January 5, 2013

Hagel To Be Chosen For Defense Secretary.  

Laura: Obama is going to pick Israel hater Chuck Hagel for defense secretary. Obama is open and brazen in his hatred of Israel.  As you would expect, Zbignew Brzezinski supports Hagel. Brzezinksi is the guy who suggested we bomb Israeli planes out of the sky if Israel tries to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities. This is a really treacherous, evil being. Actually both are. All bets are off. Israel needs to annex and build in Judea and Samaria and bomb Iran.

Obama expected to pick Hagel as opponents prepare for a fight

President Barack Obama is expected to name Chuck Hagel ashis choice for defense secretary as early as Monday, as critics of the former Nebraska senator prepare to go to war to fight his expected nomination. (Read more…)

Posted by Laura @ 2:20 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 1 Comment » | 168 views

January 4, 2013

E.U. is funding subversion of Israel  


    The European Commission in recent years has been funding rabidly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic campaign groups. Parading under the banner-term of “NGOs,” they have one concerted aim, which is to manipulate international opinion against Israel: Foreign government-funded subversion of a democracy.

Few people would ever label the hydra-like institutions of the European Union as transparent… or responsive to the desires of we mere voters. The EU has long been in the habit of ignoring the will of the peoples of Europe, if their will is not the same as the will of the EU. Its accounting procedures are so lacking in accountability that the EU’s own auditors have refused to sign off on the entity’s budgets for the last 18 years running. And of course the European Court has a long and ignoble track-record of ignoring the security concerns of EU citizens in favour of the rights of terrorists to go about their lives and careers unhindered.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 5:05 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 3 Comments » | 258 views

Al-Jazeera’s “Alternative Viewpoint” supported by Qatar  


Al-Jazeera, which bought Current TV from Al Gore, is not a communications medium in the Western sense. It is a psychological warfare medium, a fundamentalist terrorist communications base operating under Qatari cover. It sets its sights on changing regimes.

Al-Jazeera TV, located in and financed by Qatar, which just bought Current TV from former presidential candidate Al Gore for a reported $500 million, “is providing an alternative viewpoint on domestic news,” according to Cathy Rasenberger, “a cable consultant who has worked with Al-Jazeera on distribution,” as stated by the New York Times of January 3, 2013.

What sort of alternative viewpoint?

Anyone regularly watching Al-Jazeera TV in Arabic cannot help being aware of its Islamist agenda, inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, wo is currently a resident of Qatar.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 4:59 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 2 Comments » | 170 views

Protecting our energy resources in territorial waters,  

Israel Defense

The term ‘underwater threat’ immediately evokes images of a submarine armed with torpedoes. These days, however, underwater threats are much more diversified. In order to spot these threats in time, state-of-the-art sensors are required. The main underwater sensor is sonar, which transmits sound waves, and the reflected echoes of these waves enable the user to determine whether a threat is present and where. It is a sort of underwater radar, except it transmits sound waves instead of electromagnetic radiation.

Underwater Threats

Elta, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), realized years ago that underwater threats are becoming more severe. Seaport and offshore oil and gas drilling rigs have become targets for enemies, and primarily for terrorists. A world leading manufacturer of radar systems, Elta entered this field as it offers a substantial business potential and as there is a considerable demand, in Israel and elsewhere, for the protection of maritime installations.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 4:50 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | No Comments » | 132 views

Syrian Kurdish plight requires independence  

By: Joseph Puder

Once again the Kurds find themselves in a humanitarian crisis not of their own making. Caught between the Assad regime and its allied forces, including the Kurdish PYD (Union Democratic Party), which is linked to the PKK on one side, while on the other side, the Syrian opposition, principally the Free Syrian Army and its radical Islamists affiliates such as Jabhat al-Nusra, is closely ties to Al-Qaeda. Both are seeking to draw the Kurds, who are the largest ethnic minority in Syria, to their side. In the meantime, both groups are confiscating vital supplies destined for the beleaguered Syrian Kurdish region.

