third sitting US president to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Mr. Obama’s choice caught Nobel observers off-guard because the nomination deadline for the 2009 award came less than two weeks after Mr. Obama took office. When queried the morning of the announcement by ABC News, White house staffers were so surprised that they believed the inquiry to be a joke. At the announcement of the award, there were audible gasps in the audience when Mr. Obama's name was mentioned, as his achievements in the areas cited by the committee are practically non-existent...It appears that instead of recognizing concrete achievement as it has done in the past, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee intended the 2009 prize to support initiatives that have yet to bear fruit, a move that in the 1930s would have seen the committee entertaining the awarding of the prize to a young Austrian who promised to unite and elevate the German people to prosperity in the aftermath o World War I...

Obama Adviser:
Sharia Law Is Misunderstood

President Barack Obama's adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, has provoked controversy by appearing on a British television show hosted by a member of an Islamist extremist group to talk about Sharia Law.

Top Troop Request Exceeds 60,000
The request for troops sent to President Barack Obama by the top US commander in Afghanistan includes three different options, with the largest alternative including a request for more than 60,000 troops.

US Forces in Afghanistan
Leave Base After Brutal Attack

US forces have withdrawn from an isolated base in eastern Afghanistan after a fierce insurgent attack last week that marked one of the deadliest battles of the war for US troops, the NATO-led coalition said Friday.

Britain to Train Pakistan’s Frontier Corps
Britain is building a training camp for Pakistan’s paramilitary Frontier Corps in the southwestern province of Baluchistan in an effort to combat the Taliban presence around the porous border with southern Afghanistan.

Suicide Attack Kills 42 in Pakistan
42 people were killed and more than 100 injured in a suicide bomb attack on a bus in Peshawar, northwest Pakistan in the bloodiest attack in the country since the death of Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban, in August.

Somalia's al Shabaab Declares
War on Rivals Islamist Militants

Somalia's al Shabaab rebels declared war on rival Hizbul Islam militants on Wednesday, setting up a showdown between the two main insurgent groups in an important southern port that could spread across the nation.

Taliban Go Online to
Propagandize US Debate

The Taliban have said they pose no threat to the West, in a move intended to influence the debate currently taking place in the Obama Administration over the future of the Afghan war.

Scientist: Carbon Dioxide
Doesn't Cause Global Warming

A noted geologist who coauthored the New York Times bestseller Sugar Busters has turned his attention to convincing Congress that carbon dioxide emissions are good for the Earth and don't cause global warming.

House Passes Expanded Hate Crimes Bill
The House, tacking the bill onto a Pentagon spending bill, voted to expand the definition of violent federal hate crimes to cover those committed because of a victim’s gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.

Support for Healthcare Reform
Declines with Knowledge of the Bills

The percentage of Americans that generally supports the health care reform legislation being considered on Capitol Hill is just 34% in the current survey, down from 42% last month.

Ethics Committee Expands Rangel Inquiry
The House ethics committee expanded a investigation into US Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), digging into allegations stemming from a restatement of his personal finances that under reported hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Iran Issues First Death Sentence
for Pro-Freedom Election Protests

The first death sentence for participation in Iran’s post election protests was handed down on Monday, an Iranian reformist website has reported.
NMJ Radio
The New Media Journal
NMJ Original Show
This week The New Media Journal talks Tea Party. NMJ content advisor and correspondent Bob Shoemaker and his wife Jen, an NMJ research analyst and content advisor herself, went to the Washington DC Tea Party on September 12, 2009. They filed a first-hand report after speaking with members of the crowd. We wind up the second half of the hour talking Iran and jihad with Dr. Walid Phares, Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
Who Wrote 'Dreams from My Father'?
President Barack Obama wrote two best-selling books, one of them Dreams from My Father. Jack Cashill's examination of Mr. Obama's writing brings to the forefront many questions, among them, "who really wrote Dreams from My Father?" In this documentary based on Mr. Cashill's writing, the hypothesis is offered that surmises the book was authored by none other that William Ayers. his hypothesis is solid in its presentation. To wit, how does a law student -- even a Harvard law school student -- attract enough attention to warrant receiving a six-figure advance on a book deal from a major publishing house? This is just one of the questions raised in this short documentary.
Articles & Analysis
by Ari Bussel
The world stood by uninterested when, for eight years, residents of a small city near the Gaza border could not rest. During the day, their children playing outside or at school were unprotected from a constant rockets bombardment. During the night, everyone was at home, but most homes lacked safety. There was no place to hide, only to run away. Most residents of Sderot stayed, unable to move. They simply could not afford to do so. Several factories had outlets in the area – from food production to textile manufacturing and afforded work for the families. For the majority of the period, the residents of area were deserted by Israel as by the international community. Every so often politicians stopped there for a photo-op, but nothing of substance was attempted.

