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Les Cockrell: Events to ready facility for community service

08:20 AM CST on Thursday, February 25, 2010

Les Cockrell

AUBREY — The small building next door to the First Christian Church of Aubrey was once a favored gathering place for community events, and this weekend church members will officially restore the facility to its original purpose.

Necessary physical restoration work to bring the building up to code has been completed, and a pancake breakfast and garage sale are planned from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday to help pay for installing the building’s new floor.

Area residents can get in on the all-you-can eat breakfast at a cost of $6.50 for adults, $3 for children ages 3-11 and free for kids younger than 3. The menu will include pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and orange juice, said the Rev. Christal Fisher, church pastor.

Garage sale fans might want to check out the merchandise first, because donations have been plentiful, Fisher said.

“We have all kinds of things for the garage sale,” she said. “We believe that the community will help us take care of the flooring expense.”

The weekend’s activities will continue at 3 p.m. on Sunday with a dedication ceremony, open house and reception.

The building will be dedicated as the Homer L. Coffee Aubrey Community Memorial Building in honor of its founder, church members said.

Coffee was minister of the church when construction of the community building began after the church granted use of a vacant lot south of its sanctuary at 410 N. Main St., church members said.

The building was intended for the betterment of the community and was used by civic organizations and churches. Belew Cemetery Thanksgiving dinners were held there, members said.

A six-member board was elected as the community building committee to make and enforce regulations concerning use of the building.

Community fundraisers and donations helped pay for construction of the building, which measured 40 feet by 60 feet with an attached kitchen facility measuring 12 feet by 30 feet, church records show.

The church’s congregation, which numbers less than 40 people, decided to renovate the building, which had not been used for a few years, and make it available for community events after Northway Christian Church of Dallas donated a new heating and air-conditioning system.

“The whole inside has been completely remodeled,” Fisher said, adding that church members are eager to receive input from the public about the project. “We’re interested in what the community needs. We’ve been hearing a buzz in the community.”

The remodeled building will be used for outreach, education and other nonprofit community activities, Fisher said.

Members hope that nonprofit groups such as the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts will use it and events for senior citizens can be held there.

The remodeled building is the result of many donations of time, labor and building materials. Church members spent many days working on the project, and Northway Christian Church sent 30 volunteers in October to work on the building as a mission outreach project.

First Christian Church of Denton hosted a work day and paid for all materials used, and the Greater Disciple Church donated furniture from the Juliette Fowler community, members said.

Church volunteers removed the old flooring and installed a new vinyl floor recently, Fisher said.

“It doesn’t take long when everyone pitches in,” she said. “That’s the way this church is — everyone pitches in as they can.”

Area business owners also have been supportive of the project, she said. “The local businesses in and around Aubrey have been amazing.”

Those who can’t make it out for the garage sale and pancakes but would like to help the church with the community building project can mailmonetary donations to: First Christian Church, P.O. Box 93, Aubrey, TX 76227.


Side trip

Area residents are invited to perform during a March 6 talent show to benefit First United Methodist Church of Krum.

Sue Knight, coordinator of the show, said no tickets will be sold, but donations will be accepted to help the church buy items for the interior of its new sanctuary, which was completed last spring.

“I’m chair of the interiors committee for the new church,” Knight said. “We’re having the talent show to buy things that we would like to have. We wanted to get some new, fresh things.”

Knight said a surprise celebrity will serve as emcee for the show and refreshments will be served.

“I think it’s going to be fun,” she said.

The show begins at 7 p.m., and any type of talent is welcome, Knight said. The only requirement is to call her so she can finalize a schedule of performers.

The church is located at 1001 E. McCart St. in Krum. Those interested in performing should call Knight at 940-482-3486.

LES COCKRELL is interested in your input for Out & About. Help share information about Denton County events and people by calling him at 940-566-6887. His e-mail address is lcockrell@dentonrc.com .


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