

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Here's an easy way to tell who to vote for!

Just read this...ALL of it.

No brainer, right?

And for 2016, just stock up on these!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.

The people we elect aren’t the ones calling the shots, says Tufts University’s Michael Glennon.


Arab Muslims claiming to be "Palestinians" is no different than if they migrated to the US and claimed to be "American Indians"

A little history lesson from Kurt Vangsness:
Canaanites go back many years before the time of Christ.

The term "Palestine" had not been invented yet.

No such thing as a "Palestinian" and if there was, the Jews were called "Palestinians" long before Arab Muslims were.

The name "Palestine" was derived from the word "Philistia" and the Philistines were originally from the Aegean and were closely related to the Greeks. Also, the Philistines only occupied a small area in the region of Gaza. The Arab Muslims who now call themselves "Palestinians" are obviously NOT Greek.

Arab Muslims claiming to be "Palestinians" is no different than if they migrated to the US and claimed to be "American Indians" in order to claim that they had a superior right to land in North America. They can't even pronounce the word "Palestine" correctly because there is no "P" sound in Arabic. They say "Falesteen" or "Balestine".

Roman Emporer Hadrian renamed the Kingdom of Judah (from which the word “Jew” was derived), Syria Palaestina ("Palestine") and Jerusalem, Aeolia Capitolina, in an attempt to eradicate Judaism after the Romans put down a Jewish Uprising in ~136AD. This happened long before Arab Muslims conquered the Holy Land.

The first mention of the expression "the people of Palestine" in a UN Document was in 1969, in UN General Assembly Resolution 2535 and the first mention of the term "the Palestinian people", in a UN Document was in 1970 in UNGA Resolution 2628.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Let's take a break from Ebola politics and talk about how to actually protect yourself from it - from Ebola specifically and from any other viral contagion.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Panic time?


The highly respected Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota just advised the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) that “there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles,” including exhaled breath. 

CIDRAP is warning that surgical facemasks do not prevent transmission of Ebola, and healthcare professionals (HCP) must immediately be outfitted with full-hooded protective gear and powered air-purifying respirators.
CIDRAP since 2001 has been a global leader in addressing public health preparedness regarding emerging infectious diseases and bio-security responses. CIDRAP’s opinion on Ebola virus is there are “No proven pre- or post-exposure treatment modalities;” “A high case-fatality rate;” and “Unclear modes of transmission.”

Gay fascism: Imagine what they'll be like when they're more than 2% of the population!

The city of Houston has issued subpoenas demanding a group of pastors turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city's first openly lesbian mayor.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


His writings fuel the biggest threat to abortion rights in a generation.

What if we could confiscate 100% of CEO compensation for all S&P 500 companies and redistribute to average workers?

Each of the 94.5 million workers would have seen an increase in their annual pay of less than $26, and their hourly pay would have gone up by less than 2 cents, before tax...

Ebola crisis: Epidemiologist advises ban on flights, quarantine

Press release: Examiner and other publications report on the affidavit by epidemiologist in Taitz case, on recommended ban on travel from Ebola affected nations. Nearly 900 websites link to WWW.OrlyTaitzESQ.com

Drug-crazed ISIS savages rape, slaughter and behead children

“We stayed as long as we could, hoping for help, but little came. Last week my neighbour, a university professor, asked me to help bury his sister, two brothers and son.

“He was distraught as they had been beheaded and pleaded with me to help find their heads so they could be buried whole.

“We searched as best we could but were told IS had taken them as trophies.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

When wishful thinking replaces common sense

It’s a sad day when wishful thinking replaces common sense, but beyond that, regarding some misconceptions:

Top Federal Income Tax Rate Was Once Over 90 Percent


Renewable energy losing its shine in Europe

Green Energy: Still Short of Puff


The Analyst Who Predicted Germany's Horrible Industrial Numbers Has Another Terrifying Forecast

Germany is killing its economy – and Europe’s, too


European Socialism: Why America Doesn't Want It

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Sentaor Ted Cruz, The Supreme Court, and Gay Marriage


Written by Senator Ted Cruz   
Wednesday, 08 October 2014

The Supreme Court's decision on Monday (10/06) to let rulings by lower court judges stand that redefine marriage is both tragic and indefensible.