Northeastern Syria centered on the provinces of Hasakeh and Qamishli, where the bulk of Syria’s Kurdish minority resides, had remained relatively calm during the early phases of the civil war. The violence between the regime of President Bashar Assad and the opposition has however spilled over to the northeast in recent months.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 2:07 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | No Comments » | 184 views

The Palestinian Authority’s Inconvenient Truths  


Western journalists, funders and decision-makers need to know that there are many truths being hidden from their eyes and ears.

The truth sometimes hurts; that is why the Palestinian Authority has been working hard to prevent the outside world from hearing about many occurrences that reflect negatively on its leaders or people.

In recent years, the Palestinian Authority leadership, often with the help of the mainstream media in the US and EU, has been successful in its effort to divert all attention only toward Israel.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 1:59 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 2 Comments » | 185 views

WJC ANALYSIS – The Palestinians and the Syrian conflict  

By Pinhas Inbari, WJC

A growing number of signs point to the fact that rival factions in Syria are ready for an agreement, including the regime of Bashar al-Assad. While it is too early to tell if these efforts will bear fruit, the mere recognition of the need for an agreement has implications on Syria and its neighbors in the Middle East, notably the Palestinians.

Both the Assad regime and its Russian allies have come to the realization that the battle has been lost and that a survival campaign presents the only recourse to the regime facing a growing budget depletion, needed to keep up the war effort, and the potential advent of al-Qaeda to power with access to chemical weapons. The main obstacle remains the opposition’s staunch refusal to allow Assad to hang on to the presidency even during a transitional phase, instead of standing trial for crimes against humanity.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 1:40 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | No Comments » | 136 views

Israel’s Economy Endures Global Economic Meltdown  

Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought”
Straight from the Jerusalem Boardroom #174, January 4, 2013

1.  Israel’s 2009-2012 economic growth of 14.7% leads the OECD countries, ahead of Australia – 10.7%, Canada – 4.8%, USA – 3.2%, Germany – 2.7%, France – 0.3%, Euro Bloc – 1.5% decline.  Israel’s growth was undermined by the stoppage of natural gas supply from Egypt, which requires the acquisition of more expensive sources of energy (“Israel Hayom”, Jan. 2, 2013).

2.  Israel’s 2012 economic growth, 3.3%, leads the OECD countries which average 1.4% growth, ahead of the US (2.2%), Canada (2%), Japan (1.6%), Brazil (1.5%), Germany (0.9%), France (0.2%), Britain (0.1% decline), Spain (1.3% decline) and Italy (2.2% decline), trailing India’s 4.5% and China’s 7.5% .  Israel’s growth per capita, 1.5%, exceeds OECD’s average of 0.7%. Israel’s unemployment, 6.9%, is lower than the OECD (other than Germany’s and Japan’s) which averages 8%.  Israel’s private consumption increased 2.8%, compared with the OECD average of 1%.  Notwithstanding the global meltdown, Israel’s exports grew 1% at a time when most countries experience a substantial decline in exports (Globes Business Daily, December 31, 2012).   (Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 10:25 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 3 Comments » | 304 views

Report: Iran’s Military Capability “Dramatically” Reduced by Conflict in Syria  


Iran’s ability to retaliate for any strike on its nuclear facilities has been “dramatically” reduced by events in the region, an Israeli intelligence report has said.

According to a report in Israeli daily Maariv, Israeli diplomats meeting in Jerusalem were told by Defense Ministry intelligence officials that the weakening of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has taken its toll on Iran militarily.

