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November 20, 2009

The grass is always greener in California. Except when it's been Tased.

12:41 PM Fri, Nov 20, 2009 |  | 
Holly Hacker/Reporter    Bio |  E-mail  |  News tips

Texas has serious California envy when it comes to higher ed. I could open a college trust fund for my kid if I had a dollar for every time a Texas lawmaker or college president lamented we have only three top-notch research universities compared to California's nine. Or that UC-Berkeley boasts more world-class faculty than all of Texas.

Well, Texas, here's something to definitely not envy: Students rioting at UCLA after the University of California regents approved a 32 percent tuition hike for next fall.

Ironic footnote #1: This video was shot by the National Inflation Association, which just happened to be in LA producing a documentary. I know what you're thinking, and I'm amazed, too — there's something called the National Inflation Association?

Ironic footnote #2: The president of the UC System is none other than former UT System chancellor Mark Yudof.

Ironic footnote #3: This week Texas higher ed commissioner Raymund Paredes spoke in Dallas and cited a recent Time cover story, "Why California is Still America's Future." Paredes — who spent 30 years at UCLA — said: "One of the things that works well in California, even during this extraordinary budget crisis, is higher education."

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The entry "The grass is always greener in California. Except when it's been Tased." is tagged: Mark Yudof , Raymund Paredes , Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board , Tier One , UCLA , University of California , University of Texas

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