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Scott Burns

Questions about personal finance and investments may be sent to: Scott Burns, The Dallas Morning News, P.O. Box 655237, Dallas, TX 75265; faxed to 214-977-8776; or e-mail. Questions of general interest will be answered in future columns.


Individuals are on their own now for personal security
When it comes to change, we're all a tad on the slow side. We're slow as individuals and slow collectively, as well. Things change, but we don't.


What's a glide path for a 52-year-old to retire at age 60?
This year, I will turn 52 and my wife 51. Two of our three children are still in college, and the last tuition payment should be in 2015. I am in sales, with a base pay around $100,000. Commissions and bonuses have added another $20,000 to $80,000 a year over the past several years. We moved last year, purchased a 5,000-square- foot home for $850,000 (cash) and banked $80,000 from the sale of our previous home.


Vanguard founder stresses that index funds are the way
At 80, he says he doesn't get enough done. And while ever more money is moved around the world by legions of people with doctorates in finance, he offers this assessment of investing: "It's not rocket science."


Choosing between 401(k) and IRA depends on what you can contribute
I have read about the Couch Potato index investing and about high fees for 401(k)s. I found out that my American fund fees start at 1.46 percent and go up to 2.08 percent. My employer does not match now and won't in the future. My employer approved a regular IRA rollover to take the majority of my $200,000 plan balance and invest in the Vanguard index funds. I'm contributing 10 percent to my 401(k).


Expense ratios tell you almost all you need to know about mutual funds
The devil did his job. He took the hindmost. In the six months between the end of June and the end of December, the mutual fund population fell by 499 from 23,920.


Refinancing house's mortgage may help with cash flow problems


Scott Burns: Main Street savers should get a Wall Street bailout of their own
As long as our government is spending $1.35 trillion it doesn't have, let's ask some rude questions.


Is annuity offer too good to be true?
My wife and I are retired, in our 70s and live comfortably on Social Security, dividends and some CD interest. We have recently received an offer through AARP to invest in a fixed immediate annuity with a cash refund feature that guarantees you will never be paid back less than you paid in. In other words, if a spouse dies, the surviving spouse would be paid the difference.


Couch Potato portfolios avoid disaster, hold middle ground
Sloth was a bit disappointing in 2009. The Couch Potato portfolios can usually be relied on to score in the top 25 percent to 30 percent of competing managed funds. But they had no edge in 2009.


Low-cost portfolio's returns may be average, but its savings aren't
How does one go about setting up an IRA consisting of the Couch Potato funds or another low-expense portfolio? Most financial advisers are at least as interested in their own revenue as they are their clients'. They are not particularly interested in holding an account that isn't generating them "decent" revenue.


Tools for surviving the investment income famine
Senior America has a problem. The end of the money is coming before the end of the month. And strangely, the more savings you have, the bigger the problem.


Getting out of high-cost investing isn't as hard as you think


Calling AT&T: Rebellion brews among unhappy iPhone users


Several choices in changing an annuity
My husband and I have a portion of our retirement money invested in variable annuities, one for each of us held in IRA accounts. We have another in a nonqualified joint account. I have read several of your articles dealing with annuities and what a bad investment tool they tend to be. Too bad I didn't read these articles before we made our purchase.


Buying generic drugs keeps cash in your pocket
Have you noticed that things aren't working quite as you hoped? I have, and it makes me want to hit back.


Lesson for teacher: Don't fall for equity-indexed annuity sales pitch
I have a 33-year-old friend who is a schoolteacher. She contributes the maximum amount every month to the Teacher's Retirement System of Texas. She is afraid that she still won't have enough money when she retires because an insurance rep who came to her school told her that the TRS may not be around when she retires.


Timeless truths serve as beacon for investors
I've been writing a newspaper column since January 1977. That's 33 years, 29 of them for syndication. It has definitely not been the same year repeated 33 times.


For a secure retirement, cut debt, curb expenses
My husband and I will soon join the ranks of retirees. We are in our upper 60s. We have no debt. We will have adequate income from Social Security and pensions – at least for now. But after consulting with different investment advisers about our entire portfolio – mainly a 401(k) that didn't lose much, IRAs and CDs – we have come away with as many different opinions as there are advisers.


Hold on to your sense of humor in 2010
Well, we've made it, just barely, through another year. But it was close, so I'm keeping my supply of candles, dehydrated meals, bottled water and extra propane for the outdoor grill/emergency kitchen.


Equity-indexed annuities generally give a lower return
I sold an equity-indexed annuity to a doctor in August 1996. He put $470,000 into a contract linked to the S&P 500. His annuity value in August 2008 was $940,000, a 6 percent annual return. Had he invested in the index directly, his return over the same period of time would be around 3 percent a year.


Why you shouldn't buy a variable annuity with living benefits
If you're about to make the plunge into a variable annuity with living benefits, I'd like to make a suggestion.


Should I buy a car or pay off my mortgage?
I'm not as wealthy as many of your readers, but I try to do my best to prepare for my future. I am 63 years old, divorced, have two grown children and one 5-year-old grandson. I was married for 12 years and have been single for 23 years. I am only responsible for myself now. I work as an administrative assistant and plan to retire in five years at age 68.


The high cost of guaranteed 'living benefits' income
Fidelity Investments has joined the rush to "living benefits." Partnering with Metropolitan Life, it now offers a variable annuity that guarantees 4 percent to 6 percent distributions from your original investment each year for life – regardless of what happens to the stock and bond markets.

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