The officials said that neither Syria nor Hezbollah have the capability to start a war with Israel and would be largely unable to respond on behalf of Iran in the event of an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 8:28 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 1 Comment » | 191 views

The Sunni Shia divide – not so much  


STRATFOR had this scoop posted on its website today, 

    “Egypt: Sources Say Presidency Consulted with Iranian Military Official on Security:”

    Essam al-Haddad, a foreign relations aide for Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, met Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani in Cairo from Dec. 26-30 to discuss Suleimani’s expertise in exercising control over state security, unnamed sources said, Dr. Jacques Neriah,  reported Jan. 3. Muslim Brotherhood leaders arranged the visit, angering Egypt’s Interior Ministry, sources said.

Clare Lopez, Senior Fellow at the Washington, DC – based Center for Security Policy commented:
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 8:01 am ET | Plink | Trackback | No Comments » | 193 views

What’s happening to the ceasefire  

Analysis: Terror groups resumed development of long-range rockets shortly after Pillar of Defense ended

Alex Fishman, YNET

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is gradually falling apart, but no one in Israel has the time or the will to know what is really going on in Gaza. The defense minister, who is on his way out, does not have the political clout to dictate any kind of policy. The prime minister is focused on the elections, and the last thing he needs right now is an agreement with Hamas. It is no wonder that the Israeli team conducting the negotiations with Hamas in Cairo was instructed not to reach any agreement until after the elections. Meanwhile on the ground, energies are building up for the next round of violence.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 7:36 am ET | Plink | Trackback | No Comments » | 231 views

Don’t count on all those new units in Jerusalem and E1  


By Sasha. Live Journal

Following the decision of the UN to make a cynical terrorist enclave in Judea and Samaria, the status of the state, the government issued a statement encouraging the start of construction of thousands of housing units in Jewish settlements in the area. In particular, it was announced, and the construction of a strategic area between the capital and its largest suburb – Ma’ale Adumim, known by its technical name of E1.

However, according to the deputy of the city council of Jerusalem Aryeh King, the real situation in the E1 region and in other parts of the city is very different from what it might seem from the reports in the media.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 6:48 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 3 Comments » | 208 views

Bibi has no one to blame but himself  

Bibi is hemoraging at the polls. He has been disloyal to his base and it is now being disloyal to him.

Bennett has changed the political conversation from personalities to issues, from promises that will not be kept to saying what he means and meaning what he says.

Dr. Moshe Dann, Arutz Sheva

For more than three years PM Netanyahu has been able to slip back and forth between the Right and Left. He recognized the legitimacy of a Palestinian state (albeit “demilitarized”), agreed to a 10-month building freeze, allowed DM Ehud Barak to withhold building permits and destroy Jewish homes, and refused to accept an official report on the legal status of Judea and Samaria which he commissioned.

He represented Israel magnificently in international fora, especially the US Congress, but did little to change Israel’s basic economic structure, dominated by monopolies, cartels, and the Histadrut. He found money to help Channel 10, but little for teachers, nurses and doctors. Well, no one’s perfect.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 6:28 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 7 Comments » | 216 views

January 3, 2013

Drive to Annex Judea and Samaria Full Steam Ahead  

By: Hillel Fendel, The Jewish Press

As of this week, it’s no longer just another fringe campaign: the drive to apply Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria – all or parts thereof – is now a bona-fide, full-blown national drive, with the support of government ministers, Knesset Members and candidates, academics, and members of the media. This became abundantly clear on
Tuesday night in Jerusalem, when more than 1000 people crowded into a 900-seat Jerusalem hall – after the original location was abruptly changed – for the Third Annual Conference on the Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria (Yesha).Organized by Women in Green, and co-sponsored by the Jewish Press (, the conference dealt with specific and practical methods by which to actually get the sovereignty ball moving and thus prevent the formation of a Palestinian state.

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Posted by Ted Belman @ 10:28 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 16 Comments » | 496 views

Did European Governments Overreact to a New ‘Anti-Islam’ Film?  

