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Denton ISD considers path ahead for budget

06:58 PM CST on Tuesday, March 2, 2010

By Britney Tabor / Staff Writer

Denton school officials and board members will meet tonight and Wednesday to discuss ideas for what direction the district should take in addressing current and future fiscal budgets.

Superintendent Ray Braswell said that throughout the next two days, district staff and board members will discuss five areas of interest: increasing and maintaining enrollment, improving daily attendance rates, making necessary short-term financial adjustments, making long-term financial adjustments and generating revenue.


• What: Denton school board meeting

• When: 5 p.m. today and 6 p.m. Wednesday

• Where: Denton ISD Central Services Building, 1307 N. Locust St.

Staffing for the district’s newest campuses — the Popo and Lupe Gonzalez School for Young Children and Cross Oak Elementary School, both expected to open this fall — also will be discussed. No formal action will be taken at the two meetings, Braswell said.

This week’s sessions follow a recent board meeting where Braswell told board members that a drop in attendance and slower-than-expected enrollment growth for the current year will force Denton to dig into its reserves to cover expenses and find ways to cut costs for the 2010-11 year.

“We’re going to be discussing where we go as funds tighten up,” Braswell said. “We’re going to roll up our sleeves and go to work.”

Board President Jim Alexander said board members expect to hear ideas that could possibly become recommendations for future budgets.

Real stress is foreseen in looking to future budgets, he said, and discussion over the next two days will allow board membersto carefully examine ideas that could make future budgets more financially efficient.

BRITNEY TABOR can be reached at 940-566-6876. Her e-mail address is btabor@dentonrc.com .

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