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The fractious state of American politics

Frank Rich: Axis of obsessed, deranged

If I had to bet which event will prove the most significant, I'd put my money on the murder-suicide of tax protester Andrew Joseph Stack III

John Hinderaker: Dissecting Rich
Ron Radosh: A Rich embarrassment

Lowry and Ponnuru: Obama's assault on American identity

The survival of American exceptionalism as we have known it is at the heart of the debate over Barack Obama's program - and why that debate is so charged

Conor Friedersdorf: Normally intelligent writers go astray
Lynn Forester de Rothschild: I told you so
Damon Linker: Conservatives refuse to see America's flaws

National Journal: Vote ratings show politics as usual

Long-standing ideological divides persist - and have deepened in Obama's Washington

Robert J. Samuelson: Both sides' make-believe politics

People across the political spectrum say things that are stupid, misleading or unattainable and think (or pretend) that these very same things are desirable, candid and realistic

E.J. Dionne: Partisanship reflects fundamental divide
Eleanor Clift: A cautionary tale for giddy Republicans
Victor Davis Hanson: Our record sprint to Obama fatigue
Robert Reich: The enthusiasm gap
John Avlon: Why Rush Limbaugh is still wrong
Joel Kotkin: Obama's middle-class meltdown
Mike Brownfield: White House transparency, in word and deed
Evan Thomas: Washington is working. We're the problem

AP Photo

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi makes her points to reporters after President Barack Obama's health care summit last week


What's hot in Texas and Dallas-Fort Worth
Todd J. Gillman: Senate hopefuls await Hutchison's move

Kay Bailey Hutchison has vowed to vacate her U.S. Senate post, win or lose in her race for governor. The when keeps shifting, leaving those who would seek to replace her in a zone of uncertainty

Real Clear Politics: Gubernatorial polling roundup
Bud Kennedy: Precinct politics may reach boil for GOP
Ken Herman: What's wrong with Perry party at Salt Lick?
GOP candidates on the issues: Perry | Hutchison | Medina

William McKenzie: The non-gubernatorial race to watch

The State Board of Education's socially conservative wing has deserved most of the critique and attention it has received

Scott Stroud: Kinky's exit from political stage long overdue

Kinky Friedman enjoys the limelight way too much. Does he even care about doing good things for the state?

DMN: How tactics trump truth in capital cases

Where does the Hood ruling leave the question of whether former lovers should have tried a case with a man's life at stake?

FW Star-Telegram: Undermining faith in our justice system
SA Express-News: Appeals court should consider Hood case

Steve Blow: All I want is truth in our public discourse

Made-up quotes get passed around as fact in e-mail, and I sigh once again over our low regard for truth these days

And the best of the rest of the world

Mark Davis: Human achievement of an Olympics to remember

It's a good thing to get an occasional dose of commonality and contact with the rest of the globe. That's why I've always loved the Olympics, and Vancouver will rank among my favorites

DMN: Olympics inspire, amaze, amuse
Sean Gregory: Top 10 memorable moments

Michael D. Tanner: Bipartisan indifference to health costs

Both sides seem curiously unwilling to address the most important participant in the health care equation: the consumer

DMN: A road map for going forward from summit
Michael Barone: Dems' strategy doesn't add up to a win
Joan Vennochi: Can America get to yes on health care?
WSJ: Back to the ObamaCare future


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