Rescue Writers from
Scourge of Libel Tourism

by Rachel Ehrenfeld
Paul Williams has lived in Pennsylvania all his life. Yet with pretrial proceedings that begin today, Canadian libel laws now threaten to ruin him financially. Williams is a National Book Award-winning writer whose 2006 éxposé, "The Dunces of Doomsday," revealed potential terrorist threats to the United States emanating from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. Although the book was published only in the US, he's being sued for libel in Canada by the university, which is demanding an apology and $2 million in damages. Williams is just the latest entry on an increasingly long list of victims of "libel tourism" - a list that includes me.

Government Is Not the Answer,
Nor Is Obama

by Dr. Laurie Roth
Ronald Reagan said it best. Big Government is never the answer. It is the problem! It always masks itself at first as the savior, problem solver, and the defender of the poor and most needy. We saw this kind of seduction and bold takeover strategy used by Castro in Cuba, Hitler in Germany, Mussolini and Stalin, to name but a few. They didn’t gain power by stating their plans to control all media, seize all guns, land and food supplies. They didn’t talk about the mass murders and torture to come once the seduction was complete and distraction wore off. They engorged themselves on the societal worship they received while they planned their reigns of destruction and horror. Millions sat back and let them do it as they prayed for them!

Is The Federal Reserve
a Secret Society?

by Sharon Hughes
While the White House claims an urgency to pass healthcare reform, and while Christina Romer, chairwoman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, tries to convince the American people that the $787 billion stimulus plan is working by hitting things such as the $25 a week increase in unemployment checks the now 9.4% unemployed in our country are getting, the facts prove otherwise. Holding something like this up as proof that the stimulus plan is working is, to put it mildly, unbelievable.

Hypocrisy of the Radical Left:
A Call to Action

by Dr. Alan Bates, MD
How could a radical minority be elected by Americans to run our government particularly when that minority embodies values which are the antithesis of our founding documents and their emphasis on personal liberty? Most Americans value honesty, integrity, and self-sufficiency, and care not one whet about controlling others' lives. But that is hardly the case with the Far Left which has reached critical mass in Congress and the Administration. There are two reasons for this.

Classic Insanity
by Dr. Sanity
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I'm sure you've all heard this famous definition of insanity, which is quoted frequently, and is alternately attributed to Ben Franklin, or maybe Albert Einstein, or possibly some football coach somewhere. Whoever it was who said it first, the phrase remains popular because it has a lot of face validity and common sense behind it; and it happens to be a powerful and fairly compelling statement about the intractibility and the pervasiveness of psychological denial and a refusal to face reality as the underlying foundation of insanely dysfunctional behavior. Well here is a perfect example of insanely dysfunctional behavior, and how the Democrats and their clueless leader wish to repeat the mistakes of the past; but this time make them even worse...

Thoughts on the
Hysteria About Afghanistan

by Victor Davis Hanson
Afghanistan is a messy war, but so far it has been conducted with a minimum loss of American life while achieving some important goals. We can argue about current strategies, fault what’s been done in the past, deplore the length of the war, lament its cost, or blame each other for its inconclusiveness, but the facts remain that we removed the Taliban, weakened al-Qaeda in the region, fostered a consensual government in the most unlikely of places, and helped to prevent another catastrophic attack on our nation originating from that part of the world — and did all this with a degree of skill that is reflected in losses that by historical standards are quite moderate.