By refusing to rule if the States can define marriage, the Supreme Court is abdicating its duty to uphold the Constitution. The fact that the Supreme Court Justices, without providing any explanation whatsoever, have permitted lower courts to strike down so many state marriage laws is astonishing.

This is judicial activism at its worst. The Constitution entrusts state legislatures, elected by the People, to define marriage consistent with the values and mores of their citizens.  Unelected judges should not be imposing their policy preferences to subvert the considered judgments of democratically elected legislatures.

The Supreme Court is, de facto, applying an extremely broad interpretation to the 14th Amendment without saying a word - an action that is likely to have far-reaching consequences.

Because of the Court's decision, 11 States will likely now be forced to legalize same-sex marriage: Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Utah, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming. And this action paves the way for laws prohibiting same-sex marriage to be overturned in any state.

It is beyond dispute that when the 14th Amendment was adopted 146 years ago, as a necessary post-Civil War era reform, it was not imagined to also mandate same-sex marriage -- but that is what the Supreme Court is implying.

The Court is making the preposterous assumption that the People of the United States somehow silently redefined marriage in 1868 when they ratified the 14th Amendment.

Nothing in the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the 14th Amendment or any other constitutional provision authorizes judges to redefine marriage for the Nation. It is for the elected representatives of the People to make the laws of marriage, acting on the basis of their own constitutional authority, and protecting it, if necessary, from usurpation by the courts.

Marriage is a question for the States.  That is why I have introduced legislation, S. 2024, to protect the authority of state legislatures to define marriage.

And that is why, when Congress returns to session, I will be introducing a constitutional amendment to prevent the federal government or the courts from attacking or striking down state marriage laws.

Traditional marriage is an institution whose integrity and vitality are critical to the health of any society. We should remain faithful to our moral heritage and never hesitate to defend it.

Ted Cruz 

[Note by JW:  The Findings section of Senator Cruz's bill S.2024 states:
"Despite striking down section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, the Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Windsor, 133 S. Ct. 2675 (2013) did not institute a new Federal definition of marriage that includes same sex marriage. Instead,United States v. Windsor specifically required the Federal Government to defer to `state sovereign choices about who may be married' in determining marital status for Federal purposes."
In other words, the Supreme Court on Oct. 6, with no overturning decision disobeyed its own ruling in Windsor.]

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Open borders means a constantly shifting menu of diseases and terrorist threats that never go away because the door is open.

Leprosy cases really took off after Ted Kennedy’s Immigration and Nationality Act did to public health what he had done to Mary Jo Kopechne. The top source countries for the disease are Mexico, Vietnam and Cuba.

So much for socialized medicine.

Open borders means a constantly shifting menu of diseases and terrorist threats that never go away because the door is open. It’s as open to an Ebola patient as it is to an ISIS Jihadist. AIDS is as welcome as the next Anwar Al-Awlaki. They are all part of the great multicultural future of the Democratic Party in which Islamic terrorists and Third World diseases battle it out for the opportunity to destroy America.

If an Ebola outbreak does happen, this disastrous administration and its leader may go down in history as President Ebola. But even if it doesn’t, there’s always President Swine Flu or President B68.

And there are always the classics. Three years after Obama took down the HIV travel ban, foreign-born Latinos AIDS cases in New York had risen to 31%. There’s a lot of talk about the importance of spreading awareness of the disease, but we could start by spreading awareness of the fact that allowing people with infectious diseases into the United States has deadly consequences.

Monday, October 06, 2014

Free college tuition, anyone?

