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08:33 AM CST on Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Audra Lane has construction from McKinney to Paisley streets.

Bonnie Brae Street has electrical substation work between Oak and Hickory streets.

Brinker Road has driveway construction from Colorado Boulevard to Medpark Drive.

Corbin Road is permanently closed from Shelby Lane to Bonnie Brae Street.

Long Road is closed for street construction from Stuart Road to FM428.

Loop 288 has overpass construction between Colorado Boulevard and Brinker Road. The two centermost lanes are closed.

Oakwood Drive has utility construction from McCormick Street to dead end.

Piner Street has utility construction from Oak to Hickory streets.

Stuart Road has utility construction between Sherman Drive and Windsor Drive.

U.S. Highway 380 has lane closures due to street construction from Interstate 35 to Bonnie Brae Street.

Woodthrush Lane has utility construction from Oriole Lane to Cardinal Drive.


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