It's Time to Pay Close
Attention to the Politicians

by Frank Salvato, Managing Editor
I have long said that we, the citizens of the United States, must demand good government over politics from our elected officials. The need for this demand has grown exponentially over the past four decades. While We the People were pre-occupied with the trappings of the self-centered 1960s, the self-absorption of the 1970s, the greed culture of the 1980s and the falsely elevated self-esteem culture of the 1990s, political opportunists and special interest operatives, cloaked in the façade of public service, quietly took control of our federal government. Now we are paying the price of cronyism politics over good government.

Our Unalienable Universal
Natural Rights

by Nancy Salvato, Senior Editor
Prior to people compacting or agreeing to live in a society under a rule of law to which they consent, they live in liberty, which refers to "a state of exemption from the control of others.” This liberty is abridged by the establishment of government. Civil liberty is the liberty of men in a state of society, or natural liberty, so far only abridged and restrained, as is necessary and expedient for the safety and interest of the society, state or nation. A restraint of natural liberty, not necessary or expedient for the public, is tyranny or oppression

US Strategy for Afghanistan: Achieving Peace in the Graveyard of Empires
Dr. Anthony H. Cordesman,
Center for Strategic & International Studies

The president and his new national security adviser have both said that ―we are not winning. Others have talked about a ―stalemate. Let’s be more frank: we may be winning tactical battles, but we are clearly losing the war, and 2009 and 2010 will be years of crisis. Under the right circumstances, and with the right resources and implementation, President Obama’s proposed shifts in strategy may well be enough to win the war. It is up to this Congress to fully exercise its role in ensuring that resources are adequate and are being used to win, and that we do not again fall into the trap of lying to ourselves about what is happening. For seven years, we have overpromised and underperformed. We have spun what is happening into victory while the enemy has gained, and we have sent men and women home in body bags. It is time to underpromise and overperform. The trends in Afghanistan are not good. The decline in our position can be measured in crude terms by looking at the trends in violence, although our count ignores many of the most critical trends in Afghan-on-Afghan violence and are far more accurate in some parts of the country than in others. The US and her allies continue to win every tactical engagement. The fact is, however, that tactical victories are irrelevant if the insurgent sanctuaries in Pakistan continue, if the insurgency gathers strength, and if the insurgency steadily expands its areas of influence. We are fighting a battle of political attrition on the enemy’s terms, and they are winning. US and UN intelligence maps that were issued or leaked during 2005 to 2007, and more recent NATO/ISAF maps issued in January 2009, show that the size of the high-risk areas inside Afghanistan have increased by 30% to 50% every year since 2005. Kabul is scarcely under siege, but it has turned from a city where NATO/ISAF and aid personnel could wander as tourists to one so filled with violence that the U.S. and foreign compounds have become the equivalent of a ―Green Zone.
Books, DVDs & CDs
Featured Book
Keeping a Republic
by Nancy Salvato
This free PDF eBook by Nancy Salvato, the Director of Constitutional Studies for, examines the issue of American sovereignty and how it relates to the continued well-being of our Republic. From the deliberations undertaken during the framing of the US Constitution to the challenge of maintaining national sovereignty in a time of Progressive globalization, Keeping a Republic examines the philosophy and ideology that served the Framers in creating the United States of America, ideals valid to this very day.
Featured DVD
Ronald Reagan:
Rendezvous with Destiny

This documentary examines and celebrates the life and legacy of the 40th President of the United States. Hosted by Newt and Callista Gingrich, it tells the story of the Reagan presidency and the three pillars that shaped his time in office: reviving the American economy, restoring America s spirit, and challenging the oppression of the Soviet Union.
Featured CD
Understanding the Threat of Radical Islam
First in a series of educational and informative audio CDs that provides a basics overview of the threat posed by those who adhere to radical Islamist ideology.

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Interview Schedule
Suncoast Morning News
AM1220, Sarasota, FL
7:05pm CT

The Roth Show
USA Radio Network

5:00pm CT

The Captain's America
AM1220, Sarasota, FL
2pm CT
Pres. Obama
Positive: 51.5%
Negative: 41.5%

Positive: 25.8%
Negative: 66.5%

Sen. Reid
Positive: 27%

Negative: 49%


US Rep. Pelosi
Positive: 34%

Negative: 57% --


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