“With so many unintended negative consequences, it is important to ask whether free education is the best use for public German funds:”

In the USA:

22 Colleges Where You Can Earn a Degree for Free. Seriously.

11 Tuitition-Free Colleges

Eight Tuitition-Free Colleges

Colleges Free Tuitition

The Colleges Where Tuitition Is Still Free

Starbucks offers workers free college tuition:

Sunday, October 05, 2014


"That a major government supplier of emergency equipment has come out in the open to claim that their sources had foreknowledge of an emergency Disaster Response mobilization to occur in the United States in October of this year is an astonishing development considering what has transpired in the last 72 hours."

"The fact that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) is involved suggests that either the Ebola virus, or the vaccine, or both, have been weaponized."

=====> READ MORE <=====


Saturday, October 04, 2014

The Loch Ness Monster of Politics

Progressives, to be fair, say that the history of socialism isn’t just the Great Terror of the French Revolution, the purges and enforced famine of the of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; the mass starvation of maybe fifty million Chinese peasants in the People’s Republic of China; seven, eight, ten million more teachers, doctors, and musicians murdered in the progressive socialist takeovers in Vietnam and Cambodia; plus throw in a couple more million murdered by socialists – but progressive socialists! – in Cuba, El Salvador, Nicauragua and Venezuela, etc. and so on. They say Socialism can work without killing hundreds of millions of people, and to prove it, they point to places like Sweden. . .
First, Sweden can afford to pay all of these benefits –“free” health care, “free” maternity leave, and so on – because the cost of defending Sweden is paid by American capitalist taxpayers. I don’t want to hear about the few jets or token troops Sweden might have.  ALL of the money made by ALL of the Swedes could not pay for Sweden’s defense against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Good socialism only exists because capitalists pay to defend the good socialists from the bad socialists.  

And Sweden, and the rest of the socialist states, is a fraud for a second reason: All of the European socialist states – ALL of them – are dying. 
Socialism is a Ponzi scheme. In order to pay for someone from cradle to grave, someone else has to do the work to come up with the tax money. As long as you have a pyramid – enough young people working – then you can afford these kind of benefits. And sure enough, that was the case for several decades after World War 2. 

A stable society – not a pyramid but just a column – requires about 2.1 births per woman: one to replace the man, one to replace the woman and point 1 to take the fire challenge on Facebook. That .1 belongs to Darwin – they’re not going to live long enough to have kids. 
Sweden’s birthrate is 1.9. There are fewer Swedes every year. Norway is 1.9; Denmark is 1.7; Canada is 1.6; Japan is 1.4, and Spain and Greece are all 1.3. These social welfare states are dying. Turns out if the government gives people everything they need to live, they don’t seem to want to live anymore – not as a culture, anyway. They’re all dying – all of them – and their welfare states are propped up by importing workers from places like Yemen – where the birthrate is a robust 4.2. Unfortunately, these imported workers – many of them from Muslim countries, where they still do want to live – aren’t Swedes, no matter how hard Sweden tried to make them Swedes. So blonde Swedish women no longer feel safe going out in a mini-skirt. And for at least five years in Neighboring Oslo, Norway, the percentage of rapes caused by the Muslim minority was – 100%. All of them. As the brilliant mark Steyn said: demographics is destiny.  
Bad socialists murdered at least 200 million people. Good socialists are committing suicide, and would have been extinct long ago without American capitalism to protect them from the bad socialists.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Who is responsible for letting America's first Ebola patient into the U.S.?

President Barack Obama, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, and Secretary of State John Kerry are directly responsible for allowing Ebola into the United States, the Center for Immigration Studies Director of Policy Studies Jessica Vaughan told Breitbart News.

Vaughan points to federal law--the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)--which she notes gives the administration “broad authority” to bar non-citizens like Thomas Eric Duncan, the first Ebola patient allowed into the U.S., from entering the country. The administration took no steps pursuant to that federal law, however, to block people like him from potentially endangering Americans.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Please help these dogs

In Thailand, killing dogs to export their bones or skin to foreign countries is illegal. But that hasn't stopped smugglers from doing it anyway -- murdering thousands of dogs to make gloves, purses or wallets. (They're crushed in transit, then skinned and boiled alive!)