Adam Turner:

In September of 2012, supposedly because of an obscure “anti-Islam” film named “Innocence of Muslims,” the Islamic world erupted with violent protests towards Westerners for exercising their right to free speech. Although subsequent information has revealed that most of this violence was actually instigated beforehand by Islamist radicals, often for reasons having nothing to do with the scapegoated film, this has not lessened Western government’s extreme sensitivity to free speech in the West regarding Islam. Just this December, we saw another person targeted by European nations for his critical speech about Islam. …

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Posted by Andrew Jaffee @ 8:07 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 1 Comment » | 283 views

Al Gore: Greedy Traitor, Liar and Hypocrite  

Laura:  A traitor for selling out America to muslim interests and admitting he has more in common ideologically with this jihadist network then to patriotic Americans like Glenn Beck, who he refused to sell the station to on the grounds that Beck doesn’t share Current’s ideology. But obviously al jazeera does. What does that tell us about Gore and his partners? Al gore, a liar who made millions on the global warming hoax.  A hypocrite for making sure the sale occurred by Dec. 31 so that he would not be subjected to the capital gains tax increase even as he has advocated the wealthy pay their “fair share”. And finally an antisemite for helping promote a steady stream of vicious anti-Israel lies and propaganda to American viewers that will assuredly be featured on the al jazeera owned Current TV.

Al Gore TV Becomes Al Jazeera TV

By Daniel Greenfield, FRONT PAGE MAG

So smoothly does the transition of a liberal propaganda cable news network that no one watched proceed to an Islamist propaganda cable news network that no one watches.
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Posted by Laura @ 7:34 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 8 Comments » | 638 views

France cuts immigrants welfare by 83%  


It seems that migration policies of a leading country in Europe, France, are seriously changing. The country is no longer able to hold back the crowd of migrants, many of whom do not want to integrate into the social and economic life of their new home country. The upcoming radical changes for migrants were announced by French Interior Minister Manuel Valls.

After a meeting on the National Immigration and Integration, French Interior Minister Manuel Valls announced significant changes in the country’s migration policy. The government will reduce financial assistance to immigrants, and this reduction will be substantial. Starting March 1 of next year, French immigrant benefits will be reduced by 83 percent. The amount of compensation to immigrants who voluntarily want to return home will be also reduced. If earlier the government paid 300 euros for every adult and 100 euros for every minor, in March of 2013 these amounts will be reduced to 50 and 30 euros, respectively.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 3:10 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 13 Comments » | 1,014 views

WaPo Editorial: Settlements are not obstacle to peace  

Overheated rhetoric on Israeli settlements.

By ,

FACING AN election in which his most dangerous competition is from the far right, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has adopted a familiar tactic: a flurry of announcements of new construction in Jewish settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The predictable result has been a storm of denunciations by the United States and every other member of the U.N. Security Council, along with dire predictions that the new building would “make a negotiated two-state solution .?.?. very difficult to achieve,” as British Foreign Secretary William Hague put it.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 2:34 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 2 Comments » | 309 views

Koch to Cameron: Judea and Samaria Essential to Israeli Security  

“Why would you expect Israel to cooperate in its intended lynching?” former New York Mayor asks British Prime Minister.

By Elad Benari, Arutz Sheva

Former New York Mayor Ed Koch has sent a letter to British Prime Minister David Cameron, asking him why his country chose to criticize Israel for approving new construction in Judea and Samaria.

Koch pointed out in the letter that the Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria is essential to ensuring Israel’s security, especially in the wake of recent comments by Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 6:24 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 10 Comments » | 445 views

US/Egypt are committed to stopping smuggling  

Like I have been saying…

Egypt Prevented 3 Attempts to Smuggle Weapons into Gaza

By Elad Benari, Arutz Sheva

Western sources have revealed that Egypt has prevented three instances of large-scale smuggling of weapons into Gaza since the end of Operation Pillar of Defense, the Israel Defensewebsite reported on Tuesday.
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Posted by Ted Belman @ 6:18 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 3 Comments » | 279 views

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