I just signed a petition asking Thailand to crack down on the dog skin trade. Will you sign too? Here's a link to the petition: http://www.care2.com/go/z/20987950

Thank you for taking action!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The REAL founder of Islam

By Theodore Shoebat
Muhammad was NOT the founder of Islam. Islam is simply an Arabian extension of a heresy called Arianism, or the denial of Christ’s divinity, which was founded by Arius in the 4th century. Muhammad simply continued the heresy by converting to Arianism, adding to it some other beliefs, and calling it Islam. I did a whole video on this:

Friday, September 26, 2014

The U.S. Forest Service Wants to Fine You $1,000 for Taking Pictures in the Forest

lgstarr wanted to comment but can't think of anything but four-letter words.
The Forest Service oversees 193 million acres of wilderness. In a month, you won't be able to take a picture in them without getting a fine — even if the new rules are unconstitutional.
Here are seven key things you should know about the policy:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

5 Ways Washington Would Change If Republicans Win the Senate

1. Congress would focus on job creation, not wealth redistribution.

2. Joint oversight of the Obama administration.

3. The nomination train will stop.

4. Appropriations would make a comeback.

5. Ending the Reid “pocket veto.”

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Former CIA Asset: Obama is Indonesian Citizen Who Was “Bought and Paid for by the Saudis”

A former CIA asset, Dr. Jim Garrow, is making headlines again by claiming that Barack Obama is an Indonesian citizen who was educated in a school for Imams and subsequently put in place by the Saudis to bring down America.

FDR Invented The ‘Liar-In-Chief’ And Tore Down the Democrat Party And The Country

Progressivism depends upon diminishing the U.S. constitution, the cult of personality, and the idea that big government is the sole salvation of humanity.
PBS and documentary maker Ken Burns have done it again with a wonderful look at the political lives of Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt. But if the series did anything it revealed to a discerning viewer how Franklin rebuilt the presidency on a pillar of hate and lies and remade the Democrat Party into a party driven by purposeful misdirection and deceit.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Proof of Alteration and Forgery of Obama 'Dreams' Book US Copyright Form

THIS just added under "NEW" in "Presidential Eligibility Issues" (right column, scroll down.).

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Death Toll Of Communism

Connecting the Dots on Enterovirus EV-D68 Spreading Among Our Children

Excerpt - By Jeannie DeAngelis, AMERICAN THINKER:
It just so happens that Latin America is home to a fairly long list of scary infectious diseases.  So logic tells us that if people harboring communicable diseases are brought into our midst there’s a good chance those contagions will be passed along to us.

But, if scientific evidence is required, some additional research seems to provide that evidence, because as it turns out my theory that the Enterovirus came to America from Latin America (mainly Central America) is supported by a medical study conducted in 2013 at a U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit in Lima, Peru.  The study, published in Virology Journal, was entitled “Human rhinoviruses and enteroviruses in influenza-like illness in Latin America.”

Although Enterovirus EV-D68 had not surfaced here in America in 40 years, the research team concluded that:
In Latin America as in other regions, [Human rhinovirus] HRVs and [Human Enterovirus] HEVs account for a substantial proportion of respiratory viruses identified in young people with ILI [influenza-like illness], a finding that provides additional support for the development of pharmaceuticals and vaccines targeting these pathogens.
In other words, as of 2013, one year prior to the Obama administration encouraging and facilitating an influx of children from Latin America (primarily Central America) across the border, the U.S. government was well aware that when these children arrived they would be carrying with them a pathogen that accounts for a “substantial proportion of respiratory viruses identified in young people” living in Latin America, as well as a whole host of other viral maladies.

Interestingly enough, while pediatric Enteroviral infections are most commonly spread through a fecal-to-oral route, they can also be transmitted via “respiratory and oral-to-oral route,” which is “more likely to occur in crowded living conditions.”  Unfortunately for those not yet afflicted, “Enteroviruses are quite resilient... remain viable at room temperature …[have an]… incubation period [of] usually 3-10 days… and can survive the acidic pH of the human GI tract.”

That means if little Humberto, who has not yet learned the ins and outs of post-potty hand-washing, shares a doorknob with a kid from Kansas, depending on the practices of the facility, that doorknob could retain the capacity to infect healthy children for the next 3-10 days.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014


1. Barack Obama’s tax return for 2009 posted on April 15 2010, showing him Illegally using SS# 042-68-4425 of Harry Bounel
2. Authentication affidavit of Linda Jordan and E-Verify report showing that 042-68-4425 was NEVER assigned to Obama,
AND WITH THE SUBMITTED Numbers “Records DO NOT verify”
3. SSNVS report showing that Barack Obama failed SSNVS check
and authentication of report by Colonel Greg Hollister
4. Affidavit of Albert Hendershot and Merlins
information systems report showing that Obama is Illegally using the Social Security number of Harry J Bounel !!
5. Affidavit by Licensed Investigator Susan Daniels showing Obama IS using invalid Social Security numbers
6. Affidavit by a senior Deportation officer John Sampson,
attesting that there is no legal basis for Obama to be using a Connecticut Social Security number.
7. Affidavit by Chief Investigator of special Investigations unit of
the US coast Guard stating that Obama’s alleged Selective Service Registration is a FORGERY with a fabricated postal stamp attached to it.
8. Stanley Ann Dunham’s (Obama’s mother’s) passport records showing Obama listed under the last name Soebarkah in his mother’s passport.
9. Affidavit of Honolulu county Senior Elections Clerk that no birth certificate for Barack Obama wasfound in any hospital in Hawaii
10 Statement by the James Orenga,minister of Lands of Kenya
relating to Obama ‘s birth in Kenya.
11. Obama’s biography submitted by Obama to his literary agent in 1991, stating that he was born in Kenya.
12. Affidavit of IT-expert Felicito Papa attesting to the fact that Obama’s alleged birth certificate is a 100% Forgery.
13. Affidavit of Scanning and copying machine expert Douglas Vogt
attesting to forgery in Obama’s birth certificate.
14. An article typesetting and printing expert Paul Irey
attesting to forgery in Obama’s birth certificate.
15 Affidavit if typesetting and typing machines expert Charles Coombs attesting to Proven forgery in Obama’s alleged birth certificate.
16. Affidavit by Sheriff Arpaio regarding forgeries in Obama’s IDs.
HAVE WE LET A Terrorist and enemy of the state in the White House?
?NOW According to school records from Indonesia, whorebama Soebarkah is a muslim, which explains why he traded top 5 muslim terrorists for a deserter,–Traitor, and muslim convert Bergdahl, while refusing to do the same for Christian Foley and Jewish Sotloff and threatening prosecution of Foley and Sotloff families if they pay ransom.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


By: Devvy Kidd
September 14, 2014

No one is required to obtain a social security number to live or work in these united States of America...

"The most common start to identity theft is for the perpetrator get hold of someone's Social Security number, which is part of the system used to record people's earnings for federal retirement benefits. Once a person takes a job in the U.S., the first thing his employer will likely ask for is his or her Social Security number...
The abuse of SSNs is rampant; federal law on the use of this number is being ignored wholesale by state agencies and the private sector. A social security number is to be used only for identification purposes regarding your social security account with SSA. Because so few Americans will take the time to read the law, they allow themselves to be herded by government Gestapo agencies into giving up their legal rights, all kissed and blessed by Congress and the White House. And, if you think that's bad, the IRS shares it's information with 150 foreign countries. A ticking time bomb loved by computer hackers working for criminals.

While some reforms have taken place in a handful of states, all across America citizens are still being forced to provide this easily stolen number for cable TV service, medical treatment, employment, credit cards and dozens of other goods and services by companies. All of it is unlawful. [Emphasis mine.]
Keep at your U.S. House rep and Senator: NO amnesty in any form. NO "pathway to citizenship" in any form. Deport, not reward.